Character Discussion The fake hero: Monkey D. Luffy


Zoro Worshipper
Then what is the point of oda persisting with joyboy messiah plotlines if they do not care?
That's because Oda's personality is one that craves for happy twists for the most part.

He wants the populations of the world to be saved by Luffy but Luffy doesn't seem to care about being defined as a hero despite he cares about saving people. The concepts can look the same but not really, that was just my point.
That's because Oda's personality is one that craves for happy twists for the most part.

He wants the populations of the world to be saved by Luffy but Luffy doesn't seem to care about being defined as a hero despite he cares about saving people. The concepts can look the same but not really, that was just my point.
How are they saved by luffy if luffy is willing to destroy the system that keeps most places at relative order?
Luffy has gone back on his convictions so many times. Luffy said he was never going to run and he ran against katakuri. Luffy said that he was never going to lose and he lost to cracker and kaido.
That's the equivalent of saying that Zoro lost already multiple times (Kuma, Yeti Cool Brothers, Lucci, Enel, etc) so his promise to Luffy back then in Baratie was a joke. The thing is that Zoro never lost his "official" duels, so he is still in the good path.

Same here. Luffy lost some rounds against some villains but the final one was his, and that was the most important and the one that matters. Same with running from Katakuri, a temporal retreat until the last round where he won.

I understand that people will think Oda is making up some nonsense here, but that is his logic after all.

I do not understand how everyone that allies with luffy in the one piece world looks at him as a messiah.
In the same way there are ppl IRL who can make tons of people follow them blindly because of their charm, and Luffy has his own charm. It's a pretty accurate depiction of reality.
That's the equivalent of saying that Zoro lost already multiple times (Kuma, Yeti Cool Brothers, Lucci, Enel, etc) so his promise to Luffy back then in Baratie was a joke. The thing is that Zoro never lost his "official" duels, so he is still in the good path.

Same here. Luffy lost some rounds against some villains but the final one was his, and that was the most important and the one that matters. Same with running from Katakuri, a temporal retreat until the last round where he won.

I understand that people will think Oda is making up some nonsense here, but that is his logic after all.

In the same way there are ppl IRL who can make tons of people follow them blindly because of their charm, and Luffy has his own charm. It's a pretty accurate depiction of reality.
The point is this: Why does an author need to highlight the hero thing when luffy does not care or acts as such? Luffy does not have character growth or character evolution. Many people can see it but when it goes against the story and the achievement itself then it becomes problematic.

What difference would it make if luffy was or was not wanked by people as heroes if he himself does not consider himself one or thinks that he fits any of the requirements?

Luffy is disgracing his own portrayal which becomes questionable writing

Zoro gave up on his wss dream as his primary goal.


When were you under the impression this game is..
I do not understand why people believe that luffy is a good guy and the marines are evil. Luffy has gone back on his convictions so many times. Luffy said he was never going to run and he ran against katakuri. Luffy said that he was never going to lose and he lost to cracker and kaido.
How do this make him not a “good guy” though?
I do not understand why people believe that luffy is a good guy and the marines are evil. Luffy has gone back on his convictions so many times. Luffy said he was never going to run and he ran against katakuri. Luffy said that he was never going to lose and he lost to cracker and kaido.

I do not understand how everyone that allies with luffy in the one piece world looks at him as a messiah. Even kaido was waiting for joyboy which makes luffys accomplishments as a pirate cheap.

Literally I am so tired with luffy being put in a pedestal. It is almost as worse as oda is trying to make yamato a likeable character for me.

What do tou guys think? Do you find it problematic how lyffy a pirate is held in messianic regard by everyone even when he shows dishonorable acts?
Luffy is not a hero. He said so himself. He does not want to be a hero. He is a pirate.
I do not understand why people believe that luffy is a good guy and the marines are evil. Luffy has gone back on his convictions so many times. Luffy said he was never going to run and he ran against katakuri. Luffy said that he was never going to lose and he lost to cracker and kaido.

I do not understand how everyone that allies with luffy in the one piece world looks at him as a messiah. Even kaido was waiting for joyboy which makes luffys accomplishments as a pirate cheap.

Literally I am so tired with luffy being put in a pedestal. It is almost as worse as oda is trying to make yamato a likeable character for me.

What do tou guys think? Do you find it problematic how lyffy a pirate is held in messianic regard by everyone even when he shows dishonorable acts?
Luffy saved Nami from Arlong,Alabasta from Crocodile,Fishman Island,Dressrosa...Luffy did more good than wrong.
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In RPG terms he is chaotic good.
Luffy has inspired many dishonorable pirates to set free and cause havoc. Bellamy in skypiea Bartolomeo etc. Luffy released impel down prisoners who will inevitably do damage to the world.
Only thing that luffy inspired bellamy to do is to go find skypia and what we can see is he did nothing to them.
Luffy isn't a saint only thing cared about in impel down was freeing ace and worse of the pirates that were freed it wasnt luffy it was by black beard something that he planned to do all along, luffy doesnt look at the bigger picture and thats not a problem because thats who he is and don't see how any of this effects the loyalty of his allies.
Luffy ram from katakuri while stealing brulee someone who is notably weaker than both of them. I do not know how you can greenlight blackmailing but Lol.
Blackmailing? He grabbed Brulee to get out of the mirror world that's all.
Enel got tired of fighting so he left
No he got his ass kicked and wimped away to the moon, he treated himself as God and he got beaten by a teenager with a straw hat, his fighting spirit got destroyed by luffy.
Dragon saved him from smoker.
What exactly does this have to do with anything.
Crocodile lost interest in fighting him because robin did not give him the hints of pluton.
That's sounds like headcanon bullshit.
Katakuri could have ended him but took a break. not fair considering katakuri should have a great coo.
He thought he did but he didnt know something luffy can eat shit ton of food again it the
If you can not find hypocrisy in any of this then you are a delusional fanboy.
Oh so your taint luffys achievement so you can say the good will he get from his allies but here the thing all of this augment doesn't matter he chose to help them and him and his crew beat the baddies who tried destroy/inslave their island and people ,these fights are life and death fight between pirates/evil people if luffy needs to play dirty it doesn't matter or the win isn't a clean win doesn't fucking matter he saved them.
Then what is the point of oda persisting with joyboy messiah plotlines if they do not care?
Oh you think joy boy is a saint and your using your head cannon to criticisize luffy but only thing that we know he he did something crazy to make roger laugh and he broke a promise with the fishman when he was alive , dont use headcanon about plot we don't jack shit about to criticisize one piece .
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Only thing that luffy inspired bellamy to do is to go find skypia and what we can see is he did nothing to them.
Luffy isn't a saint only thing cared about in impel down was freeing ace and worse of the pirates that were freed luffy wasn't they were freed by black beard something that he planned to do all along, luffy doesnt look at the bigger picture and thats not a problem because that who he is and don't see how any of this effects the loyalty of his allies.

Blackmailing? He grabbed Brulee to get out of the mirror world that's all.

No he got his ass kicked and wimped away to the moon, he treated himself as God and he got beaten by a teenager with a straw hat, his fighting spirit got destroyed by luffy.

What exactly does this have to do with anything.

That's sounds like headcanon bullshit.

He thought he did but he didnt know something luffy can eat shit ton of food again it the

Oh so your taint luffys achievement so you can say the good will he get from his allies but here the thing all of this augment doesn't matter he chose to help them and him and his crew beat the baddies who tried destroy/inslave their island and people ,these fights are life and death fight between pirates/evil people if luffy needs to play dirty it doesn't matter or the win isn't a clean win doesn't fucking matter he saved them.

Oh you think joy boy is a saint and your using your head cannon to criticisize luffy but only thing that we know he he did something crazy to make roger laugh and he broke a promise with the fishman when he was alive , dont use headcanon about plot we don't jack shit about to criticisize one piece .
I do not think joyboy is a saint however i do not understand the need of having luffy being hyped up as a hero or the chosen one for people's solution.

Luffy never had this as his intention nor does he care which makes it more and more redundant.

If you want to talk about a hero there is Koby. Surely he stands for all the righteous things in principle and wants to change the system from within. Luffy is an anarchist who wants to do what he pleases or what he sees self-ethically fit through force.

The rest is just you being a delusional fanboy and negating the story.
The point is this: Why does an author need to highlight the hero thing when luffy does not care or acts as such? Luffy does not have character growth or character evolution. Many people can see it but when it goes against the story and the achievement itself then it becomes problematic.

What difference would it make if luffy was or was not wanked by people as heroes if he himself does not consider himself one or thinks that he fits any of the requirements?

Luffy is disgracing his own portrayal which becomes questionable writing

Zoro gave up on his wss dream as his primary goal.
Precisely because of that he is highlightning Luffy as a hero, because the definition of a hero for him is like what is Luffy, someone who doesnt see himself as a hero but do hero stuff.

Zoro didnt give up his dream wtf, he was willing to if necessary.
I do not think joyboy is a saint however i do not understand the need of having luffy being hyped up as a hero or the chosen one for people's solution.

Luffy never had this as his intention nor does he care which makes it more and more redundant.
So the problem is you don't know what oda is goner do with the story so your asking fans who also don't know what oda is goner do and asking them why is oda writing story like this ?
The rest is just you being a delusional fanboy and negating the story
how is me asking how is luffy using brulee to get out of the mirror world and not using her ever again blackmail or what exactly does dragon rescuing luffy to do with anything ,make me delusional fanboy, also great defence for you weak augments just call me a delusional fanboy.
So the problem is you don't know what oda is goner do with the story so your asking fans who also don't know what oda is goner do and asking them why is oda writing story like this ?
how is me asking how is luffy using brulee to get out of the mirror world and not using her ever again blackmail or what exactly does dragon rescuing luffy to do with anything ,make me delusional fanboy, also great defence for you weak augments just call me a delusional fanboy.
My problem is that when luffy does not care about it it becomes redundant. It is like reading a story that happens inspite of the mc which is not good.

Katakuri said lay off your hands of my sister. For someone who vowed to never run again that is a bit disingenuous don't ya think to use the exponentially weaker people to escape?