Anyways Sanji vs King is happening. Queen is too fat to fight Sanji. He will be fighting heavier opponents like Drake, Hawkins Straw things and Monster Point Chopper.
I'm not against your Drake and Chopper vs Queen match-up or anything, I'm just suggesting what I think is the best option for now. I want Chopper to shine too.
Drake and Apoo vs Queen would be a interesting one.
-Complete faith in Robin to both save him and deal with Black Maria and her cronies, even at the cost of his pride.
-When Nami heard he was in danger, her immediate thought was that he was fighting a woman She can't fathom him in such a dilemma against a man. Speaks to his strength and resolve when not in the face of his Achilles Heel.
-Once free, he wasted no time to go save Kin'emon and co, not staying and ogling Robin.
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