Wash out? No name? Pleb, Chinjao is legendery pirate with 7 treasures! A former rival to Garp the Hero of the Marine! You just talk big because he old and rusty and was nerfed for decades but in his prime he was very powerful figture!
Wash out? No name? Pleb, Chinjao is legendery pirate with 7 treasures! A former rival to Garp the Hero of the Marine! You just talk big because he old and rusty and was nerfed for decades but in his prime he was very powerful figture!
If Oda wanted to keep it consistent with the big goals and crazy will theme then Chinjao Katakuri and WB shouldn’t have it
Chinjao is a known fraud
Katakuri has a strong will but no real goal
WB has a strong will but he doesn’t have a goal that requires him to stand at the top
Wash out? No name? Pleb, Chinjao is legendery pirate with 7 treasures! A former rival to Garp the Hero of the Marine! You just talk big because he old and rusty and was nerfed for decades but in his prime he was very powerful figture!
Yet some people find it weird for many having it. Oda just gave us a spoiler of it in dresrossa. Rayleigh said that characters who had made a big name for themselves usually have it. Each time, Luffy climbs to the top, he will be fightings these users.
Don was a legendary pirate, yeah, legendary. He was the leader who lost his crown.
If Oda wanted to keep it consistent with the big goals and crazy will theme then Chinjao Katakuri and WB shouldn’t have it
Chinjao is a known fraud
Katakuri has a strong will but no real goal
WB has a strong will but he doesn’t have a goal that requires him to stand at the top
Much more than big dreams, it is about following your dream no matter what, they wont allow any other and come and destroy their dreams, their pride.
Even though Chinjao was a small leader, he was very proud as being able to split the island, and thought to have the best power until Garp defeated him.
Katakuri maybe too, he was the role model and had to build his character around godly personality, he will never let people see him bend over even though they are limited by their power.
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