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Oda restructured the final arc to be shorter during the break, and then said “the true worth/purpose/value of the 5 elders is yet to be revealed” in an interview.

It’s pretty obvious the admirals got skipped and don’t really matter anymore.

I’ve run out of copium.
5 revo commanders (instead of lindbergh its kuma because fuck that traitor) vs 5 elders
3 strawhat commanders vs 3 admirals
Sabo vs akainu
Oda literally OK’d a film shown to 10s of millions of people that shows Shanks embarrassing the admirals.

Wrote chapter 1055 which shows Shanks embarrassing the one admiral not in the film.

Had Greenbull and Fujitora lose to Sabo and jobbers.

Anyone who seriously thinks Oda actually views admirals as top tiers or EOS antagonists is delusional.
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