Character Discussion Wealth, Fame, Power. The Original Trio

Zoros dream is Fame not Power.
Luffys dream is All 3
Namis dream isn’t connected to any of these
I think Zoro’s was about fame when he was a kid, but after Kuina’s death it became more about honoring his friend’s legacy
Luffy’s is probably none of the above, since we know that becoming the pirate king is just a means to an end for him (Which I guess could count as “Power” but still)
But yeah Nami’s dream really doesn’t fit. While she likes money, she consistently shows that she’s willing to give it up for those she cares about
I think Zoro’s was about fame when he was a kid, but after Kuina’s death it became more about honoring his friend’s legacy
Luffy’s is probably none of the above, since we know that becoming the pirate king is just a means to an end for him (Which I guess could count as “Power” but still)
But yeah Nami’s dream really doesn’t fit. While she likes money, she consistently shows that she’s willing to give it up for those she cares about
Zoros dream is to allow his name to reach Kuina in heaven. That’s a fame thing imo.

Luffys introduction was Coby saying “Wealth, Fame, Power your goal is to obtain everything the world has to offer!” “and he says yeah.”
Lol. OG trio hasn’t been relevant for a long time. Wealth, fame and power have nothing to do with Zoro or Nami. But you already knew that. I’ve seen way too many Zoro/Luffy parallel threads not to see where this is going. :whitepress:
The difference between real main characters...

This is maybe the most important moment in the series! Makes me shiver from emotion

... and characters merely added for fillers and comic relief

These are a very different thing
Luffy and Zoro are the real deal that everyone (bar flat earthers) know... but Nami should really need much, much more

Easy there
Lol. OG trio hasn’t been relevant for a long time. Wealth, fame and power have nothing to do with Zoro or Nami. But you already knew that. I’ve seen way too many Zoro/Luffy parallel threads not to see where this is going. :whitepress:
I mean I think you could argue that Zoro and Nami have their relationship with Luffy emphasized the most. Especially recently
I mean I think you could argue that Zoro and Nami have their relationship with Luffy emphasized the most. Especially recently
Usopp used to be in there as well, but now I genuinely can’t remember the last good moment they had together. Or any moment at all, really. Maybe coming into Zou being the last time they talked?

Doesn’t help that the last good moment Usopp has had overall was eight years ago.
Imo it goes like this
Luffy is the Man who achieved Wealth, Fame & Power ---> He recruited Nami, Usopp & Zoro

Zoro will become More Legendary than Roger Power-Wise
Usopp will become More Iconic than Roger Fame-Wise
Nami will become More-Influential than Roger Wealth-Wise
All of this thanks to their Dreams

As for Sanji who represents Final Recruit in East Blue (Who is actually only one among them who doesn't originate from East Blue)
Sanji is The Key to Luffy's Secret Dream (Post-Becoming Pirate King)

In other words, East Blue Recruits represent the ones who will "Surpass" Roger
Then comes the Grand Line Recruits who represent Keys of Revolution that Roger failed to Start

After finding Laugh Tale, accoding to WB, there should be a World War (One that Roger chose not to Start since it wasn't Time yet)
So Luffy's Grand Line Recruits represent the Members who are Crucial to that Final War

Racism needs to End ---> Jinbe's Dream (Poseidon will play a Part here)
History needs to be Revealed to Everyone ---> Robin's Dream
Grand Line/Red Line needs to be Removed ---> Brook's Dream (Indirectly)
Certain Plagues/Disabilities needs to be Cured ---> Chopper's Dream
Pluton needs to be Awakened & Used ---> Franky's Dream

And Luffy is obviously the one who made all of this Possible making him Greatest Achiever & Leader-Figure or Inspirational Figure of All Times.
(Not to mention Stopping Final Villain whose Danger should be on Unprecedented Scale)

So Overall, it seems that One Piece Story is Split into Three Parts

1. Discovering One Piece or Surpassing Roger (East Blue Trio)
2. Meeting Conditions required for One Piece to be Used/Applied (New World Recruits)
3. Fulfilling Roger's Secret Dream, which is also Luffy's (Sanji)
Imo it goes like this
Luffy is the Man who achieved Wealth, Fame & Power ---> He recruited Nami, Usopp & Zoro

Zoro will become More Legendary than Roger Power-Wise
Usopp will become More Iconic than Roger Fame-Wise
Nami will become More-Influential than Roger Wealth-Wise
All of this thanks to their Dreams

As for Sanji who represents Final Recruit in East Blue (Who is actually only one among them who doesn't originate from East Blue)
Sanji is The Key to Luffy's Secret Dream (Post-Becoming Pirate King)

3. Fulfilling Roger's Secret Dream, which is also Luffy's (Sanji)
Will Sanji make it to LaughTale with them, like does this spell death flags? I noted that other than the first scenes with Rayleigh. Every time there's talk of Roger and his crew, or information obtained on reaching the end island, Sanji is not present. Biggest one being Zou and all those reveals. He has no real parallels of the older generation like the others (we know nothing of Gaban but so far there's nothing saying he's his parallel), the prallels he does have are both Luffy's brothers in different ways. It's like he was an added anomaly.
Will Sanji make it to LaughTale with them, like does this spell death flags? I noted that other than the first scenes with Rayleigh. Every time there's talk of Roger and his crew, or information obtained on reaching the end island, Sanji is not present. Biggest one being Zou and all those reveals. He has no real parallels of the older generation like the others (we know nothing of Gaban but so far there's nothing saying he's his parallel), the prallels he does have are both Luffy's brothers in different ways. It's like he was an added anomaly.
I think everyone will make it to Laugh Tale, but in the following Arc, i believe Sanji will Die
I believe he is The Story's Major Death (Similar to how Ace was for Pre-TS)

Japan don't associate the Number 4 without also thinking of the Word "Death"
And Oda didn't just make Sanji 4th Reruit. He is making Zoro call him Number 4, he constantly gets 4th Bounty, he is Judge's 4th Child & so many other References

He also is portrayed as Kindest Character & it's teased multiple times that one day it's gonna be his Downfall
Even though Luffy needs entire Crew, Oda keeps insisting on Highlighting Sanji's Role more often
For example, even though Robin referred to both Zoro & Sanji as Wings, the Scene was clearly created to give Sanji more Respect.
Oda giving him an Arc Post-TS is also a Red Flag

And let's be honest, why would Oda make Zoro never ever call Sanji by his Name?
It's clear that there is a Scene in Final War where Zoro will finally use Sanji's Name, what would be the reason?
Cuz Sanji proves himself Super Strong? Ofc not, it's clear that both Zoro & Sanji respect each other's Power even though they pretend not
So imo Sanji will Sacrifice himself in Final War to fulfill Luffy's Dream & that's when Zoro will say his Name as they say Goodbye

Another Hint is Thriller Bark Ending, i believe Oda is building up for a Reverse Scenario where it's Sanji who will do the Sacrifice instead.
I also discovered what is Luffy's Secret Dream & it's the Main Reason i started thinking about Sanji's Death, cuz i found out that only him can help Luffy achieve it, he is literally the only one

And what you just said is also another argument
Oda created a Trio from East Blue who fulfill the Wealth, Fame, Power Parallel & then added Recruits from New World
But Sanji is the only odd one, hence why an entire Arc was needed just to flush out his Unique Treats

It's also hinted that this Dream of Luffy is related to Sun God Nika, which brings us to the meaning of Luffy's Wings
Everyone found that Nika resembles Sky People, but he lacks "Wings"
Oda literally made Nika mentioned in Jinbe Fight & then Wings in following Fight of Robin, it's cuz they are "Related"

What do these Wings represent?
Sun God Nika Form seems to be combination of Overwhelming Emotions & Overwhelming Power
It's clear that Zoro is Portrayed as the Character with Infinite Power Potential while Sanji is Character with Infinite Emotions/Kindness
(Luffy literally treasures Meat more than anything & Sanji is like his Joy Boy, who brings him more joy than anything thanks to his Cooking)

So Luffy is indeed Very Powerful, but to fulfill his Dream, Roger's Dream & Nika's Dream, he needs his Full Wings
Zoro & Sanji are portrayed as Luffy's Right & Left Hands, not cuz they are Equals Combat Wise, it's cuz they are Equals Role Wise
(When it comes to Luffy's Secret Dream)

Thriller Bark Scene, literally summarized that, it's only Scene where Zoro/Sanji were truly Highlighted alone in a Major Scene & not Comedic One or simple Match-Ups. Luffy was supposedly gonna Die at the hands of Kuma, but who fought him? It was Zoro.
After that, Kuma offered to remove all of Luffy's Suffering (Everything he endured during his Stay in Thriller Bark which was literally like a Nightmare but presented as a Musical Comedy), that really sounds like the Ultimate Gift Luffy can receive after that Arc, who tried to Sacrifice himself? It was Sanji. (But Zoro stopped him, cuz that was simply a Parallel, when it comes to the real deal, it won't go Zoro's Way, cuz Sanji now learned his lesson)

So at the End of Story, after everyone is Defeated, including Final Villain, Mihawk, Blackbeard, Marines & anyone Introduced so far ... etc
Someone will be Introduced who is basically Manifestation of "Death" or something related. Did Oda tease such Appearance?
Yes, he said that at the End of One Piece, a Character with Eye-Patch will be Introduced (He didn't say if it's New Character or someone we saw before)

However according to what i said above, his Target gonna be a Luffy (Who is Unable to Move or Fight or simply Unconscious), and everyone won't be able to stand to this Character, except Zoro (This will be Zoro's True Purpose for becoming Strongest), i believe this Character is Ancient & he knew Joy Boy Personally (Think of him as Kureha if Hiriluk was Joy Boy, basically someone Stronger but not as Iconic), and if my Theories are correct, he could be a Giant & his Epithet is "Redbeard".

So Zoro will fulfill his Part of the Wings (Being Luffy's Weapon) & stop this Character from ending Luffy's Life or Dream
Then comes Sanji's Part of the Wings (Being Luffy's Shield) & he will Sacrifice himself to fulfill Luffy's Secret Dream.
Another Hint that Final Scene will mirror Thriller Bark Ending is the fact that Kuma described his Powers as "Hell" to Zoro
And recently Zoro said "Im gonna be King of Hell", shortly after, we had a Scene showing a Shinigami
(And Zoro said before that he wants to Conquer Death, so this clearly hints that Death will come for Luffy at the End & Zoro must stop it)

Well, no need to hold on to it for longer, so i will just tease it
Sanji will be remembered as "The Boy who flew too close to The Sun"
And that's literally the entire Purpose of his Abilities

During his Queen Fight, it's revealed that Sanji can indeed Increase his Flames, cuz as he explained before it comes from his Heart/Emotions (As hinted multiple times), and we all know & even Brook said it that Sanji's Kindness is Infinite, so he should be able to increases his Flames Power Infinitely, what's stopping him? He explained that it's his own Body

So Sanji's Kicks Progress depends on increasing his Body Resistance so that he can unleash Stronger Flames thanks to his Infinite Kindness.
In other words, Oda wants Peak Kindness = Peak Flame Resistance, why?
Cuz he wants Sanji to be able to get close to the Sun without Dying (Only Character EOS who can do it)

That's Luffy's Ridiculous Dream, it's so childish yet so crazy yet Oda loved it when he was 16 Years Old cuz when he was at that Age, they aired Teletubbies with the most iconic Scene that made all Children happy (I personally watched it when i was 4 or 5), showing a Joyful Boy inside a Sun which marks the Beginning & End of each Episode as if it makes everyone's Dreams come True

Luffy literally explained that Pirate King means Freest, someone who can Travel to where no one Traveled before
He doesn't need to Travel to "All Islands", he simply needs to Travel to the One everyone failed to Visit which was Laugh Tale
But there is another Place that everyone sees & Luffy's Signature Hat literally resembles it (Recently Oda drew Shanks showing it next to the Sun, as if they look similar), and that's the Sun, the only place that if you can reach then you are truly Freest Person Ever (However in Luffy's Mind it's just a Childish Dream that will make people mock him, but at the end it will serve a Purpose & it will be revealed that One Piece Project functions thanks to the Sun

Vegapunk literally spoiled it when he showed those Holograms & then he asked, does it matter if it's real or not as long as you can interact with it?! Oda is literally telling us that with Power of Light, you can create anything you can think of & as long as people can interact with it, then it's no different than Reality

The Sun is only Light Source that can reach entire World, it only needs a Consciousness with Infinite Imagination, Immense Power & Love to make everyone Happy to be able to fulfill such premise

Luffy will literally become Sun God & illuminate the World turning it into a Place where any Dream can become True.
And to do that, he needs to be able to hear & understand everything that anyone or anything thinks of, hence why Oda created
"Voice of All Things". Luffy is literally One Piece World Deity (At least not yet)

However the reason old Joy Boy failed, is cuz they are living in the Bad Timeline (They are living in Blackbeard's Vision, the Man who never Sleeps & says "People's Dreams Never End"), so first they must correct everything & turn the World "Upside Down" (Roger's First Words to Rayleigh). And now you also understand why Thriller Bark War ended with the words "Nothing Happened"!!
It wasn't just a Zoro Moment, it was a Foreshadowing to the Story's Biggest Reveal of Nothing Happened cuz the Story will be re-written the way Luffy wants it (Hence why Fate is highlighted in so many Arcs)

I can go on & on, it's a Huge Huge Lore & i only mentioned so little
But the point is, Yes, Sanji will Die by fulfilling Luffy's Secret Dream
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Oda would have to work his ass of for me to fall for nami's character while emphasising her contributions

she has a beautiful potential for her character.
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But W thread nonetheless