Spoilers are in.
ull summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,016: Target Practice
In the cover, Mother Caramel is swimming in a bikini swimsuit.

Chapter starts with Law sinking in the sea. Cut at the “Live Floor”, Sanji is being bitten by Queen. Sanji is crying after hearing that Luffy lost, we also see the reactions of samurai and the minks. All of them are shocked and begin to lose the will to fight. Kid mock them, saying Zoro is too strong.

Cut to Sanji’s group with Zoro, Izou and Kawamatsu. While Sanji is swinging Zoro around to hit Kaidou’s men, Izou and Kawamatsu mention how the information is successfully discouraging their side although they have no idea whether it’s true or not.

Cut back to the “Live Floor”, Queen says he’s done playing with Chopper. Perospero uses a new attack called "Candy Shower" (kanji is "Shumatsu no Ame" (Ending Rain)) shooting a huge amount of candy arrows at everyone in the room.

Queen attacks Chopper at the same time. Some sharp mechanical fangs grows from Queen's teeth. Suddenly, Sanji enters and kicks Queen’s face with his "Diable Jambe", breaking all the fangs in Queen's mouth.

In an amazing double page, Sanji uses a new attack called “Rotisserie” to spin Queen’s neck around his body. This spin blocks all of Perospero’s arrows (that now hurt Queen) and finally Queen hits Perospero unintentionally, blowing him away.

Sanji complements Chopper for holding himself against Queen until now. Chopper is crying that Luffy loses.

Sanji: "Stop crying idiot! You don’t remember how many times we saw the “miracles” happened?"

Sanji then gives Zoro to Chopper (well, Sanji kicks Zoro to Chopper).

Sanji: "When this guy will be healed, he might worth around 10 men."

Zoro wakes up after listen Sanji.

Zoro: "I worth for 2,000 men!!"

Sanji: "Leave this dinosaur to me."

Queen: "Judge’s son!!"

People are confused why Sanji hasn’t lost the will to fight.

Marco: "That’s why I like you guys!!"

Cut to the 1st floor roof, we can see Kiku and Kanjuurou in the ground. Momonosuke and Shinobu are running away. Kaidou is about to follow them but he’s stabbed in the leg by Kinemon, whose head is all bloodied.

Flashback to when Kinemon decided he has to act as Momonosuke’s father to conceal his true identity. We can see he had troubles saying Momonosuke’s name without adding "-sama" at the end (Raizou laughed at him). But they both practiced together until they can casually call each other "father" and "son".

Back to the present. Kaidou asks Kinemon what is the point of this struggling. He should just accept his defeat and die like a warrior. Kaidou then grabs a katana (it seems is Kiku's sword or the one that fake Oden used to stab Kiku) and stabs Kinemon, piercing his back and his abdomen.

Cut to Momonosuke, he is carrying the frog "Mary" from last chapter with him. It is revealed that the voice Momonosuke heard was Luffy’s voice, and Luffy asked him to tell everyone something. Momonosuke then uses the frog to broadcast his voice around Onigashima.

Momonosuke: "This is Momonosuke! I am relaying Luffy’s message to you all.
Luffy is still alive and he said he will definitely come back!! So please keep on fighting!
I know it’s hard and painful but please fight!!"

As Momonosuke says these words, we see the reaction of some characters when hearing him. We see Hyo with one of the Yakuza bosses, Yamato, Raizou fighting Fukurokuju and Jinbe smiling. We also see that Luffy talked to Momonosuke unconsciously while he was sinking, becouse his eyes are shaded in black. Momonosuke ends.

Momonosuke: "Luffy will definitely win!!!"

After Momonosuke's final words, we see in another impressive double page how all the samurais and their allies regain their will to fight (and Sanji fighting Queen in the background). We see Franky smiling, Chopper crying with joy, Brook and Robin confident in their fight, and Kid smiling too. We also see Who's Who angry and King looking at everyone.

Kaidou catches up with Momonosuke and Shinobu and corners them against the rocks at the edge of the island. Shinobu uses her "Juku Juku no Jutsu" and destroys the rocks, causing both her and Momonosuke to fall off the island while Kaidou watches them.

Cut now to the sea, Luffy was founded by Law's crew. It seems they also hear Luffy's voice so that's why they manage to find him.

Cut to Nami, Usopp, and Tama, they are running down a castle hallway. Nami observes her Clima-Tact, we see that a face has appeared in the center of the weapon and starts talking to her. The face is Zeus' face, who has somehow survived Big Mom and now has "fused" with Nami's Clima-Tact.

Cut to Big Mom Vs. Kid, Law arrives before Kid and Big Mom. Law says that after he's been with Luffy for a long time, strangely he now feels that they can count on Luffy to do something.

Kid: "Trafalgar!! Are you getting in my way!!?"

Law: "Grow up, Eustass-ya... Let's start a temporary alliance!!"

Cut to Kaidou, he's still outside of Onigashima's dome. Suddenly, Yamato appears on top of the dome and shouts down at Kaidou.

Yamato: "Kaidou!!"

Kaidou: "You are supposed to call me "father", Yamato...!!"

Yamato: "I'm here to cut my bond with you!!!"

End of chapter.
Gosu has ended omg i just saw it in naver. It's a complete shonen manhwa. While AoT somewhat flops and Tower of God somewhat drag, Gosu manage to be concise, explosive, heart-rending, and badass at the same time. I'll reread it tens of times omg
Really?! I was waiting for that to happen for a long time tbh. Put it on hold a year back so that I can binge the rest of the chapters. Looks like it's about time. :myman:

ToG still Goat tho :beckmoji:


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
? those are the facts judge loves hi son
bounty increases
suit that protects his fragile body
:finally:best dad
I mean he doesn't train like Zoro or Luffy, can you really blame the poor guy for tryna protect his "fragile body"???
Imagine if Sanji start training, Luffy will have to step down aside as captain :cheers: