Speculations This could be Zoro's alternative role even if ZKK doesn't happen!

Another fallen Zoroturd theory :ihaha:

Man, you guys are full of headcanons about Zoro. Holy shit, you must be dreaming with him doing awesome things and then you need to blurt it out in an online forum or any other place of internet to feel special.
And if it does not happen, you blame on Oda because your idiotic ideas didn't take place.
Unless Oda just likes to waste panels
You have ZERO right to complain about Oda and what he is doing.


Kitetsu Wanker
Man, you guys are full of headcanons about Zoro. Holy shit, you must be dreaming with him doing awesome things and then you need to blurt it out in an online forum or any other place of internet to feel special.
And if it does not happen, you blame on Oda because your idiotic ideas didn't take place.
Now you have the One Piece that you always wanted, the one where Zoro(and all other characters) does absolutely nothing. :wellwell:
I recall your theory. It was good, too. :rosismile:

This is perhaps a consolation prize, but Zoro not paralleling Ryuma and not being a Shimotsuki are two things I enjoy because they mean that he will continue to be his own man. No bloodline. No predestined result. Just him. :zosmug:
Honestly I’m all for if Zoro is just his own dude. Does make me wonder… what the fuck is turning Enma black
Another fallen Zoroturd theory :ihaha:

Man, you guys are full of headcanons about Zoro. Holy shit, you must be dreaming with him doing awesome things and then you need to blurt it out in an online forum or any other place of internet to feel special.
And if it does not happen, you blame on Oda because your idiotic ideas didn't take place.
Dude, chill. It's just a theory which didn't happen. Shit happens. Of course you feel special by placing yourself above strangers on internet, bragging on not believing said theories in the first place. Just do you, if that's what keeps you happy lol.