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Okay, Im thinking

On here: Which hosts are lenient toward shenanigans, and who hosts games with no leniency whatsoever?
I love my overpowered SK roles, but I have clear rules when it comes to how abilities work. I only allow regular abilities for ability creators or make a list of what abilities you can create.

AL sama

Red Haired
Okay, fine, let's say it isn't gamethrowing in its purest form

But it is gamethrowing ethically

and selfishly unkind

It's inconsiderate of players who wanted to win the game strategically without bending rules or finding loopholes to rely on, while also not trolling with your abioities for laughs and your own amusement (that affect either factions, just not you)

That may not be your problem, you can decide to take it on, but I think that's the gripe

I don't care how you played, I don't feel bitter, I just want to explain why some might feel bitter
a host shouldn't allow game throwing but sadly blue s too kind and allowed it

a player shouldn't try to game throw either
So I can't turn around and say "I'd like to give strikes for this behaviour" even if it is, in my view, in the same tier of behaviour that I would seek strikes against. So the question becomes "how can I prevent this from being allowed again". It's a unique case because you rarely see it get co-signed off, but the best I have currently is

*Limit the scope of super role madness, such as the removal of wishes
*Make it a rule that the spirit of a role must be followed beyond just the letter
*Remove ambiguity with Indies, i.e. discard the concept of pro-town indies and anti-town indies

The problem with 2 is it becomes very vague and relies on the hosts to arbitrate which isn't likely to go very well, 1 seems fair but ultimately puts a cap on what can be included in games which I don't want to do, and 3 while sounding good to me requires clear guidelines on what is or isn't an Indie and again runs the risk of over-policing what people can put in games.

See this mess? There is no good answer. But I can't just trust players to play the games without any of this extra shit, so then what. It would be so much easier if people could just play their roles as intended, instead of always trying to find a cheap edge to play spoiler.
I don’t play the game to make enemies, and I like to think of most everyone here as a friend.

So I don’t intend on a repeat. I’d prefer not to deal with this again. I don’t like making people seriously upset.
There was but I got lazy xD

I put it Town with an alternate wincon cause no way I was going to take out the other indies.

And Libra didn't make it because it was too many indies.

The only one that I could potetially taken out was the Serial Killer I think.

Kanade and Maka goes in a pair and Chtolly was a must have.
You should probably add Maka to the endgame WU, so Mitch knows when he comes back :milaugh:.


After reading what happened I have to say from my viewer perspective I have to agree with Ratchet and AL. Why do players always have to break a game at all costs? No matter in what position I had been had I participated in this round I would not be happy about this either. Even when I´d have been one of those town players that got dragged out of the game as winners together with Prof I would not have liked this very much as it would feel unfinished to just leave the game without me having done anything to reach this by myself and someone else decided this for me imo. Guess, Blue wanted to be too nice to deny it although the removal of 6 players shortened his round very much and this was surely not what he was hoping for (I think). Lack of activity from a lot of mafia and town players were another issue again I´d say.
Okay, fine, let's say it isn't gamethrowing in its purest form

But it is gamethrowing ethically

and selfishly unkind

It's inconsiderate of players who wanted to win the game strategically without bending rules or finding loopholes to rely on, while also not trolling with your abioities for laughs and your own amusement (that affect either factions, just not you)

That may not be your problem, you can decide to take it on, but I think that's the gripe

I don't care how you played, I don't feel bitter, I just want to explain why some might feel bitter
I do understand. And I’m not running from that.

I play to win, so I’m never going to intentionally do something to make myself lose. I don’t consider it in the same realm as actually trying to lose a game.


The End and the Beginning
And not to beat the horse here, but even if Prof turns around and says "it's okay, you can give me strikes for this", I can't, because I also have to worry about precedent.

For example, if a player isn't following the thread closely, and submits a kill on a vocal and important townie, causing the town to lose... does that deserve a strike? What about if a player disagrees with the thread than another is town, shoots them and is wrong? You'd surely say, absolutely not a strike, they're just playing the game, right? But then I can't stop the players like Prof from doing something like they did in this game, and then invoking one of the above two scenarios as a defence. So the fairest line to draw is that the moment the host has given something the OK, whether that be a post, an action, or whatever, that action is no longer something that can be struck against.

So how do I avoid the next pro town indie who wants to change their role into a scum one? Not give them the tools is the most obvious answer. Given that this scenario could only have been brought about by something as silly as a wish, the best option I see is to take those away, that we may at least remove the most egregious of examples from repeating. But I don't want to having to start to say "well you can't include this role and this ability in games hosted here", because I personally hate the idea of players being stripped of choice. But that obviously then relies on trust, trust which has repeatedly been abused and disgarded.

I will have to think on it, and I suspect no answer I come to will be universally popular.
I do understand. And I’m not running from that.

I play to win, so I’m never going to intentionally do something to make myself lose. I don’t consider it in the same realm as actually trying to lose a game.
I don’t play the game to make enemies, and I like to think of most everyone here as a friend.

So I don’t intend on a repeat. I’d prefer not to deal with this again. I don’t like making people seriously upset.
I think this is all that needs to be said and understood

I don't think or read malicious intent on you, it's just there's always unintended consequences to more competitive plays, but you understand the danger to it here
I don't like when games cause legitimate gripes, Mafia should be relaxing and every player should be considered to ensure there's not alot of sour feelings over things when playing just as bros

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
I think this is all that needs to be said and understood

I don't think or read malicious intent on you, it's just there's always unintended consequences to more competitive plays, but you understand the danger to it here
I don't like when games cause legitimate gripes, Mafia should be relaxing and every player should be considered to ensure there's not alot of sour feelings over things when playing just as bros
Trin you got

Roleblocked by Prof
Then by Ratchet
Then by Dnine
Then it was the kill

It was bad luck


Holy Simp
Just keep alignments and wincons to how they were intended in the beginning, or how abilities are tuned to it. Any midgame change/alternation/escalation is a bastardization and leads to unethic swings. Like in this game it lead to a huge chunk of townies leaving due to an indie and causing a hole. And there was a single townie left who was acting as a type of sacrifice to allow a third party faction escape for a win. Also there should be restrictions to the size that a third party faction should have, even when other abilities try to influence this, there should be a limit. If a Cultafia is enabled to have 4 members then a third party faction should also not exceed the size of that.
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