Stop it Roger your agenda ain't working 😂
King has finally shown something worthy of being a YC1. Every YC1 had a stat or two above their Captains except for King, until now that is. He's right where he belongs.
'One stat better than the captain' is a common parallel that Oda uses for all YC1s to make them more special than the rest of the crew. The theme isn't there to indicate all YC1s are equally powerful. Sure, there are things where one vice-catpain can do better than others; King, for example, probably wouldn't last half as long as Marco against an admiral. That only makes them speacial in their own right. Jozu is more durable than WB; he isn't equal to Marco and others, is he?
The difference b/w King and the other two YC1s, that we've seen fighting on panel, is that he's not nearly as much a one-trick pony as the other two. He's overwhelmingly strong even outside his special ability.
Speedwise, he legit kept up with hybrid Marco in base. Outclassed Zoro, of all people, in CQC. Haki good enough to damage Marco despite his regeneration abilities—something even Kizaru wasn't able to do. Overpowered attacks from Zoro—whose AP is as high as if not higher than advCOA Luffys.
P.S. I am not trying to say Marco and Kuri are weak outside their tricks; it's just that King is too strong.
Bonus: Zoro has lowkey struggled more against King than Yamato did against Kaidou, hold that for data and keep it moving lmao.
I agree with this but I'd say it further increases King's hype if anything. Because Zoro was eating attacks from BM and Kaido and still kept going. He lowkey withstood TB with 30 broken bones while he could barly stand after fighting King for five minutes.