Since the "Zoan DF having its own will" is true, isn't there a possibility of the Uo Uo no Mi going berserk and awakening once Kaido is beaten and (directly or otherwise) admitting that he isn't Joyboy after all? Zoan awakening back in Impel Down seemed to erase any semblance of intelligence and will, leaving only berserkers. This might be the case with ZKK: its being a mercy kill instead of the so called "killing a beaten and defenseless Kaido" so many people have a problem with.
But wouldn’t this just relate into the prophecy Toki gave to the flower capital of Nine Shadows bringing forth a brilliant dawn?
If it was literally any other mindless dragon and not a character I’d be all for Zoro killing this dragon. But the idea of Oda killing a character by a protagonists hands on panel, it seems kinda gritty for one piece.
I understand ZKK isn’t about some almighty feat because mindless Kaido likely cant use haki and at that point it’s just like killing the PH dragon, but I really just don’t think Oda will have the balls to suddenly switch the mood of one piece to this.
But wouldn’t this just relate into the prophecy Toki gave to the flower capital of Nine Shadows bringing forth a brilliant dawn?
If it was literally any other mindless dragon and not a character I’d be all for Zoro killing this dragon. But the idea of Oda killing a character by a protagonists hands on panel, it seems kinda gritty for one piece.
I understand ZKK isn’t about some almighty feat because mindless Kaido likely cant use haki and at that point it’s just like killing the PH dragon, but I really just don’t think Oda will have the balls to suddenly switch the mood of one piece to this.
uhh like is that a problem or am i missing something if zoro uses ashura and kills kaido and he was the 9 shadows and upon kaidos death he brought the dawn...well time will tell if he has the balls to do so it has been stated that nobody could kill kaido even himself,odens goal was to open the borders that meant killing kaido to do so,zoro has enma and has inherited that will all of this is in the story now we just waiting to see if oda will pull it off also i don't think its too gritty oda already told us in 1033 via kozaburo to Zoro:Listen closely a swords like a kitchen knife but for MURDER!! They're created to kill people!!! and a black smith hones his craft so that his weapons are better at killing than any other its not crazy to think with all this zoro may have him pull off this killing feat
uhh like is that a problem or am i missing something if zoro uses ashura and kills kaido and he was the 9 shadows and upon kaidos death he brought the dawn...well time will tell if he has the balls to do so it has been stated that nobody could kill kaido even himself,odens goal was to open the borders that meant killing kaido to do so,zoro has enma and has inherited that will all of this is in the story now we just waiting to see if oda will pull it off also i don't think its too gritty oda already told us in 1033 via kozaburo to Zoro:Listen closely a swords like a kitchen knife but for MURDER!! They're created to kill people!!! and a black smith hones his craft so that his weapons are better at killing than any other its not crazy to think with all this zoro may have him pull off this killing feat
9 shadows not 9 scabbards - one person only Emits one shadow. And the dawn is Luffy as we’ve been shown the past few chapters.
As for the rest, again Oda hasn’t had a single protagonist kill someone on panel. And a beheading or however else you think ZKK is going to take place, it involves seeing Zoro murder a character, which is something wildly different from what Oda does.
The problem with the killing of Kaido is because Zoro is the one doing it.
If Luffy were to kill Kaido, you would see all those who say ZKK is bad, do a 180°.
They would say Goda, Goda, Goda!!!
And a beheading or however else you think ZKK is going to take place, it involves seeing Zoro murder a character, which is something wildly different from what Oda does.
9 shadows not 9 scabbards - one person only Emits one shadow. And the dawn is Luffy as we’ve been shown the past few chapters.
As for the rest, again Oda hasn’t had a single protagonist kill someone on panel. And a beheading or however else you think ZKK is going to take place, it involves seeing Zoro murder a character, which is something wildly different from what Oda does.
Well see thats just your interpretation so far and its valid don't get me wrong but its clear the battle is not about to end and as for the rest this is valid too oda has not had a single protagonist kill someone on panel but again oda is literally giving us all this manga evidence that he may actually pull this off yes its wildly different than what he normally does but wano is def different you have to think as well that oda won't just have it be a murder just to murder there will be a reason for kaido head to be chopped off rather thats protecting the citizens,luffy from all his fighting and being downed,or some other reason i am not thinking of
Well see thats just your interpretation so far and its valid don't get me wrong but its clear the battle is not about to end and as for the rest this is valid too oda has not had a single protagonist kill someone on panel but again oda is literally giving us all this manga evidence that he may actually pull this off yes its wildly different than what he normally does but wano is def different you have to think as well that oda won't just have it be a murder just to murder there will be a reason for kaido head to be chopped off rather thats protecting the citizens,luffy from all his fighting and being downed,or some other reason i am not thinking of
And that’s a valid interpretation. I just don’t think Wano is going to be any different with Kaido defeat as Moriah was.
I think Kaidos going to be defeated by Luffy in Onigashima and falls in the flower capital -> Luffy is unconscious -> Chopper finishes healing Zoro -> Zoro stands up -> Onigashima begins to fall cause Kaidos no longer holding it -> Suddenly Onigashima lurches towards the Flower Capital -> Berserker Kaido with no haki is here (awakened form and mindless) -> Nine Straw Hats hold off Kaido -> The Lanterns come and wake Luffy up -> Scene of Luffy barely standing using Red Hawk to finish Kaido with the lanterns and the dawn in the background -> Kaido falls below the waves unable to move but able to breath since he has the fish fish fruit.
After this is when I think Zoro will have his time to shine as the next Ryuma. It’s stated that Ryuma protected this country from those who wanted it and that’s why the WG feared Wano. Zoro fighting an army of WG agents to keep Wano free will forge Enma black and will end with all the Samurai backing up Zoro (Zoro rounding up Samurai foreshadowing) and ending with the Gorosei being told a one eyed samurai with a black blade is stopping us and they’ll connect it to Ryuma.
I mean, it’s pretty simple, as someone who’s argued for it in the past.
The problem is that it would be unlike anything Oda has ever done before. I’d be the biggest shock in the series since Sakazuki killed Ace. Powerlevels and everything else aside, a protagonist outright killing a main villain would be wild. Oda’s never done anything like it before.
(And no, twenty odd years ago Zoro mentioning killing some goon offpanel in the past does not really count).
The only reason why it’s possible for an idea is because Kaido‘s story is leading up to his death, the importance of Oden to Kaido (with Zoro having his sword), the Ryuma story and Zoro‘s relation to the Shimotsuki. And that this is a big, game-changing arc like Marineford, it’s the sort of time that Oda might break his usual storytelling formula like he did there.
That is the main problem with it. The thing about “wouldn’t it make Luffy look bad?”, that‘s a question of whether Oda could pull it off right. I don’t think that’s an especially relevant point, that would just be up to his skills as a mangaka. The real issue is whether Oda would even do it in the first place.
I understand that we've never seen a protagonist kill a villain and it might seem too hard for some viewers, but I think the context can soften that impact. I'll give the example of fullmetal, hence the spoiler tag.
When Mustang attacks Envy incessantly, we find revenge pleasurable because we sympathize with the character. We mourn Hughes' death, we were sad for his daughter (coincidentally the same happens with Otoko), we were sad for Mustang. Revenge is a human instinct, as morally repugnant as it is, we like to feel that feeling.
Luffy is the personification of the good person, but Zoro is not, on the contrary, we have seen throughout the story that Zoro is the opposite. He was the one who resisted Robin the most and only came to trust her after Enies Lobby.
He made it clear against Monet that if necessary he would have no problem killing someone much weaker. I know you disagree, but he is introduced as the man who killed someone else's pet, killed Mr. 7, and we don't know whether the Wano magistrate ended up dying or not, although what is important for our discussion is the scene of the attack.
i can tell you at least what my problems with ZKK are. You and some people may disagree, but thats fine, its just my opinion. Also, the arguments have no ranking or order.
Zoro right now, in my opinion, is on YC1 level, he might be slightly above King and Katakuri right now, but still in YC1 range and far away of an Yonko. We see the big difference between YC1 und Yonko by comparison of Katakuri and Kaido, specially when we consider how much Power Ups Luffy already needed to fight Kaido. So i cant imagine to kill Kaido would be in any form honourable for Zoro or anyone, if he is (way) stronger than Zoro.
Luffy takes always the W
Luffy has always been the one taking down the final opponent, specially in a whole arc. He is also fighting Kaido so long and giving that final blow after to Zoro, just makes no sense to me. Zoro had his big opponent and even if i would claim Zoro to be way stronger then King, i know he had his fight already, while Luffy is in his. After all, Luffy is the MC and will take the main credit, doesn’t matter how much we like Zoro, Sanji, Kid, Law etc..
Luffy grew so much already...
In this arc, Luffy got already alot of powerups, from advCoA, CoC, fighting style over all, stamina and finally his awakening. He grew so much to get on Kaidos level to beat him, just to have him being overshadowed after that, by Zoro who got his own upgrades, which was used to beat King. Giving the vice-captain suddenly another upgrade to push him above the MC, which got a HUUUUGEEE powerup now just seems to be wrong, storywise.
Out of Character / Loyality
A very big point in my point of view is Zoros character. He is loyal to Luffy, above everything. He gave away his pride to get stronger for Luffy (his claim to Mihawk), he was ready to give everything and even die for Luffy and he respects him as captain. When Luffy wins his fight or claims this is his fight, Zoro wont interfere. And when Luffy already won and decided to let Kaido live (what he always do with his opponents), Zoro would never ignore the decision of his captain and act against this (indirect) orders. Loyality is a big point for Zoro (look at the Sanji-Situation, or the Usopp-Situation), so there is no way, in my opinion, where he throws away his loyality to gather something unhonorable like killing some already beaten enemy.
Its sad that this is an argument already, but it is. If you state somewhere you don’t like the idea or you argue against it, you will get instantly some insults or claims how stupid your argumentation is or how biased you are. A few really argue with you and disagree, which is fine, but the majority just goes to troll you completely, just because you disagree. This point mainly makes me hate the theory. Not because of the theory itself, but because of the fandom putting this on the table on every damn thread. I understand the Zoro fandom like the theory and discussing it is fine and cool, but it got damn out of the hand and if every second thread is about ZKK in some way, its not fun anymore. Specially when another good theories just get lost. Overall, i would love to see more theories and great theorie-threads about different topics.
Like i said, you dont need to agree with me, we can discuss these points, but this is my point of view about this topic and it seems you asked for the reasons. :)
(1-3) I don't think there would be a problem with the power level, he left a scar on Kaido before he received his ACOC upgrade, his Hiryu Kaen without COC was a cause for concern for both Yonko. If Zoro still forges a black blade as many believe, he can gain even more power, enough to execute Kaido.
(2) I agree that Luffy always defeats the leader, I never expected anything different, in fact for a long time I said that Luffy would defeat Kaido alone and I was told that I was completely stupid to believe that Luffy would already defeat the strongest creature because future fights would make no sense. What I believe is in execution, after Luffy defeats Kaido Zoro executes him, as said by Ashura Douji in chapter 993
Very interesting this point of loyalty, I had never seen it like that. Like you, I'm sure Zoro wouldn't turn against Luffy, with the exception of the hypothesis mentioned in Chapter 6, but it remains to be seen to what extent it will be considered an order that Kaido stays alive.
I understand that we've never seen a protagonist kill a villain and it might seem too hard for some viewers, but I think the context can soften that impact. I'll give the example of fullmetal, hence the spoiler tag.
When Mustang attacks Envy incessantly, we find revenge pleasurable because we sympathize with the character. We mourn Hughes' death, we were sad for his daughter (coincidentally the same happens with Otoko), we were sad for Mustang. Revenge is a human instinct, as morally repugnant as it is, we like to feel that feeling.
Luffy is the personification of the good person, but Zoro is not, on the contrary, we have seen throughout the story that Zoro is the opposite. He was the one who resisted Robin the most and only came to trust her after Enies Lobby.
He made it clear against Monet that if necessary he would have no problem killing someone much weaker. I know you disagree, but he is introduced as the man who killed someone else's pet, killed Mr. 7, and we don't know whether the Wano magistrate ended up dying or not, although what is important for our discussion is the scene of the attack.
I have disagreements on the first 3 points.
(1-3) I don't think there would be a problem with the power level, he left a scar on Kaido before he received his ACOC upgrade, his Hiryu Kaen without COC was a cause for concern for both Yonko. If Zoro still forges a black blade as many believe, he can gain even more power, enough to execute Kaido.
(2) I agree that Luffy always defeats the leader, I never expected anything different, in fact for a long time I said that Luffy would defeat Kaido alone and I was told that I was completely stupid to believe that Luffy would already defeat the strongest creature because future fights would make no sense. What I believe is in execution, after Luffy defeats Kaido Zoro executes him, as said by Ashura Douji in chapter 993
Very interesting this point of loyalty, I had never seen it like that. Like you, I'm sure Zoro wouldn't turn against Luffy, with the exception of the hypothesis mentioned in Chapter 6, but it remains to be seen to what extent it will be considered an order that Kaido stays alive.
And that’s a valid interpretation. I just don’t think Wano is going to be any different with Kaido defeat as Moriah was.
I think Kaidos going to be defeated by Luffy in Onigashima and falls in the flower capital -> Luffy is unconscious -> Chopper finishes healing Zoro -> Zoro stands up -> Onigashima begins to fall cause Kaidos no longer holding it -> Suddenly Onigashima lurches towards the Flower Capital -> Berserker Kaido with no haki is here (awakened form and mindless) -> Nine Straw Hats hold off Kaido -> The Lanterns come and wake Luffy up -> Scene of Luffy barely standing using Red Hawk to finish Kaido with the lanterns and the dawn in the background -> Kaido falls below the waves unable to move but able to breath since he has the fish fish fruit.
After this is when I think Zoro will have his time to shine as the next Ryuma. It’s stated that Ryuma protected this country from those who wanted it and that’s why the WG feared Wano. Zoro fighting an army of WG agents to keep Wano free will forge Enma black and will end with all the Samurai backing up Zoro (Zoro rounding up Samurai foreshadowing) and ending with the Gorosei being told a one eyed samurai with a black blade is stopping us and they’ll connect it to Ryuma.
So my main issue with this scenario and well yes it does involve some hc until further proven chap 795 gave kaido the strongest in land,sea,air title to me how can kaido be the strongest in the sea if all he can do is be under water breathing like jack and he can't move his body also his hobby is suicide it's almost a given that he tried jumping in the water at some point and figured out he could move because he is a fish fish user hc over
Now for zoro and defending wano personally i am not against it,it would be a epic moment but i think we have to separate the fact vs the legend (chap 937) the absolute fact that nobody can deny is that wano was known as the land of gold, pirates wanted it ryuma singlehandedly defends wano and made it known to the world that wano was the land of samurai this is the fact but what made ryuma a legend as a swordsman was the dragon that he slew over the capital that being said to me the bigger feat the legend is the slaying the dragon over the capital thats what ryumas legendary moment is and if oda goes through with it everyone in wano will put ryuma and zoro together also he may actually get both but even i would be shocked if oda pushes him that far lol tbh like i get that ryuma did that but do keep in mind we have a giant elephant standing over the ships that could crush them with one command from momo
So my main issue with this scenario and well yes it does involve some hc until further proven chap 795 gave kaido the strongest in land,sea,air title to me how can kaido be the strongest in the sea if all he can do is be under water breathing like jack and he can't move his body also his hobby is suicide it's almost a given that he tried jumping in the water at some point and figured out he could move because he is a fish fish user hc over
Now for zoro and defending wano personally i am not against it,it would be a epic moment but i think we have to separate the fact vs the legend (chap 937) the absolute fact that nobody can deny is that wano was known as the land of gold, pirates wanted it ryuma singlehandedly defends wano and made it known to the world that wano was the land of samurai this is the fact but what made ryuma a legend as a swordsman was the dragon that he slew over the capital that being said to me the bigger feat the legend is the slaying the dragon over the capital thats what ryumas legendary moment is and if oda goes through with it everyone in wano will put ryuma and zoro together also he may actually get both but even i would be shocked if oda pushes him that far lol tbh like i get that ryuma did that but do keep in mind we have a giant elephant standing over the ships that could crush them with one command from momo
I think the sea in his title land sea and air describes his nautical combat. I don’t think even Kaido can move completely submerged even a massive giant like Sanjuan Wolf gets physically weakened the more he’s submerged.
I may be wrong and when I’m out of work I’ll reread the chapter, but I remember Gyukimaru saying the dragon was just one of the legends that Ryuma is attributed. I feel like the true reason Wano is feared by the world isn’t because he killed a dragon, it’s because he stopped the Pirates and World Government from taking Wanos treasure. So the best way for Zoro to connect himself with the legend imo is to protect Wano as he has already slayed a dragon.
I think Kaido is Luffys bounty. The world government trying to annex Wano is Zoros
the problem is that kaido doesn't care about zoro, so him getting defeated by someone he doesn't know or care about would be a bad way to end kaido as a character
Which is fair, but there’s still a significant difference between Envy and Kaido. Kaido is getting character development in his fight with Luffy and has for dozens of chapters. He’s not like envy. Envy was a monster that existed only to kill and deceive
I think the sea in his title land sea and air describes his nautical combat. I don’t think even Kaido can move completely submerged even a massive giant like Sanjuan Wolf gets physically weakened the more he’s submerged.
I may be wrong and when I’m out of work I’ll reread the chapter, but I remember Gyukimaru saying the dragon was just one of the legends that Ryuma is attributed. I feel like the true reason Wano is feared by the world isn’t because he killed a dragon, it’s because he stopped the Pirates and World Government from taking Wanos treasure. So the best way for Zoro to connect himself with the legend imo is to protect Wano as he has already slayed a dragon.
I think Kaido is Luffys bounty. The world government trying to annex Wano is Zoros
well we just have to wait and see on the first point i think him being a fish fish model will have some kind of payoff otherwise he could just go under water be immobile and hold breath simple ik it may not be that simple this is a anime lol
yes you are right its one of ryumas legends as said in the chapter and i agree with you the fact that he stopped the wg is what has the wg fearing wano(also oden if i remember right via sakazukis words) but again the citizens do not even knows the wg is here and again they can be handled by a simple trunk swing the citizens are all at the fire festival getting drunk,partying,wishing that kaido and orochi was finished so they can live a nice life etc i would say that the wg probably doesn't even care that ryuma slayed a dragon they never even mentioned it so yea its probably his feat of defeating them but to that i say that the citizens of wano would be more privy to the legend of ryuma slaying a dragon over the capital because ryuma is a national treasure and God of the blade if you want the wano citizens to recognize any feat its zoro looking like the legend ryuma slaying the dragon also again well for me and my opinion fact vs legend the definition of legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated nobody can really say for a fact that ryuma slayed a dragon its his legend(unauthenticated historical feat) but we know in story that he defended wano from the wg thats indisputable
Which is fair, but there’s still a significant difference between Envy and Kaido. Kaido is getting character development in his fight with Luffy and has for dozens of chapters. He’s not like envy. Envy was a monster that existed only to kill and deceive
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