Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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I'm not super happy with his looks but I wasn't expecting much either.
I know you're a big Sanji fan but as a big Luffy fan and especially big fan of east blue Zoro myself these two are much more disappointing
I'd say they massacred Luffy to the point he's barely recognisable, I've seen far better cosplays of him. But Zoro to me didn't look that bad, he kinda fits Oda's definition of bishounen (along with Law and Ace), so I'm not surprised with his look. I'd ruffle his hair more, as this looks too "just outta my barbershop", and I'd expect him to be more buff with all the training he does, but imo Sanji looks way worse.

For me this guy kinda nailed it:

Found here:
I'd say they massacred Luffy to the point he's barely recognisable, I've seen far better cosplays of him.
I agree :milaugh:
But Zoro to me didn't look that bad, he kinda fits Oda's definition of bishounen (along with Law and Ace),
Hard disagree.
Live action Zoro looks like a depressed k pop idol with too much makeup who will run straight to his daddy if he doesn't get his way. They should have cast him as Helmeppo.
I am not going to stop pointing out my disappointment.
After the Wano fiasco this is the icing on the cake.
Actually I was trying to find some cool Sanji cosplay and it's very difficult apparently:(

None is perfect, but these two seem kinda ok

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I agree :milaugh:

Hard disagree.
Live action Zoro looks like a depressed k pop idol with too much makeup who will run straight to his daddy if he doesn't get his way. They should have cast him as Helmeppo.
I am not going to stop pointing out my disappointment.
After the Wano fiasco this is the icing on the cake.
All of us are disappointed :josad: but it's LA, what we expected?
You are ok with how LA Sanji looks?

I don't know what I hate more - poorly bleached hair, no swirly eyebrows or no iconic goatee (and before anyone says it's a post-TS thing, Sanji was never shown clean shaved, he always had a goatee, pre-TS is was quite subtle, but it's there).

I mean, Sanji was designed after Mr. Pink in Reservoir dogs, so he's supposed to look like Steve Buschemi:

I mean, how this

Became this??

Well Oda said "just a model", doesn't mean that Sanji's counterpart, in manga and even in the tv series, should be exact like Steve Buscemi.

Btw, I'm pretty ok for Taz Skylar as Sanji, but the eyebrows are a big defining trait of the character. Not having them is really bad, and I don't accept justifications like it would have been too much "weird" for a live action.
I present to you a new Sanji AMV (took forever).
Very nice! Took forever, but was worth it :cheers:
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Well Oda said "just a model", doesn't mean that Sanji's counterpart, in manga and even in the tv series, should be exact like Steve Buscemi.

Btw, I'm pretty ok for Taz Skylar as Sanji, but the eyebrows are a big defining trait of the character. Not having them is really bad, and I don't accept justifications like it would have been too much "weird" for a live action.
I don't have anything against the actor, I'm more mad at the costume designers and make-up artists. I mean, look at this fan edit - I believe it should be achievable for the series look