Volume 110 - Discussion Thread (November 1st, 2024)


Talent is something you make bloom.
This teasing with Fuji and Ryo makes me think Oda still has some narrative for them in the future. The bit with Fuji being a war criminal feels like something that might cause adversity for the WG.....

Marine Coup might really happen after all.
It is?
Akainu blowing up the ship with innocent oharan civillians wasn't a war crime already?

Sounds like they have no issue with it at all.
I said this in a DM about the Fuji news.

"It isn't strange when "war criminal" would likely just be what the victor in that war claims in order to humiliate the loser of a conflict.

Didn't Fujitora say something along the lines of blinding himself in an attempt to stop seeing injustice? What greater injustice than being the war chief of a nation acting purely in defence, having his nation destroyed and then being accused of war crimes by a petty, aggressive victor?"

Fuji gonna have that Gokei level backstory Kingdom comrades. :fujilaugh: