All of the Straw Hats got split up again, setting off another two year timeskip. The world is in shambles, and a huge war is happening. This is largely because of the secret that got revealed during Egghead, which angered and struck fear into a lot of people.

…I just want the EoS designs, to be honest. :suresure:
I really think this is happening somehow lol. Just enough of a timeskip for seraphim to grow up
Consolation prize >>>> kidd being captured and luffy also being captured for 0 purpose or reason to advance plot.

Blackbeard : "let me capture koby since his life can change the world"

Kaido to asura doji, kidd and luffy: "become my subordinates since I want more men wororoorroroorrooro"
What was the purpose of Koby getting captured?
Was it related to him and his journey?


It was a reason for Garp to fight Aokiji lol.

Kaido recognized Luffys strength. And Luffy went on to beat kaido.

BB wanted Coby to trade with the WG lmao. And he didn't even plan on it. He was like " Oh shit, my commanders got negged by Boa and Ray. We gotta get something to show for the trip all the way to here. Quick. Grab a random marine. Maybe that pink haired twink"

Consolation price coby
What happened to hint piece

Throughout my days here.. I have learned that in the shit storm of trolls there are golden nuggets hidden in between.. Since they are gold and shiny they share that in common.. Match the commonalities.. And you are likely to fit atleast a piece or 2 of the puzzle