ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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By now I assume you all have started your little kerfuffles and we’ll flowchart that while I have come through relatively unharassed

I don’t have any point to make here, I just like how things are


Holy Simp
Ay guys, been sleepdeprived for a while now guys. I will be gone for a while sleeping, will make notes inbetween and most actions that you will submit will be proceeded with write ups before the halftime mark of the day. I am sorry that this is going a bit slow, but my real life job killed me this week, and it won't stop in future. Meanwhile I hope you enjoy the lot of content this game has to offer.
See ya later!
Yo, can you please tell me which ability/entry you submitted for Eurovision? That's pretty important

@Mashiro Blue
@Lord Tentei
@AL sama
@Dr. Watson (mango)
@Flower (indigo)

From what I gathered so far:

1. Weeb Council - Flower
2. I AM TOWNIE!!! -
3. Bond of Fate - Fuji
4. Detective Boys -
5. Disruption Cube -
6. Archangel's Judgment - Blue
7. Weeball - Charlie
8. Barbie Girl -
9. Blessing of Heaves -
10. Peeper -
11. The Beauty Of Voluntary -
12. Bending Reality - AL sama
Those who refuse to reveal: go into POE. I trust if your town you'd have no problem revealing your vote. I'm doing this more of to keep the bad abilities from winning which would be things we don't want scum to get.
i voted for bond of fire you nosey bastards
World? Are you READY?!

The Euroweeb Song Contest has closed it's entry phase!
The crafted work will be presented, but in order to keep integrity and spice things up, we will hide the creators of those entries and also the voters on the poll.

Now, every player may vote in the poll attached to the gamethread - which ability shall win this grand contest. There are a variety of rewards attached to winning to this contest! Let's enjoy the time on the couch and watch some good ol' ESC!

Edit: This contest ends at the end of the Third Cycle!

[Weeb Council][Active] - During the day, activate this to create a night talk the following night phase. [2-shots]

[I am townier!!!][Active] - You can target a player and challenge them to a towniness contest. The player with the least amount of lynch votes on them at the end of that day wins the contest and gains a double action the following night, or the ability to grant another player a double action. [1 cycle cooldown]

[Bond of Fate][Active] - In the event of a town being lynched activate this to allow for a night lynch. This does not enable a night chat. [1-shot]

[Detective Boys][Active] - You may target a player during the night phase, and place either a Bounty or a Gratuity on them.
If you place a Bounty, a player at random will be told that they must get them lynched the following cycle. If they succeed in doing so, they will receive a double action biff for the next cycle.
If you place a Gratuity, a player at random will be told they must ensure that said player survives the cycle. If the player fails to keep their target alive, they will be roleblocked through immunities for the following cycle. [1 cycle cooldown]

[Disruption Cube][Passive] - You investigate as innocent. When targeted with an investigation ability you absorb the ability into a one shot copy of the ability. The investigator then has to toss a one shot copy of the ability. The secondary effect of this ability can only occur once in the game!

[Archangel's Judgment][Day Active] - Calling upon the Archangel's power, and after 6 players have died in the game, you may pass judgement unto a player of your choice, as retribution for killing the weebs. You will get a list of 3 players and you have to brand them as [Guilty] or [Innocent]. If you correctly guess the player who killed the weebs and mark them guilty, you'll kill him regular. Alternatively if you're killed, [Archangel's Judgment] will also proc with the same effects, only this time you must correctly guess who killed you and it will be a superkill. This ability will activate regardless of whatever action you are targeted with. [1-shot]

.[Weebball][Active] - Revolutionary invention essential for catching and storing Weebs. Each cycle, try to capture a Weeb by guessing their role. If you guess their role correctly, gain a copy of one of their abilities for the next cycle only. Guess wrong and you won't be able to use this ability next cycle. Certain abilities cannot be copied. Critical Capture - Once per game, if you guess both their alignment and role, you'll also have an option to jail them for a cycle.

[Barbie Girl][Active] - Life is plastic and fantastic, you can fake a write up that has yet to be posted. [2-shots]

[Blessing of the Heavens][Passive] - If you were ever to die in the game via a regular kill or superkill, redirect your fate and swipe a player of your choosing to die instead of you. Choose the player within 24 hours of receiving this item. While this passive is effective, the holder of this passive, won't be able to get protected! [1-shot]

[Peeper][Active] - Target someone at night and if they are successful with an action, copy the action as a one-shot. [3-shots]

[The Beauty Of Voluntary][Active] - Investigate a player. If this ability ever fails, a random player will receive a one-shot cop ability, but the investigation has a 60% chance to give the sane result. [1-shot]

[Bending Reality][Active] - You can target any write up and redo it by adding, removing or changing certain parts. Does not rewrite faction kills or converts. [4 cycles cooldown][you can't add more then 1 kill 1 revive or 1 game removal]

Some of these are scummy AF.
I think scum made some and assumed town was not gonna be able to know who made which.

Lynch the maker of -

Disruption Cube.
I I even need to explain?
Passive to scan as town? Lol.

Barbie girl.
Why would town need fake writeups?

Bending reality.
Kinda scummy but in the middle.
but i can see how it could benefit town even though it's def gotta be a scum favored ability. ie a "fake" lie detect to clear a player to bait a scum kill or something

that's big brain tho. i don't see any uses for town to use it, so people would have to be creative

tbqh if they can be snatched somehow (ie. voting an entry alone doesn't guarantee anything, if someone's abilities may interfere with the results/actions are sent to interfere for instance)

so my questions would be
1. why is this a WU?
2. what reason would make do a contest--to equip town with additional abilities? is it part of their wincon?

probably neutral indie is my best guess since this will benefit either town or scum depending on its usages. idk i feel like it wouldn't be as simple as a poll


Lead them to paradise.
but i can see how it could benefit town even though it's def gotta be a scum favored ability. ie a "fake" lie detect to clear a player to bait a scum kill or something

that's big brain tho. i don't see any uses for town to use it, so people would have to be creative

tbqh if they can be snatched somehow (ie. voting an entry alone doesn't guarantee anything, if someone's abilities may interfere with the results/actions are sent to interfere for instance)

so my questions would be
1. why is this a WU?
2. what reason would make do a contest--to equip town with additional abilities? is it part of their wincon?

probably neutral indie is my best guess since this will benefit either town or scum depending on its usages. idk i feel like it wouldn't be as simple as a poll
Could be town that starts on the weaker side and gains an ability while rewarding participants but the fact that the participants can be anybody could mean ESC can be an indie as well true.

But if the ability is decided by the majority then its very rigged towards abilities that benefit town tbh, because town will not vote for abilities that can be used against it.

If its an indie then its like pro town.
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