Rate Sanji new Elbaf outfit ?

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I'm on team "Sanji was just Pudding's first love. She will mature and find someone that treats her the way she deserves. With caring and affection".

The whole "Sanji x Pudding" relationship is based purely on Sanji not shitting on Pudding's third eye. I find that quite boring.
This is actually a good point. He would have said the same to any female who had a unique feature about them because he isn't a jerk.
I use to watch the walking dead got very invested in Beth, and then she got the shit ass senseless, serving no purpose to the story ending :few: I pouted for months over it and never watched a single episode afterwards.
Never watched that.

I watched a couple Episodes of GoT on TV and wasn't sure if I might like the show.
So I looked it up online, read a ton of articles about all the show's details.
Didn't sound good to me so I didnt watch it.