Anime & Manga Vergo's right ankle is harder than Katakuri's block mochi as per the hardness of Sanji's bones (lol, u think Kuri has Vergo level haki) :):)

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The only way Katakuri gets harder than Vergo
Th-That’s just........🤢
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@critical mindset That irrelevant ass Vet in your profile pic will NEVER be on a YC’s level in terms of Haki, strength or skill. Jack and Cracker are enough to obliterate that dead joke of a character.....

There’s a reason Oda killed him off.......
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Just imagine wanking a DEAD, IRRELEVANT, VETERAN TIER character in 2020 going into 2021.........he’s been irrelevant for what? 5-6 years now? Move on
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critical mindset

Let Sanji surpass Luffy's G2 AP first, then we can talk.

Redirects the cannon balls thrown by Chopper midair, and launches them with the power of his attack so much that it creates a huge crater and destroys a bug chunk of the starboard side of a ship and tilts the ship, a huge ship

While King flies in his full Pteradon form and hurls with top momentum against the hull of the ship, it doesn't get destroyed or anything (yeah the hull is fortified part of the ship) yet Sanji does this shit midair with no momentum, just the force of his kick

DJ Sanji's performance > King in Pteradon (all things considered)

In Fishman Island his kick lifted Wadatsumi from a lying position back to a sitting position from the force of his kick, that was without DJ and "no-named" kick (but then again, this named vs non-named is bs, just for style and convention so it doesnt really matter).

And do you also realise the amount of mass and density of said steel wall which Luffy's Grizzly Magnum destroyed? Sanji destroyed a tiny part of said steel wall which is shit compared to the door Luffy destroyed.

Btw, Luffy didn't only destroy the wall, he sent Caesar's ass - whose body was massively boosted by the lethal gas - flying through the ENTIRE facility:
It's the same steel more or less, and being that it is a solid wall that Vergo was kicked into

Actually if it is the same steel and the wall is a lot thicker (in Sanji's case), it means the material strength becomes WEAKER because on a molecular level the grain structures that make up the steel becomes less fine and rigid. Meaning that Luffy's wall is actually stronger and harder to breach, but Luffy essentially hit the wall directly with his fists with Caesar's gas body (idk how much thickness you want to attribute to Caesar's gas body). Sanji never hit the wall but propelled Vergo into it with the power of the kick imparted to him. It is still the same steel consistency and Vergo was propelled with the momentum of his kick with enough power to make a big hole in it. I would therefore put DJ in the G3 category, not as strong as fully powered Grizzly Magnum but in the same range. You saw what he did with Wadatsumi, and that is a more powered up version of regular DJ, still the same MODE. DJ is to Sanji's genetically enhanced body what G2 would be to Luffy if Luffy could take steroids on top of G2.

What's that panel supposed to tell me about the Viz translation saying that it's steel and not iron? Steel IS harder than iron which makes this feat even better.
Idk, didnt I note it was steel and transaltion was wrong? Must have said it a few times by now. Dragon chewed through solid steel and soldiers pointed out how Caesar could melt steel with his laser... same steel I take it
By the way, Luffy's Thor Elephant Gun reshaped Don Chinjao's head in its original shape although the latter USED and CLASHED against Luffy's Thor Elephant Gun.

If you want, you can think that DJ Sanji slightly cracking Luffy's head is impressive meanwhile Luffy's G3 fucking reshaped the head of a veteran like Don Chinjao who attacked as well and built full momentum lol.
It's like saying you think G3 can launch and cave in Wadatsumi's body like that. If Sanji can pull feats like that in his DJ mode he can change the head with the stronger movesets of DJ
Wadatsumi inflated air into his body; Jinbe punched lots of air outta Wadatsumi's body before Sanji even hit him.
Jimbei deflated Wadatsumi to a big extent but Wadatsumi was still massive and managed to plug the hole and retain the air, as such still armoured with air pressure. He wasn't back to normal when Sanji kicked him, Wadatsumi was still inflated but not to thte same extent.
What? This makes Wadatsumi highly resistant to blunt force but he ain't immune lmao.
Luffy is a literal rubber human and even he AIN'T completely immune to blunt force.
If he is armoured with air pressure, then he is immune to blunt damage to the point where the blunt damage is able to overpower the air pressure defence, the way Sengoku overpowered Luffy and made him deflate Luffy was spitting blood and shortly knocked out from that. Sengoku completely overpowered Luffy's air pressure defence, whikle BM fails to do the same to Chopper. Sanji is not overpowering Wadatsumi's air pressure defence just from caving in the head. If he was able to do that you have to concede HM is >>>> G3 in pure AP. This is proof of how Sanji damages internally by burning Wadatsumi's organs, hence explaining his KO, or he has to have G3+++ level of AP.
He looked casual at first but his facial expressions suddenly changed when he saw Bound Man's tensile force:
I am talking about the fucking instance when he imbues his coat in CoA against gatling gun. Doffy looked like this was just another day on the job for him, while Sanji makes him anxious, then calls Sanji powerful, yet he doesn't haki up and just overpwoers it with raw power with the heating not effecting him??

Thats not plausible reading of the manga. There's too much differece just in the way he reacts to Sanj's attack which flies in the face of your explanation of "puny AP" when Luffy does not elicit any reaction when he is confronted with Luffy's attacsk

Wadatsumi's durability was just huge shit despite being an overinflated ball in which Sanji kicked with all his might into his body. The way how Wadatsumi's head was bounced into his body is self-explanary.
No, stop with this. Chopper was able of resisting even BMs punches so this speaks volumes about Sanji's AP in HM and DJ

That's not my implication; that's what happened in the manga you disingenuous troll.
Looking how hard you try to argue against facts, it's just pure entertainment lol.

Exactly, we can see how much damage output DJ packs = mosquito AP. Hence nothing.
True, he didn't block it in a manner he did against Luffy, he neither used Haki nor was he more serious = mosquito AP once again.
He was mocking Sanji meanwhile Luffy actually hurt Doflamingo superficially = Sanji's AP is weak.
No, he called Sanji powerful. DId he ever call Luffy powerful outside of G3 and G4??

You're the troll to turn a blind eye to how Doffy was looking anxious from Sanji TWICE but decided to block Luffy with haki while looking bored and casaul as fuck. That's the difference

The fire of Luffy's Red hawk was dispersed when Katakuri clashed against it. Katakuri has barrier Haki? lol
The way the fire was dispersed by DOffy is indicative of barrier haki usage, similar to how Marco blocked Akainu, spreading outwards from the point of impact omnidirectionally.

This is not. Look at not the collision but the actual fire. The fire itself is not dispersed in the same manner (These are collision strikes, but distinct from the actual fire that is not dispersed omnidirectionally like Sanji's fire)

Luffy's Red Hawk is not a fire attack, it is an attack high in AP owing to the internal heat that he channels thorugh from the fist to the rest of the arm. It becomes like an explosion when it hits the target, but Katakuri meets the AP of the attack head-on. Katakuri stops it with AP alone of the mochi hardened fist.

It is you attributing qualities to Doffy that he didnt show against Luffy when you say he blocked DJ and disregarded the fire with just pure strength and durability. It is not consistent with his showings against Luffy.
That's why Luffy said "I'm starting to understand... your powers!" and not "Wow! My kick injured him that much".
Once again, the author's intention was to highlight the fact that Luffy managed to land a hit and not how much he damaged him.
Not saying it hurt him plenty. It was enough to make him spit out shitloads of blood from the basest of kicks just with some haki

It is unambiguously showing us Kata's raw durability when he isn't coating haki or using other shield mechanisms. Kata with raw durability spits out that much blood from jaded Luffy's kick

Hence why Oven is even more durable. You really going to ignore the VC means you're jsut toxic
flying a few kilometers into the city
no lol I'm not getting into that
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