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Aight I'm caught up

@Kagurashii would you mind quoting posts where you thought Pott was also hinting Mason, or you just were confused between Miller/Mason term?
Will also check your last day phase reads, using Super Kill one shot N1 make lil sense. Has to be your strongest scum read,

@Fujishiro do you think Ekko could be role fishing when he claimed unlynchable townie? I see no reason to come out and claim something mc like in the game first thing.

@Bonnibel how long you been playing Mafia? I do think you been sussing Joygirl or (it was Nana?) since last day phase but i will confirm nonetheless, i had been town reading her.

@Joygirl I remember reading you checked Rej last night, was he your prime sus last day phase? If not why him?
Did you do anything else last night?

@T pein you are not lookin good honestly. I read many posts asking if super kill thing was immunity or not, and i still can't make that out correctly from your posts. You also claim immunity to rb and protecting one more player N1 that shit is like too op. I also don't feel your playstyle is easy to clear here if you are good so your best approach should be claim here.​


What could have been...
Yeah Mango seems a little off to me. Not sure how Ekko townreads him.
weak town read for now. would u think he says im 75% sure zolo flips town if he is mafia? unless he is red mafia maybe and doesnt care about the lynch. so you could be right and he is scum, just not aligned with zolo.

What do you think of pein? Townie or K-POPer?
leaning town based on tone/threadplay, but surviving the superkill need to be reosolved/understood

we should lynch Peroncino tbh.
no man ~♡


Holy Simp
This was the VC when I initiated the CFD on Zolo.
It is scum T-Pein who was holding Rottkins, then voting Peroroncino in order to have 2 townies wagonized. Its all about putting attention towards mislynches. So your cfd call was goated and now we can safe lynch T-Pein this phase.

vote trash-pein :sweat:


Holy Simp
Right now @Fujishiro is a town core for me right now

@Meeyori @Rej @Lord Melkor @MangoSenpai voted for Zolo as well so I will town lean them right now. Maybe they're indies/mafia 2 but I think it could be left for now.

Rej vouched for @Peroroncino so I will Unvote him (@Blue @Ratchet) I think I will town lean him as well cause of the recent WU and will not vote for him without hard evidence/reasoning going forward. This goes for @Charlie as well.

@Ekkologix is fine for me right now, I actually would like to hear the theories on @Gambit @Joygirl (Why the vote on Gambit + what was JoyGirl's TMI on Zolo).

With that, I'm wary about Gambit, JoyGirl, and @Juliet cause vibes.

@T-Pein™ was vouched for but the bit of weirdness with the Pero vote should mean he gets an eye kept on him.

@RippedCal pushed against the Zolo vote but through Fuji's explanation and my personal experience The Ripped One usually buddies with Zolo anyway so it makes sense in this regard. He can be null right now.

As for me, I've been a bit too trigger-happy with my votes, but that stops now since I quit drinking Miller Beer.

I have no strong feelings about the other players, but I hope some of the inactives pipe up a bit more today. Especially @Arondight

I see you started to watch a goated anime? :sweat::shocking:


What could have been...
You voted Gambit
Then talked about voting Fuji
Then you called Rej being the SK
Then you come back hours later to ask who are we lynching
First you place your vote on Rottkins
Then you switch to Pero for apparently no reason unless you also have Jesus level intellect along with your town Jesus role.

Anyone can see the inconsistency here. It’s not your vote but the fact that you are swaying this much and doing suspicious thing is what is so damning about you.
thats how he plays day 1. there is no reason to town read him for it, but i gotta clarify that this isnt scum indicative of him either ~♡
I actually have something to share bc i am not sure if i might survive or something and it will put me in hot water but let's goo :catsure:

"X kill nana"
"X we should invest or rb mango he seems sus might be third"
"redirect doesn't matter who its used on, how about juliet to cal?"


"We also czn use mitch’s vote even though he didnt vote? If so also move that to pero"


What could have been...
I am immune to everything along with someone else I can choose.
thats it.
And I have cool one shots I will not talk about.
okay please double check with the hosts that this works before roleblocks ~♡
i asked them a bunch of questions about stuff and i know some abilities dont get stopped by roleblocks, among them are activated passives and supers. we were discussing some setup spec ~♡


What could have been...
claiming is lazy and boring.
I will not claim any flavor.
dont claim flavor those can easily be faked.
u already claimed what i wanted to hear. now just confirm with the hosts if it bypasses roleblocks or not ~♡

im willing to let u stay, but u gotta convince the rest. i think yo tan shud be the way here ~♡


Holy Simp
There are roles which are one cycle millers too? I’m coming across something like this for the first time.

Generally I’d expect a miller to stay miller for the entire game. What’s the point of making someone miller for one cycle and that also this early when they are not even investigated or targeted in anyway.
In order to force them to stay under the radar during the miller uptime. :optimistic:


What could have been...
@T pein you are not lookin good honestly. I read many posts asking if super kill thing was immunity or not, and i still can't make that out correctly from your posts. You also claim immunity to rb and protecting one more player N1 that shit is like too op. I also don't feel your playstyle is easy to clear here if you are good so your best approach should be claim here.
this is pretty contradictory to you saying easy lynches are not good.
another red flag
go on, vote tpein. i know u want to do it. ~♡


What could have been...
Do not listen to Cal or T-Pein this game. They are throwing the game and placing their votes on confirmed townies (Maincharacter Spirits).
They must be scum. Brb catching up.

cal is 95% town
tpein is also likely just town, but hes putting himself in really shitty position



What could have been...
I actually have something to share bc i am not sure if i might survive or something and it will put me in hot water but let's goo :catsure:

"X kill nana"
"X we should invest or rb mango he seems sus might be third"
"redirect doesn't matter who its used on, how about juliet to cal?"


"We also czn use mitch’s vote even though he didnt vote? If so also move that to pero"
seriously?? you arent faking this are u nana??

@Ratchet @Blue u guys really put chat leaks in the game?? :gokulaugh:

and it also shows the names lmao

- who says "third" for indies?
- might have failed a kill on nana lmao
- juliet/cal/mango not part of red team

those posts that got picked r so convenient. is this really true? its too good to be true

also purple tried to use mitch to vote on pero, meaning they thought about using pero as a counter, but didnt go through with it?? ~♡
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