Break Week This Nonsensical Yonko Bounty Cope needs to stop

What is the biggest reason for Shanks bounty

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My point is that we don't know whatever happened in their duel so arguing about that is of no use. What is important is that Oda considers Shanks a swordsman yet ranks Mihawk as the strongest swordsman.
Strongest swordsman
Strongest creature
Strongest man

They all have amazing strength. They are top tiers.

1) Shanks equally matched the strongest man, WB, in haki clash.
2) Shanks stopped Kaido from coming to MF.
3) Shanks dueled with Mihawk.

He is the only one who have clashed with these noble title holders.

So, it is reasonable to discuss the implications of "settle things".

You settle things with those who are fighting against you.

It has to be the start of discussion if we are discussing Shanks vs Mihawk.
I have given enough proof that title holders can be challeneged (Like Zoro vs Kaido, Luffy vs Kaido).

However, Shanks equally matched previous 2 title holders, i.e., WB and Kaido.

Plus, the card here says:
"A corner of the "Four Emperors", the sea castle that reigns over the New World. A master swordsman who fought on equal terms with the world's strongest swordsman, Mihawk. In addition, his terrifying 'hao-colored aura' stunned the stalwart Whitebeard Pirates one after another"

So, Shanks also fought against Mihawks on equal terms.

Hence, when it comes to 1v1 fights, Shanks can be equal to Mihawk despite being an inferior swordsman.
Strongest swordsman
Strongest creature
Strongest man

They all have amazing strength. They are top tiers.

1) Shanks equally matched the strongest man, WB, in haki clash.
2) Shanks stopped Kaido from coming to MF.
3) Shanks dueled with Mihawk.

He is the only one who have clashed with these noble title holders.

So, it is reasonable to discuss the implications of "settle things".

You settle things with those who are fighting against you.

It has to be the start of discussion if we are discussing Shanks vs Mihawk.
I have given enough proof that title holders can be challeneged (Like Zoro vs Kaido, Luffy vs Kaido).

However, Shanks equally matched previous 2 title holders, i.e., WB and Kaido.

Plus, the card here says:
"A corner of the "Four Emperors", the sea castle that reigns over the New World. A master swordsman who fought on equal terms with the world's strongest swordsman, Mihawk. In addition, his terrifying 'hao-colored aura' stunned the stalwart Whitebeard Pirates one after another"

So, Shanks also fought against Mihawks on equal terms.

Hence, when it comes to 1v1 fights, Shanks can be equal to Mihawk despite being an inferior swordsman.
Here is a thing
Mihawk = Prime Whitebeard > One armed Shanks = Old Whitebeard > Kaido
Source: Trust me bro

Mihawk could not land a hit on Old WB,

So, according to your logic:

Shanks = Old WB > Prime Mihawk
What kinda weird ass logic ass that?
So if shanks attacks Buggy and Mihawk blocks it Buggy > Shanks

Really do Shanks fan boys ever think before they type?
The reason why Whitebeard needed man made out of diamond to block nameless casual Haki slash was because he himself was too weak and Mihawk saw that.

That's why he lost interest in Whitebeard and focused on Luffy instead
What kinda weird ass logic ass that?
So if shanks attacks Buggy and Mihawk blocks it Buggy > Shanks

Really do Shanks fan boys ever think before they type?
The reason why Whitebeard needed man made out of diamond to block nameless casual Haki slash was because he himself was too weak and Mihawk saw that.

That's why he lost interest in Whitebeard and focused on Luffy instead
Bla bla bla, dont scream like Yoru is deep down in your ass, weird ass Mihawk fanboy.
This line has become your go to insult huh, when you are the one who didnt read and reply to my original comment that you quoted.

Go read the post I wrote above, and reply to that. Dont type like someone just stepped on your tail.

He focused on Luffy, yet Luffy also dodged his attack. What's next?
So some people believe that even though highest Bounty of a YC who was active for +20 Years is barely 1.3B, but Mihawk got 3.6B for joining newest Yonko? lol

And they decided to give Mihawk higher boost than his Captain? Lmao

They also believe Marines gave Shichibukai Updated Bounties and then changed them again the day after cuz of Cross Guild? lol

Brannew was explaining Cross Guild and their Danger by showing Bounties of its Leaders. Not hype those Three by saying they are part of Cross Guild

Just accept it, WSS is worth 3.5B at least just for his Power, no need to think too much into it.
Strongest swordsman
Strongest creature
Strongest man

They all have amazing strength. They are top tiers.

1) Shanks equally matched the strongest man, WB, in haki clash.
2) Shanks stopped Kaido from coming to MF.
3) Shanks dueled with Mihawk.

He is the only one who have clashed with these noble title holders.
You're being dishonest. Shanks did not equally match the strongest man in haki. He haki clashed with a sick feeble old man and neither of them went all out. Even then the consensus was always old feeble WB > Shanks for obvious reasons. If you are actually trying to dispute that, ur a madman. The rest of your argument boils down to 'shanks clashed with x character, so shanks = x character, which is laughable. Literally anyone can clash with anyone, but that is not proof that two character are in anyway equal.
Bla bla bla, dont scream like Yoru is deep down in your ass, weird ass Mihawk fanboy.
This line has become your go to insult huh, when you are the one who didnt read and reply to my original comment that you quoted.

Go read the post I wrote above, and reply to that. Dont type like someone just stepped on your tail.

He focused on Luffy, yet Luffy also dodged his attack. What's next?
What is up with your insults?
Why are Shanks fans so insecure?

Now Luffy dodging one attack from mihawk is bad when fucking sea king negged shanks
You guys are always so pathetic with your "the other side is underestimating MY guy because of their biased agenda" into "yeah well YOUR guy is a pathetic loser because [easily debunked powerscaling bullshit]" combo. Grow up.
Lmao, refute my arguments by showing me the fights of Mihawk. Or clashes of Mihawk with other top tier characters.

Only known top tier Mihawk fought against was Shanks. And as mentioned in above card, Oda said he fought on equal terms.

Why dont you talk about "settle things"?

Yes, I talked about world's strongest creature and how he lost to a rookie.
Mihawk is a WSS, so yes, I will compare him to Kaido and WB. What's wrong with that?

If it is about Shanks vs Mihawk.
We need to take their dules in account.
You cant act like a mad dog because someone is not feeding you the right cookie (i.e., your favorite manga statements). Take a holistic approach to it and consider all the factors. Otherwise, just say that you are biased, and get the f out of my face
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Feeling down already?
Why the change in attitude?

Shanks said he bet his arm on new generation you dumb fu*k.
Dayam you insulting other guy too

Yonko being absulte pathetic cunts compared to Mihawk got you real insecure didn't it??

Maybe if someone in East Blue went looking for one armed Hobos arm they can see it near the shore of East Blue in form of fish turd.

Imagine using Luffy as a fucking means of an actual argument against Mihawk was trying his absolute best against East Blue Luffy?

Gotta tell you how pathetic Shanks actually is since Mihawk isn't even skilled enough to land hits on pre time skip Luffy..Luffy would just dance circles around Shanks
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However, Shanks equally matched previous 2 title holders, i.e., WB and Kaido
Kaido vs Shanks never happened
Shanks only ganged on Kaido with his crew and Kaido retreated

Whitebeard was fucking sick and trash
Mihawk would low diff that version of Whitebeard
New generation lmao
One armed begger was making excuses for save face
Yes, do you even read the manga? Or just read excerpts about Zoro and Mihawk from spoiler section?
Shanks' theme has been the same. That's why he gave his SH to Luffy. That's why he said we will meet soon. That's what you will see if you read the first few chapters (probably you have dementia, as it seems from your lack of coherency from these comments).

Oh that reminds me, Shanks met Gorosei, Sengoku also respects him, so they consider him peacemaker.
Shanks dont need to torment poor marines or world government to get fake hype to increase his bounty.
It also debunks your claims in original post.
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Dayam you insulting other guy too

Yonko being absulte pathetic cunts compared to Mihawk got you real insecure didn't it??

Maybe if someone in East Blue went looking for one armed Hobos arm they can see it near the shore of East Blue in form of fish turd.

Imagine using Luffy as a fucking means of an actual argument against Mihawk was trying his absolute best against East Blue Luffy?

Gotta tell you how pathetic Shanks actually is since Mihawk isn't even skilled enough to land hits on pre time skip Luffy..Luffy would just dance circles around Shanks
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Kaido vs Shanks never happened
Shanks only ganged on Kaido with his crew and Kaido retreated

Whitebeard was fucking sick and trash
Mihawk would low diff that version of Whitebeard
"insulting other guy too"
Seems you are calling your daddy to help you out here (the mods maybe?).

I see what you guys do here, so dont play innocent.

We can argue about Shanks vs Kaido.

But dont dodge that vivre card. Go back there and read it.
I just have few things to say about this crazy Mihawk vs Shanks debate,

1) Shanks fought against Mihawk on equal terms
2) "Settle things" statement from Mihawk
3) You said Mihawk > Prime WB, yet Prime WB = Roger (an inferior swordsmans as compared to Mihawk).
So, why is it so hard for you guys to accept that despite having superior sword skills, Shanks can be equal to Mihawk in an actual fight to death?
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I think most of this is moot until we actually see them fight. All these assumptions on how Oda has hyped these characters is bound to fall apart. Mihawk might be stronger, Shanks might be stronger, they might be equal, it's unclear how it will shake out. Anyone saying otherwise is just trying to prove their head cannon with shaky logic and rhetoric.
Mihawk’s bounty is almost within 10% of Shanks’, while he has no crew, no political connectors or ambitions, has been inactive chilling on his island for a decade, and chose to eschew the yonko title.

Gotta give respect where it’s due.
Take out the instances where Luffy's bounty was increased. You will get the idea how dumb that take is.
Luffy defeats Arlong > Bounty increased
Luffy defeats Croc > Bounty increased
Luffy defeats Cracker and Katakuri > Bounty increased
Luffy defeats Kaido > Bounty increased

If, for instance, we beleive that having strong crew members increases your bounty, then why Buggy's bounty is below Mihawk's?
Clearly Marines have no idea why Mihawk is working under Buggy.
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New generation lmao
One armed begger was making excuses for save face
As you said, Shanks is one armed begger, so WG has no reason to be afraid of him, right?
So, why he has higher bounty than Mihawk?

You said because of his crew.
But, why Buggy's bounty is less than Mihawk as he has strongguys working under him?
He is a Yonko, so his bounty should be higher than his underlings.

Not like I care about bounties, but since you mentioned these in OP, I had to ask this question as well.
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Take out the instances where Luffy's bounty was increased. You will get the idea how dumb that take is.
Luffy defeats Arlong > Bounty increased
Luffy defeats Croc > Bounty increased
Luffy defeats Cracker and Katakuri > Bounty increased
Luffy defeats Kaido > Bounty increased

If, for instance, we beleive that having strong crew members increases your bounty, then why Buggy's bounty is below Mihawk's?
Clearly Marines have no idea why Mihawk is working under Buggy.
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As you said, Shanks is one armed begger, so WG has no reason to be afraid of him, right?
So, why he has higher bounty than Mihawk?

You said because of his crew.
But, why Buggy's bounty is less than Mihawk as he has strongguys working under him?
He is a Yonko, so his bounty should be higher than his underlings.

Not like I care about bounties, but since you mentioned these in OP, I had to ask this question as well.
Nah nah man no backup is being called..I am just saying you know insulting shows desperation and most Shanks fan boys have been on extreme desperation and suicide watch since last week inventing craziest of the shits possible.

Its all good I have been there lol

Now if you ready to bring insecurity down a notch and have an actual conversation we can engage otherwise you can continue to drop period blood over this forum and cry Hakimanship wanksuuu Haki hame ha is not below Skullful Skill master skill hawk
1. WB was never the Pirate King
2. Captured Ace with Crew
3.1. Killing Thatch, Marines would rather thank BB than increase his bounty
3.2. Kill-stealing WB*
4. Beat Marco-led WB Remnants with Crew
5. Beat Bonney and her crew with BB's Crew
6. Attacked Revolutionary Army Base with Crew
7. Has 2 of the most OP DF still given lower bounty than being WSS

You're countering yourself.

All you listed are mostly BB doing them with his Crew, meaning he wasn't given bounty as high as Shanks because his crew at the time wasn't as strong as Shanks' crew.

Also, that would backfire on you.
All that "combat abilities" and threat you're saying but only given 2.2B.

While Mihawk WSS alone = 3.6B.

I thought the crew boosted the yonko so why doesnt blackbeard have atleast 4bil
Nah nah man no backup is being called..I am just saying you know insulting shows desperation and most Shanks fan boys have been on extreme desperation and suicide watch since last week inventing craziest of the shits possible.

Its all good I have been there lol

Now if you ready to bring insecurity down a notch and have an actual conversation we can engage otherwise you can continue to drop period blood over this forum and cry Hakimanship wanksuuu Haki hame ha is not below Skullful Skill master skill hawk
Scroll up a little and read your replies to me.
This may have worked on others but not me.
Come back when you actually have something to say. I will wait bruh.