After this chapter, it seems certain that Kuma's mind is really gone, so he will probably die on egghead, which means his fruit will reappear nearby. The question is, will someone eat it? If the answer is yes, there are only a few people there who can eat a devil fruit to begin with.
Not counting devil fruit users, we have
1. Zoro, but he won't eat a devil fruit and ruin his pure swordsman thing.
2. Sanji, but he won't fight with his hands, so that fruit is useless
3. Nami, but the paw fruit doesn't complement her elemental fighting style at all
4. Franky, but he already said he won't eat a devil fruit
5. Jinbei, but it would make him weaker because he couldn't use water anymore
6. Sentomaru, but he seems pretty minor to get such an important devil fruit. Probably the only option other than Ussop
7. Ussop who would be perfect for it.
Ussop fights by running away and attacking backwards. The nikyu turns this into a real fighting style. He could teleport around and attack from afar without actually running away.
He also needs more attack power desperately. He can't really improve the pop greens, and an upgraded slingshot wouldn't do much at this point. With the nikyu, he could fire ursus shock bombs with his slingshot. It wouldn't replace the pop greens since they can still be used for utility and still fit well with his bag of tricks fighting style.
It adds some much needed defence so he doesn't get neg diffed by low vet level opponents and even functions a lot like the impact dials that he forgot about after water 7.
And finally, he'll be fighting Van Augur soon, so the nikyu will let him keep up with the teleporting.
The most likely option is still that the fruit is simply never seen again, but if someone gets it, I think it'll be Ussop.
Now cue the horde of Vivi fans claiming she'll get it despite being nowhere near egghead for no other reason than that they want her to join the crew.
Not counting devil fruit users, we have
1. Zoro, but he won't eat a devil fruit and ruin his pure swordsman thing.
2. Sanji, but he won't fight with his hands, so that fruit is useless
3. Nami, but the paw fruit doesn't complement her elemental fighting style at all
4. Franky, but he already said he won't eat a devil fruit
5. Jinbei, but it would make him weaker because he couldn't use water anymore
6. Sentomaru, but he seems pretty minor to get such an important devil fruit. Probably the only option other than Ussop
7. Ussop who would be perfect for it.
Ussop fights by running away and attacking backwards. The nikyu turns this into a real fighting style. He could teleport around and attack from afar without actually running away.
He also needs more attack power desperately. He can't really improve the pop greens, and an upgraded slingshot wouldn't do much at this point. With the nikyu, he could fire ursus shock bombs with his slingshot. It wouldn't replace the pop greens since they can still be used for utility and still fit well with his bag of tricks fighting style.
It adds some much needed defence so he doesn't get neg diffed by low vet level opponents and even functions a lot like the impact dials that he forgot about after water 7.
And finally, he'll be fighting Van Augur soon, so the nikyu will let him keep up with the teleporting.
The most likely option is still that the fruit is simply never seen again, but if someone gets it, I think it'll be Ussop.
Now cue the horde of Vivi fans claiming she'll get it despite being nowhere near egghead for no other reason than that they want her to join the crew.