Powers & Abilities Vivre card Enma confirmation



Clarification Regarding Enma
The only thing it "confirmed" was that it's a cursed blade, the part regarding haki is literally what Tengu said to him in 955, so theologically it shouldn't bring anything new to the table

Manga line:持ち主の"流桜"を勝手に放出し必要以上に"斬る"...!!
VC line:持ち主の覇気を勝手に放出し必要以上に斬る。
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could be that cursed swords have pervious users spirit inside.
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Zoro used ryuo on all his blades not just enma too bad the guy is a 3 sword style user. I mean why would he keep using all 3 if Enma is the only sword that was allowing him to use ryuo.
Zoro never learned Ryou or got to understand it's concept which is why he couldn't hurt Kaido until he started unleashing more of Enma which is the only way he could use Ryou; the other blades are for the purpose of amplifying the power of attacks. Anyways I believe that after the rooftop fight Zoro will be able to instinctively use Ryou(I also don't believe that anyone taught Oden Ryou but through the repeated use of Enma he learned it by experience) so Enma is a training tool without a need for a master. When Zoro wakes up he will be a lot more stronger than in the rooftop, and if he somehow learn the internal destruction haki down the line and learns advanced CoA his Ryou will be unmatched literally. And finally after realising he has CoC and that he has been using it in Ashura this whole time he can replicate Luffy's current feat making him a solid top teir by the end of the arc
Zoro wouldnt be able to use that haki in the way he uses it with enma with shusui anyway :kayneshrug: power up is a power up non the less... magical sword is magical
Lets not back track now
Saying it Oden's power is a lot more disrespectful than saying Zoro has gotten stronger due to Enma training, out of his own merit, when he picked up the sword, the sword was nuisance, Zoro had to train to make his CoA strong enough for Enma
Just a side note; advanced CoA is not Ryou haki, it is what Katakuri used in block mochi and what Cracker and Jozu use(according to the VCs) basically advanced CoA is a stronger CoA and that's it while Ryou haki is just basic CoA used to it's utmost efficiency


Law Nerd
This time Zoro wankers take Ls without even searching what the source actually say.

VCs: Enma drains Haki of the user.

Some Zoro fanboy on twitter: It's Zoro's Haki not Oden's :vistalaugh:

VCs says nothing about whose Haki is in it or not, what a sad fanbase... They just can't deal with Luffy > Zoro, and crying all the time all over the internet with this kind of nonsense. In Oda's series Luffy > Zoro guys, you can cry all you want but he is not going to change his own series because you cry for underling Zoro. :goyea:
Just accept the reality and don't stress yourself too much. I got it right a long time ago it would appear.

Zoro whilst attempting to tame Enma said: "Give it back to me" obviously referring to his general energy and also haki after his arm had shrunk in size. However I believe it's extensively unlikely that Enma is capable to permanently store these even if the user wished to, and eventually the energy would be converted to another form, and regardless Oden's arms were normal before he died. Kaido talks about presence, not even haki, and swords are living objects canonically, eventually Enma simply stored his memories, but that has to be proven later on.

Also I believe that the black blade is decidedly not about storing haki in the sword, but eventually render it particularly hard without storing it, since Zoro failed to cut up Monet.
This time Zoro wankers take Ls without even searching what the source actually say.

VCs: Enma drains Haki of the user.

Some Zoro fanboy on twitter: It's Zoro's Haki not Oden's :vistalaugh:

VCs says nothing about whose Haki is in it or not, what a sad fanbase... They just can't deal with Luffy > Zoro, and crying all the time all over the internet with this kind of nonsense. In Oda's series Luffy > Zoro guys, you can cry all you want but he is not going to change his own series because you cry for underling Zoro. :goyea:
Man you still crying?
Clarification Regarding Enma
The only thing it "confirmed" was that it's a cursed blade, the part regarding haki is literally what Tengu said to him in 955, so theologically it shouldn't bring anything new to the table

Manga line:持ち主の"流桜"を勝手に放出し必要以上に"斬る"...!!
VC line:持ち主の覇気を勝手に放出し必要以上に斬る。
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could be that cursed swords have pervious users spirit inside.
Shove that headcanon back in your ass.
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Already one step head of you :goyea:
Oh no, youve turned into the crying six + associates. What a sad day
Zoro never learned Ryou or got to understand it's concept which is why he couldn't hurt Kaido until he started unleashing more of Enma which is the only way he could use Ryou; the other blades are for the purpose of amplifying the power of attacks. Anyways I believe that after the rooftop fight Zoro will be able to instinctively use Ryou(I also don't believe that anyone taught Oden Ryou but through the repeated use of Enma he learned it by experience) so Enma is a training tool without a need for a master. When Zoro wakes up he will be a lot more stronger than in the rooftop, and if he somehow learn the internal destruction haki down the line and learns advanced CoA his Ryou will be unmatched literally. And finally after realising he has CoC and that he has been using it in Ashura this whole time he can replicate Luffy's current feat making him a solid top teir by the end of the arc
How could Zoro not understand the concept of Ryuo when he managed to take back his Haki from Enma?
It should be even more obvious that Zoro has an understanding of Ryuo given how the breath of all things and Ryuo share similar explanations.
The Crying 6 right now:

Temple of the Grandmaster right now:

When you think about it...

You realize that there are people in this community who defend the idea that a blade can store haki for an infinite amount of time and that the haki stored became infinite.

I mean take the time to think about what this mean. Realize that people were ready to believe, no, to enforce the idea that something that was present to be finite can become infinite when store in a object.

And they were willing to push that idea not because it makes sense, not because it was what the manga shown/said. No, they were willing to push that to downplay a fictional character.

I want you to take the time to appreciate how far some people are willing to go to downplay something that have absolutely no bearing on their life.

I mean, Zoro, cannot hurt real people. There is no reason to go this far to downplay what a drawing is doing. But there are people in the One Piece community that cannot distance themselves from the One Piece characters.

They need our help.
I have said several times that "Zoro > Fiction" exactly because of this. He is a fictional character who had hurt (and will continue to hurt) real people.

Deluded ones, but still real people.
How could Zoro not understand the concept of Ryuo when he managed to take back his Haki from Enma?
It should be even more obvious that Zoro has an understanding of Ryuo given how the breath of all things and Ryuo share similar explanations.