(Not taken from the poll btw, this is just something that I come up with).
Sanji vs Vasco faction:
@RayanOO being the leader of this group,
@Jackteo being the vice commander.
Sanji vs Lafitte faction:
@Doggo being the leader of this group,
@Julius @Sir Yasheen @JJtheman @U c 4 up da idly @Gehrman @HA001 @YASER are the members of this group. I could forget some other Sanji fans that are riding this train though so feel free to reply to this post if you think Sanji vs Lafitte will happen so I can tag you in.
Sanji vs Burgess faction:
@Chrono being the leader with
@MonsterZoro as vice commander,
@Raiden7 and
@Etemenanki are the other members of this group.
Sanji vs Pizarro faction: Me,
@Wildfire Kaios and
@Blackbeard are the only ones lmao.
Sanji vs 10th Titanic faction:
@Tobra and
@Shiroyru I think.
Sanji vs Shiryu faction: Only
@yunzabit heights
Sanji vs Aokiji faction:
@EmperorKinyagi @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @MarineHQ for the Lolz.