Sign-up Weebs : New Beginnings


The game will start soon I promise and it will great, I just hope you guys understand but irl stuff led me to need this vacation time to release some extreme stress I had to deal with. As a long time host that entertained you guys many times I ask that you are patient, love you all. I will reward you with a fun game.

Also I had to push the date back a bit for @Tyrant MUUGEN and some other players who couldn’t play before.

So give me 1 week or two and i got you all.
im ready rn


This forum is retarded.
@Fujishiro guide him.

You and @Logiko needs to submit two character /personality names - could be anything.

Also, @MonochromeYoru see that coward 🤡
Fuji closed the submissions already since the setup should be done by now or almost done. Instead he would sub them into the game in case someone can't take their slot. Sometimes it helps being up to date with a thread.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Fuji closed the submissions already since the setup should be done by now or almost done. Instead he would sub them into the game in case someone can't take their slot. Sometimes it helps being up to date with a thread.
Why we waste time in keeping with the thread when we have guys like you to do service for us :milaugh: