General & Others The Whitebeard pirates never knew Wano was Kaido’s territory for 20 years

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You can't win
As of yet, there is no credible explanation, but one thing i think Oda might do, is use the 20years prophecy to explain why Ace preferred waiting for the right time. The last time he saw Tama, he promised her to come back with a bigger crew and free Wano(turning it into a place she could eat as much as she wants)

And since he encountered Yamato and they ended up friends, she probably talked him about the prophecy, and even Oden's journal

Which could have been the trigger to convince him to come back at a more suitable time. He probably talked about Luffy as well considering Yamato said she had been waiting for him for a long time.

Up to Oda to cover this plothole or not

Wano will surpass WCI?:milaugh:

Wano is canon?:suresure: this arc is a filler with Canon stuff
Too long for nothing so far,..
50+ chapters if set ups...
UDON summer camp...
Calamities didnt do much since 25 years ago as fighters,... it's only kaido who got to beat people, calsmities feeling less of a threat....
Important battles are written poorly: kaido vs Oden, Jack vs dukes.
Too much dragging
Wanks : Oden and Ace
Characters became retarded: the 5 year plot with Oden and Orochi ... WBP never cared or even visited Wano to check on Oden.... BMP can't use their powers to just move the ship easily to Onigashima

I agree with this

I like Kaido but Kata was a better "Villain" as any enemy in Wano
And honestly, if it is just a plot hole, it's not really a big concern for me, but from what we know, SMILES didn't become a thing until two years ago. So obviously the factories weren't there poisoning the Country prior to that. I mean, Caesar didn't even start producing SAD, until after Akainu and Aokiji had their fight on Punk Hazard.
Smile factories don't exist on wano. Want has weapon factories. That have been there for 25 years.

Smiles are made in dressrosa
The only thing that would make sense : WB recognized Oden as a pirate of equal stature to that of a Yonko, it wasn't his business to meddle with Oden's affairs as he was not a "son" to him but a "brother" and therefore not someone who needed WB's help or intervention. WB didn't exactly know of his whereabouts because he didn't care that much despite respecting and valuing Oden as a person.

What would be somewhat acceptable : They knew that Kaido was there but didn't know of Oden's whereabouts, still a bit crazy to believe that WB never asked himself how Oden was doing but still, we might accept that he just assumed Kaido and Oden were on good terms.

What would be utter total nonsense : They had no idea that Kaido is in Wano, Ace going there to kill Kaido is the proof that it was common knowledge even preskip.
As of yet, there is no credible explanation, but one thing i think Oda might do, is use the 20years prophecy to explain why Ace preferred waiting for the right time. The last time he saw Tama, he promised her to come back with a bigger crew and free Wano(turning it into a place she could eat as much as she wants)

And since he encountered Yamato and they ended up friends, she probably talked him about the prophecy, and even Oden's journal

Which could have been the trigger to convince him to come back at a more suitable time. He probably talked about Luffy as well considering Yamato said she had been waiting for him for a long time.

Up to Oda to cover this plothole or not
This chapter reaffirms that there is no plot hole. If Ace specifically went to fight Kaido years ago then it's even less likely than it was before that your understanding of what Marco said is accurate.
The only problem is Oda having Marco bullshiting they didn't learn shit for 20 odd years. Them learning down the line and not taking action would be better personally and I have no problem with that.

I think he must have changed his mind down the line and that is where the fuck up was created. Marco gave a letter to Neko ,but the letter was nonsensical . Oda purposely led us believe the letter would contain something useful,yet it was one of the worst & wastefull plot liness he tried to write with no trade off.

Inu and Neko didn't seek for help for those 20 years because they wanted to wait the 20 years .

As for Izo ,people think with today's world standards.
This is what happens in One piece world.

And the man didn't visit his son and wife for like 16 years more or less prets(We don't know when he left)
Inu and Neko didn't seek for help for those 20 years because they wanted to wait the 20 years .
This is another problem with how Oda has established this plot, though, because it pretty much went from "we need to open Wano's borders in order to welcome the new Joy Boy as he deserves" to "Joy Boy will be the one to open Wano's borders". Unless I'm missing something, there's a very strange retconning so, instead of having everything prepared for the moment prophesied (which means Kaido defeated and Wano open) everything needs to happen in twenty years from then. This is obviously made so Luffy, as the chosen one and main character, frees Wano from Kaido's tyranny, but it felt really forced in-verse and I still don't see why Oden didn't stick to his original plan of having Wano clean and ready for the dawn of the world.
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