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Katakuri is one of the few good things from WCI.
WCI is actually not that bad of an arc at all in terms of content. The problem was that it was 80 chapters.

- Kata
- Cracker
- BMs wacky ass personality
- all of the sibling powers
- Jinbe and his ship surfing
- Sulong
- Brook!!!!!
- Germa (as an idea)

- Nobody fought save for Luffy, Sanji did gimp Oven though
- Jinbe stayed behind (again!)
- 80 chapters, and yet we still have characters hidden behind silhouettes/unknown powers (Compote, Snack, Decuplet devil fruit, etc)
- Poor Chopper
- Germa sons/Judge ended up being pretty stupid. Honestly thought they were going to be the main villains of the arc for about 30 chapters until we found out what Oda was doing with them.

Overall, Wano has fixed a few things I disliked about the arc (abrupt ending/BM is being dealt with still, Chopper getting some stuff, but not enough), but there are things that still just peeve me about it. Maybe they are endgame forces at the end of this arc or BM has some further role with Elbaf (which people will be angry about lo), but I massively dislike the hyping of Smoothie, Compote, Snack, etc and which then entirely lead to nothing so far lol.

Nothing can fix WEEEEEEEEEEDING CAKE though.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Police officer
No nose
Can’t get real girls
Weakest z fighter

The Wings of the pirate king Sanji:
Has Nami, Viola, Pudding and Black Maria
Crucial to the protagonist
On par with Zoro
Better hair
krilli was mouth with bulma

ps: nami has usoop, zoro, jinbei or franky before sanji the cook. Viola is the young master real tenryubito and black maria is a joke when she says than he is a loser:cantseeme::cantseeme::cantseeme:
WCI is actually not that bad of an arc at all in terms of content. The problem was that it was 80 chapters.

- Kata
- Cracker
- BMs wacky ass personality
- all of the sibling powers
- Jinbe and his ship surfing
- Sulong
- Brook!!!!!
- Germa (as an idea)

- Nobody fought save for Luffy, Sanji did gimp Oven though
- Jinbe stayed behind (again!)
- 80 chapters, and yet we still have characters hidden behind silhouettes/unknown powers (Compote, Snack, Decuplet devil fruit, etc)
- Poor Chopper
- Germa sons/Judge ended up being pretty stupid. Honestly thought they were going to be the main villains of the arc for about 30 chapters until we found out what Oda was doing with them.

Overall, Wano has fixed a few things I disliked about the arc (abrupt ending/BM is being dealt with still), but there are things that still just peeve me about it. Maybe they are endgame forces at the end of this arc or BM has some further role with Elbaf (which people will be angry about lo), but I massively dislike the hyping of Smoothie, Compote, Snack, etc and which then entirely lead to nothing so far lol.

Nothing can fix WEEEEEEEEEEDING CAKE though.
basically half the problem would be solved if we wait for chapters to pile up and then binge read em :choppawhat:
Why Queen > King the Lookout
- Queen is smarter
- Queen has an interesting fighting style
- Queen’s durability >>>>>>> King’s
- Queen doesn’t stand and do nothing
- Better design
- Queen One shot Big Meme
- Kaido’s favorite calamity

And this is why King the Lookout is the most useless character ever. Better than Smoothie?
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