Character Discussion Thoughts on X Drake

I think drake has DF awakening. The impel down jailer beasts were all awakened zoans, despite being fodder tier characters. This means that Vegapunk must have found some sort of way to quickly awaken DFs.

The SSG will be a unit of science enhanced marines. I believe Drake is a commander within the SSG(with sword being an SSG branch). This makes sense as it explains why the marines sent fodder to deal with the shichibukai. Yes, coby probably can't 1v1 hancock, but he could probably bomb the living shit out of Amazon lily using special canons made by vegapunk on his ship.

I believe Vegapunk used his DF-awakening technology on Drake, as well as other marines such as Smoker, Onigumo, and Dalmatian.

anyways I think awakened drake could be YC1 level or stronger and that Drake is a future admiral candidate.
Drake's character is very interesting, and as a fan of his, I've been hoping that all the hints and build up around Kaido would mean that we would be seeing Drake in action in addition to getting the full width of his backstory--not just the tiny slice from Law's backstory.

The fact that he still IS a Marine is something I feel to be a good thing since to me it means that it's likely Drake will show up again (with other marines) and that sounds exciting.

There is a lack of Marines that truly are out to protect the people and believe in a justice that is fair and sensible. I want to believe that Drake will be one of the figures that turn the Marines around, but for all we know, he could actually become a pirate again, FOR REAL. He has options, but being a Marine seems very suited to him even though he's pulling off the pirate thing pretty well.

I'm just waiting for him to take the center stage and see what he's got cooking up/what's his plan/what he wants to achieve AND learn more about SWORD. It's all going to come out--just a matter of WHEN at this point!
The fact that a character that was introduced as a supposed rival to Luffy amongst a myriad of individuals all aiming for the title of Pirate King, turned out to not even be a feckin pirate, is a bit of a disappointment and only hammers home that either very few or straight up none of the Eleven Supernovas are actually going to be legitimate rivals to Luffy.
What I said in 2020 still stands, but not only has Drake had to share the spotlight with four other Non-Strawhat Supernova despite being the first person to seek out Kaido, his role in the arc seems relatively minor even with the hype here and there that Oda seems find sprinking around, but never actually letting it pay off for Drake.

The Wano Arc is not yet over, so maybe something will happen to salvage Drake's disappointing role here.


I will never forgive Oda
As a character, he has potential, but is one of the embodiments of: Unfulfilled Potential.

He was the first ancient Zoan we met
He was one of the highest bountied supernova
He was the first to seek out an emperor
He has a connection to the navy

However, throughout all that he’s done nothing but get his ass kicked throughout the arc.
On paper he should be a rock star. He’s a double agent tied to a secret intelligence agency, has connections to Koby, loose ties to Law, etc.

Sadly Oda hates him
Him losing isn't really a problem tbh, it's that he lost off panel just for the sake of us seeing panels of Yamato running in the castle (how many of that shit did we have ffs?), Kinemon and Kiku saying for the 1000th times that they're ok to die (fucking die already then), Tama taming gifters, Momo creating clouds again and again and saying he will save the capital people :seriously:, Raizo and big head guy in a stalemate, and god knows what other useless panels
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