I couldn't have said it/asked for better
@Cross_Marian ! I miss the traditional dungeons so much and aside from what they did with Zelda herself and the odd few other things, I absolutely hate BOTW. I've not even played it BUT I've read up on it a LOT and seen plenty of it too ofc and I am a veteran of Zelda since Ocarina Of Time back in my childhood and I HATE this new direction the series is going in, it's completely betraying it's roots! It's trying to imitiate the open world sandbox fads/trends of gaming for the past so many years now, especially Rockstar and Ubisoft ofc but also Souls-like games and such.
Zelda was some of the most compelling, atmospheric, escapist, fantastical, emotional, thought provoking experiences I've ever had and DECADES later I still literally reminiscence on almost every Zelda game I've played and definitely the ones I've completed too especially!
I watch videos on OOT here and there, as well as some on Majoras Mask, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess and to see the series take this direction makes me extremely sad, disappointed, feeling betrayed and angry.
Skyward Sword was heavily flawed but I still loved it so much, that was my last Zelda game unless you can count Hyrule Warriors which I also loved?
I could write an essay on all the things wrong with BOTW, things I cannot overlook/forgive unlike the other games and why I absolutely refuse to buy and thus play it but I won't. This is one of the reasons I didn't get a Switch and stopped supporting Nintendo, it's so disheartening. BOTW getting a straight up sequel that looks identical is really not helping either, since when did Zelda get numbered sequels?
I heard Monolith Soft the developers of Xenoblade were involved with BOTW and that seems to help explain the direction BOTW has taken I guess too?
Sounds like Shadow of the Tomb Raider but for Zelda lol. Ironically Tomb Raider can be a psuedo-Zelda-like experience somewhat too? Also definitely sounds like Far Cry too? At least from 3 onwards?
I've seen horror clips of players getting killed due to lightning strikes and rain on cliffs in BOTW. VideoGameDunkey has a hilarious video on his experience with it lol:
It's funny, MM seems like the most bleak game for the Zelda series narratively, atmospherically and what not BUT BOTW takes the prize for most bleak Zelda game gameplay wise? I mean I guess it fits with how dark the overall Zelda stories and lore are and how they involved a never ending war/conflict and struggle but this feels like it's taken up to 11, it's just too much imo.
I've always preferred hand crafted levels, stories and even games overall. We're moving more and more towards "randomly generated games" as with the MASSIVE obsession with random loot, random level generation, perma death/rogue-likes, random mutators and so on in games and that's fine for people to enjoy that ofc, but a well established, beloved, long running series shouldn't be trying to jump on the bandwagon and insult it's legacy and loyal fanbase to follow current mainstream gaming culture trends.
I LOVED the dungeons in the Zelda series as you may have already guessed. The Forest temples of OOT and TP were amazing imo, to this day, they still blow my mind with their creativity, fun factor, atmosphere and such! Same with the Temple of Time in TP at least too imo. TP probably had the most fun gameplay and dungeons overall?
Fire Temple in OOT can GTFO though LMAO! It was really cool in environmental design and atmosphere but an absolute pain to play in some parts at least imo. People give the Water Temple so much hate in the "mainstream" but I've always really enjoyed it (although I love water and watery environments especially in games so I'm biased anyway lmao) but the series has had such interesting, unique, charismatic, iconic, memorable, atmospheric, fun etc dungeons.
Spirit Temple in OOT is another one I really enjoyed, Shadow Temple was absolute nightmare fuel with so much to speculate on, especially with Kakariko Village and Under The Well itself too. Great Deku Tree was fun, unique and a creative, impactful beginner dungeon.
Speaking of Twilght Princess too, this still gives me absolute chills too!:
(Beware for your ears though, awful/staticky audio quality especially at higher volumes!)
I do have to say though, BOTW had a brilliant trailer for when it was being revealed and really made me curious and feel for Zelda as she was crying like that!
Jeez, I ended up writing an essay anyway and didn't even write why I hate BOTW specifically but it's not exactly unique/unknown criticisms of it either!
