You are
Isaac Westcott. You are the GF of your faction.
Passive - DEM's Director] - As the founder of DEM Industries, Westcott has a deep influence over political affairs. He will be investigated Innocent.
Pleasure from Death] - Ever since he was a child, Westcott has always had a morbid fascination with death and derived a sadistic sense of pleasure watching the suffering and mourning of others. As such, Westcott is death immune as long as at least one of his faction members are alive. If he's the last member alive, he'll be bulletproof.
Passive- Magus] - Although unknown to his peers, Westcott has secret knowledge about Reiryoku. Adding to his influence, he's able to hide his the identity of his targets. If he's the one doing the faction kill, it will be janitored.
[Passive - Businessman] Westcott is a businessman, a rather cold-hearted man with no sense of humour. As such, he may only talk about the game in his posts. He may only fluff in a post as long as it also contains things related to the game.
Active - Political influence] - Westcott can use his connections to his advantage, enabling him to get away of most situations. Choose three players each cycle. If they vote you or any of Mafia even once, they lose their voting power for the remaining of the cycle.
Active - Spirit Formula] - Having a deep understanding about Reiryoku, Westcott can manipulate it to some degree. Once and only once, Westcott will be able to see the entire action sheet at night and reorder it in any way he wants. This ability cannot be refilled [1 shot]
DEM's Mafia Wincon: Eliminate all threats to your faction