If only ignorant people like you would realize that bounties don't equal power level no matter what excuses you make, Queen is someone who destroys islands and countries and kills many innocent civilians there is a reason why he is called a calamity.
Don Chinjao probably didn't destroy that many islands or kill many civilians, also he probably wasn't nearly as active like in the past so the WG probably didn't bother to raise his bounty. As for Sabo he doesn't go around destroying islands and killing innocent people, he probably has that high bounty because he fought with Fujitora during Dressrosa and the WG knows that he is the number 2 of the Revolutionary Army.
Queen on the other hand has been shown to be ruthless and sadistic even to his own subordinates, he likes creating viruses and then using them on people which is why his epithet is Queen the Plague. Queen probably goes around countries and islands and not only destroys them but most likely even spreads the viruses he creates in order to kill many people, so of course the WG is going to view someone like Queen as being more dangerous and will also give him the higher bounty than someone like Don Chinjao and Sabo.