Rate Sanji new Elbaf outfit ?

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Ofc it's marketing :kata:
But he really seems to be into it (and frankly speaking, actors should do a research for their roles and try stuff their characters are good at, well, to a reasonable extent, I don't really expect Henry Cavill try flying)
Reminds me of those "star portraits" of Jennifer Lawrence they printed when Hunger Games came out:
OMG she's so cool she can even do archery just like her role 😱😱😱😱
Reality : no real archery skills ,holds arrow the wrong way in the movie :kobeha:
Reminds me of those "star portraits" of Jennifer Lawrence they printed when Hunger Games came out:
OMG she's so cool she can even do archery just like her role 😱😱😱😱
Reality : no real archery skills ,holds arrow the wrong way in the movie :kobeha:
Hahahaha, never watched HG, but this is hilarious :milaugh: no, I'm thinking more about people like Meryl Streep, who learned Polish AND German for her role in Sophie's Choice or Viggo Mortensen who learned Russian and Russian gang culture to play a Russian mobster in Eastern Promises.
The artist on Twitter who made that fanart said it was for pride and made him that color combo to match the bi colors, pushing that.
Well, there are straight people who support pride month and overall being tolerant, so I take it as the artist using the colour scheme for pride and chose Sanji as one of his characters, no?

Anyways, cool art
I mean, the artist literally said they headcanon that so...
I dunno, just pointing out the art was created to push a mischaracterization.
If they admit it's a head canon, than it's a head canon and nothing else;)

🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 the politics thread is 100 m to the left, 5th door
:suresure: oh but it's everywhere!

Btw, check out Taz training for kicks for playing Sanji:
Now I can see why he was chosen, even with stunt people it's kinda good to have someone with an actual belt on martial arts.