The Boys

Does anyone have any predictions for the season finale?

I think Butcher and/or Hughie will be near death after taking too many doses of Temp V. Maybe they will need to take the real thing?

I also think that Frenchie and Maeve have the strongest chance of dying. Every time I see Frenchie on screen this season, it seems like there’s a death flag hanging over head head. Maeve has been regulated to the background despite acting like an undercover spy, but I don’t know what else the writers plan on doing with her character. It’s possible that she could be pregnant with Billy’s child. After all, Billy and Maeve did have sex. Also we have that creepy comment from Homelander saying he would harvest her eggs.

I am still wondering how a Homelander and Soldier Boy alliance is going to play out. They could legitimately form an alliance and cause trouble for Billy and the rest of The Boys. I also see Homelander’s desperate need for a father figure quickly becoming officer putting for Soldier Boy.

I think the season will end with Soldier Boy’s PTSD being triggered. My guess is that his beam will hit Homelander and depower him. Then Frenchie and MM will release the nerve gas that renders Soldier Boy unconscious. Honestly I want this to happen because I want to see Homelander without any powers next season living amongst the mere mortals.

Finally, not a prediction but a wish. I need to see The Deep floundering on Hannity. I find it so enjoyable when he makes an ass out of himself. Chase Crawford just sells that dumbass frat bro energy.
hate the final with passion, the boys(minus butcher n hughie) made stopping soldier boy the priority over homelander for no reason

ryan basically forgot everything homelander did to him
butcher thinks the best way to make ryan turn out right is to traumatize him
the whole butcher vs soldier boy could have been avoided if butcher opened his fucking mouth
the shot with butcher and homelander side by side is cringy he raped your wife dumbass why r u nodding
black noirs death was lame no reason for it whatsoever black noir was wasted potential
Kimiko is fine being an emotionless murder machine again
starlight powered could only push soldier boy was funny

anw the season was awesome but the final is a 4/10

Lion of Olympus

The Prince of Power
hate the final with passion, the boys(minus butcher n hughie) made stopping soldier boy the priority over homelander for no reason

ryan basically forgot everything homelander did to him
butcher thinks the best way to make ryan turn out right is to traumatize him
the whole butcher vs soldier boy could have been avoided if butcher opened his fucking mouth
the shot with butcher and homelander side by side is cringy he raped your wife dumbass why r u nodding
black noirs death was lame no reason for it whatsoever black noir was wasted potential
Kimiko is fine being an emotionless murder machine again
starlight powered could only push soldier boy was funny

anw the season was awesome but the final is a 4/10
Worst episode of the show by far. Literally nothing got proper pay off, everything is almost exactly how it was at the beginning of the season. It’s like the writers were desperate trying to return to status quo this episode so they could extend the show for more seasons
I think the finale was kind of a flop.

Soldier Boy is bad, but he isn't as bad as homelander. I don't know why the boys wouldn't just let him fight homelander after removing Ryan from the mix.

Black Noir not even getting to face Soldier Boy is utter dogshit writing. If they wanted to have homelander kill him in order to follow the comic plot of Noir vs Homelander, they should have done that after he faced Soldier Boy. Or maybe HL should have killed Noir in a future season. But his character was honestly wasted this season.

I also hated Maeve in the final episode. She honestly doesn't even need to be here.
ryan is a kid but honestly I got a little annoyed with him this episode
butcher is dying at this point , can he just go full compound V?
and yeah as tobs said , kimiko's development went back to the fucking start, looked so comfy killing again.......
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the whole butcher vs soldier boy could have been avoided if butcher opened his fucking mouth
the shot with butcher and homelander side by side is cringy he raped your wife dumbass why r u nodding
thats exactly the type of shit soldier boy would have said

the avi fits
Can I just say that I absolutely hated Frenchie and Kimiko's subplot this season? Out of all the characters in the boys, those two are the ones I am least invested in.
Aside from those two, Starlight amazes me every season by just how bland and boring she is. She's alwqys morally superior, has one facial expression and the most uninspired superpower. Hell, I've seen movies where Steven fucking Seagal emotes more than her.
Can I just say that I absolutely hated Frenchie and Kimiko's subplot this season? Out of all the characters in the boys, those two are the ones I am least invested in.
They were soo good till like 4 episode ago, somehow became worse
I didnt like S3 ending in general
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I don’t think Noir is dead. In the flashback, we saw Soldier boy turning Noir’s brain to jelly yet he was still alive. Noir is definitely coming back. Maybe they will follow the Noir vs Homelander comic plot line next.
Maybe hes the deadpool

Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
Aside from those two, Starlight amazes me every season by just how bland and boring she is. She's alwqys morally superior, has one facial expression and the most uninspired superpower. Hell, I've seen movies where Steven fucking Seagal emotes more than her.
Oh yeah that scene where Hughie turns on the lights and Starlight starts glowing and floating. I was like finally this girl is going to do something. But all she does is gives him a push. I never understand her worth really :/
They were soo good till like 4 episode ago, somehow became worse
I didnt like S3 ending in general
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Maybe hes the deadpool
Could be. All this time we thought he’s a parody of batman but this is their big twist lmaooo

That’d explain how he survived the SB beat down, can casually slit his wrist open etc…. He has super regeneration.