Questions & Mysteries Was Old WB…

Is old WB past his prime years

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 90.3%
  • No

    Votes: 3 9.7%

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Was old WB still prime WB or he passed his prime ?

As far as I understand the manga
Oda never said 72 years old whitebeard isn’t his prime rather he was sick. If he wasn’t for his sickness he would still be in his prime at the age of 72.

big mum we can understand because due to her pregnancy but she only lost few of her strength like speed for example when one of her children said he can’t move at that speed but she was still close to her prime.

Old ray we can understand because he didn’t pick a sword up for more then 20 years so he is rusty

Old gaban Can still be in his prime cuz he was actived
My takeaway is that all older legends can display near-prime performances for a time, but lack their former reflexes and stamina, and weaken fast the moment they get injured.

Like if you took old WB and prime WB and put them in a fight, the former would be initially close to the latter, but as the fight went on he would start getting sloppy and leave openings, then weaken drastically especially after prime WB got a few hits in.

So if young WB is a consistent 100, old WB would be 90 initially, but quickly dwindle to 60-70 as the fight continued.
WB's prime years have long passed when he showed up in Marineford. Not only he was old, but he was also sick (probably cancer) and, as many people forget, he was seriously hurt by Squardo before he even started battling (which makes his feats in Marineford even more impressive). You commented that Rayleigh was rusty, but Garp was still active (and not sick) and he still says that his strength has diminished back in Water 7 (Post-Enies Lobby arc). You get weaker when you get old, even in One Piece.

Read Ace novel which is canon , does not contradict the manga and only provides more detailed info about things already mentioned in manga. There you will see how even old Whitebeard is recognised as not in his prime anymore and old age and bad health starts to kick in. Ace is getting literally one shotted by him and Aces realisation that he is already out of his prime shocked him.
Sick whitebeard isn’t healthy beard

Prime Newgate >~ Old whitebeard

Old whitebeard was the one revered by even old guys themselves (Garp , Sengoku)

Garp/Sengoku who are old would know the decline of an old guy , Oda is the mastermind behind what they think and still explicitly stated Newgate was the strongest pirate.

Never once did they say “he’s old now he’s not the strongest” because that’s not exactly how the story is

Shanks sky splitting with Newgate clearly shown he’s still that monstrous guy with the WSM title.

The guy who was called the WSM was prime beard and ALSO old whitebeard.

old whitebeard is still the strongest pirate until further notice , only shanks and Blackbeard has a chance of surpassing that resume.

I understand fandoms are a big thing but that’ doesn’t mean shit in how Oda portrayed even the old whitebeard.