This Lolo fanboy started gave an error....
What's that post has anything to do with your reply? Lmao, the damage is really severe considering he is randomly posting stuff at me now since I debunked his Lolo fanboy friend.
Lolo fanboys were saying Lolo and mihawk don't have CoC, which is why
they were lowballing CoC with saying things like it's useless... Even Lolo fanboys like you gave up on CoC, which is why you fanboys were lowballing CoC. I guess you forget that? It was I knew that Ad.CoC exists fanboy.
See how Lolo fanboys voted for it's useless

Now it's confirmed that Shanks and other top tiers have the highest level, Lolo and mihawk (if he has it) can stay at lower level Ad.CoC....
Do you know English? Learn what ''surpassing'' is.
That little b!tch mihawk is going to be surpassed by Luffy's UNDERLING Lolo... So deal with this fact.
No way that guy is Yonko level, since it will be Luffy > Luffy's underling Lolo > mihawk,
You think Luffy will be 2 levels ahead of Yonko?