Exactly! That's completely true imo, that's exactly how I think and feel about it! I love villains that are built up from as close to the beginning as possible, we've had time to get to know them even if it's as slowly as Blackbeard has been, as the payoff should be worth it too imo!

He's currently my favourite villain I've seen in any series maybe? He just really screams "a true pirate" to me and he's so unpredictable, cunning and just dastardly!

I shared your "spoilers" on a couple of Discord servers i'm part of and if I were still part of some others, I definitely would have s
hared them too! Had to share that greatness to others!

Thank you :neesama::blush:
Teach is a great villain but the best one for me is the Millennium Earl from D Gray Man. He appears in the first chapters and as the story continues he becomes deeper character. His connection with MC is also something else. The author wrote the story primarily for the villain because it’s her fav character.


I will never forgive Oda
To be honnest I am in a period where I have lost most of my interest for the raid and the arc, similar to the second half of WCI. The story and how this arc is dragged on have taken their toll.
Oda needed to cut the fat with all the characters here. Instead he introduced the Tobi Roppo and Numbers and Yamato.

Hard to progress much and feel that each chapter matters individually when ya split 17 pages for 3 plot lines