Was old WB still prime WB or he passed his prime ?
As far as I understand the manga
Oda never said 72 years old whitebeard isn’t his prime rather he was sick. If he wasn’t for his sickness he would still be in his prime at the age of 72.
big mum we can understand because due to her pregnancy but she only lost few of her strength like speed for example when one of her children said he can’t move at that speed but she was still close to her prime.
Old ray we can understand because he didn’t pick a sword up for more then 20 years so he is rusty
Old gaban Can still be in his prime cuz he was actived
As far as I understand the manga
Oda never said 72 years old whitebeard isn’t his prime rather he was sick. If he wasn’t for his sickness he would still be in his prime at the age of 72.
big mum we can understand because due to her pregnancy but she only lost few of her strength like speed for example when one of her children said he can’t move at that speed but she was still close to her prime.
Old ray we can understand because he didn’t pick a sword up for more then 20 years so he is rusty
Old gaban Can still be in his prime cuz he was actived