Controversial The defenitive thread about swordsmanship skills and titles.

Not really interested in this debate tbh but my personal take on it is exactly what is stated lol "Mihawk's sword skill exceeds that of Shanks".

Mihawk is referred to as the World's Strongest Swordsman thus he's top 1 in swordsmanship in the verse atm. The aforementioned statement only re-affirms what we already know. However, I don't think it necessarily translates to Mihawk > Shanks. Fights in OP are not that simple & Oda is a complicated mofo and logic doesn't always fly with him.

Roger seems to be a swordsman and I've seen folks bring up that Usopp Gallery panel to justify that which is fair but it is also however important to note that Kaido specifically says Roger's "Haki" was what made him top 1 in the verse with no reference to his swordsmanship. Contrast that to someone like Ryuma who is referred to as a "Sword God" with emphasis being put on his "Swordsmanship". It is also important to note that even though Roger is supposedly a swordsman and the strongest of his generation he doesn't have a black blade which is possessed by those that have reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the series. So why didn't Roger have a black blade even though he had such overwhelming Haki? Plus I don't think there's anyone that seriously thinks Mihawk's Haki is greater or comparable to Roger's, so even with Roger's overwhelming Haki why wasn't he able to acquire a black blade? If his Haki wasn't the problem then could it be that lacked the pre-requisite "sword skill" to be able to do so?

Also I saw someone bring up Yasopp v Beckman, which is a ironically pretty similar to this debate. Yasopp is top 1 marksman/gunner in the verse & Beckman is also a marksman/gunner but we know Beckman is stronger than Yasopp even though the later possesses greater marksmanship. Why is that? Obvious answer is that Beckman possesses extra skills in addition to his marksmanship that puts him beyond Yasopp. Strength disticnction isn't as clear with Shanks and Mihawk but this example proves that it is possible to possess greater skills than someone in a primary fighting style but still be weaker overall. So Mihawk having greater sword skills doesn't at all prove beyond a shadow of doubt that he is stronger than Shanks.

Anyways that's my two cents on this. Isn't really a translation ting. Translation says what it says.
Its literally common sense but majority will only look and choose to understand whats on the surface and what best suites their agenda.


The Rogue Prince
Tf is this argument.. Saikyo can be translated into many nuanced words what does blaming translator for using one of the actual ones faulty just coz you see it as that.. did Stephen come out and take it back? what the hell is this site even an achieve?

if he did call it out then we can talk and then it would explain this even
Stephen wasn't the Viz translator at the start of OP and Viz was known for its horrible translations. He was later made the official translator after which Viz had pretty consistent quality. These translations are his from when he was not a viz translator but doing it for the community.

I'm even more confused coz now the scanlations call Mihawk the greatest and Viz say the strongest
I'm telling you again and again.

Mihawk has not one but 2 epithets.
"Sekaiichi no Daikengou" - "Greatest SwordMaster in the World" or " #1 Daikengou"
"Sekai SAIKYO no Kenshi" - "Worlds STRONGEST Swordsman."

Zoro's dream is to become the Greatest/#1 Daikengou, and he himself interprets it as becoming the Strongest Kenshi.

In the recent chapter, TCB fucked up and used the former when the epithet used was the later. Viz later on corrected it.
OMG, the copium, the sheer desperation that people are now willing to put Shanks below even Vista so as to somehow save him from being weaker than Zoro EOS and Mihawk.

A Kengo (Swordmaster) or a Dai Kengo (Great Swordmaster) are still Kenshi (Swordsmen), if somebody is the WSS then they are stronger than all Kenshis, Kengos and Dai Kengos. Before people were arguing that Shanks is not a swordsman but OP tried his level best to establish that both Zoro and Shanks are indeed swordsmen by virtue of being referred to as Kengo (Swordmaster) which in turn puts them below Mihawk since he is the WSS.
well some people have comprehension problems, you cannot convince them no matter how you argument or what you say. it doesn't matter to them if it is logical or not.
the matter is when we Shanks it was always about his Haki but when saw Mihawk it was always about his swordsmanship. i think it is already obvious but whatever.


The Rogue Prince
Even if it is true, the difference is Yasopp's a better shot. Mihawk is the Strongest Swordsman.

Who's a better marksman is determined by who can accurately shoot a farther target.
Who's the WSS is decided by who beats tthe current WSS in a duel (how Zoro aims to take the title).

In Yasopp's vc, his marksmanship is hyped by his ability to shoot even antennae off of an ant, etc,. It has nothing to do with proving superiority in 1v1 duel.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Not going into the "shanks vs mihawk" debate, because I'm just chilling watching y'all go at each other, but Yasopp's marksmanship is often stated as worldly renowned in vivre cards, etc.
Meanwhile we just learned that Beckmann uses some rifle to fight, despite the fact that we only saw using his gun as a baseball bat, except for the RED movie.
He pointed the gun at Kizaru, but Roux shot the thug in the flashback, etc.
Trying to say that Yasopp is not a better shooter than Beckmann, just to preserve the argument for the Shanks vs Mihawk debate, is kinda wack, IMO.

Anyway, gonna let you all go back to the fandom war.
Not going into the "shanks vs mihawk" debate, because I'm just chilling watching y'all go at each other, but Yasopp's marksmanship is often stated as worldly renowned in vivre cards, etc.
Meanwhile we just learned that Beckmann uses some rifle to fight, despite the fact that we only saw using his gun as a baseball bat, except for the RED movie.
He pointed the gun at Kizaru, but Roux shot the thug in the flashback, etc.
Trying to say that Yasopp is not a better shooter than Beckmann, just to preserve the argument for the Shanks vs Mihawk debate, is kinda wack, IMO.

Anyway, gonna let you all go back to the fandom war.
Yeah I know, Yasop may have better marksmanship than Ben, but it isnt enough to make him the World Greatest/Strongest Marksman. Mihawk has both the Swordmanship and title. So no matter how much Shanks haki might be stronger, Mihawk's swordmanship and other abilities makes up for it and make Mihawk on average the stronger swordman abeit not that much.
As for Shanks is a swordman or not, eh i'm not getting into that discussion.


Nothing i can said hasnt already been said by others like @ConquistadoR and better:pepecroc:
I'm too deep into this shit that may or may not backfire horribly like ZKK anyways :pepebuggy:
Hey you can still start trolling and instituting stuff between both sides like me
I'm the only winner here I get to enjoy chaos
But actually Mihawk>Shanks
Hey you can still start trolling and instituting stuff between both sides like me
I'm the only winner here I get to enjoy chaos
But actually Mihawk>Shanks
Ya it's been a fun week. Feels like forever since i'm actually happy with a OP chapter for once, and have something to believe, to invest into (Mihawk>=Shanks):pepehawk:
But knowing Oda's tendancy to fuck everything i care and believe in sideways, ...:pepemotion:


Talent is something you make bloom.
Nothing i can said hasnt already been said by others like @ConquistadoR and better:pepecroc:
I'm too deep into this shit that may or may not backfire horribly like ZKK anyways :pepebuggy:
I think Mihawk>Shanks is a much safer bet than ZKK.
Wouldn't worry too much about this one.

Unless the Straw Hats fight Cross Guild before the Red Hair Pirates.
In which case I would worry a lot.


Oda can clown on Mihawk and make him sweat from seeing Kizaru or something. I'm embracing myself from the worst now :josad:
Don't forget introducing 50 side characters during the eventual Zoro vs Mihawk clash.

You'll have to see hordes of retarded characters no gives a shit about and having Zoro vs Mihawk fight rushed because of it.