ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Waves that brought the Calamity - Start of the Dark Age!

The Weebs expected their adventure to another world, to be more like a holiday visit. After just a few week and fights against multiple waves, the lush land they found during their arrival, has slowly turned into a bizarre wasteland. Giant machines, undeads and monsters are roaming the land and Weebs are left with just a few spare people and ressources. Their feigning of ignorance towards the calamities of this world have finally haunted every single one of them...!

The Waves have been unsucceeded once again. A global repercussions has been issued:
Players are not allowed to use their roles unless it is against the Waves of Calamity. Consider the roles disabled until the Waves have been pushed back. The punishment will run for two cycles, but people that participate in defeating a wave will unlock their role earlier.

[Wangsheng Funeral Parlor] has been activated!
[Wangsheng Funeral Parlor] has been activated!
The Gods Mafia have superkilled @Mashiro Blue [???]!
The Puppets Mafia have killed @Worst [???]!

[Skeleton Maid] has been used on [???]
[3-Horse Mahai] has been used on [???], [???] and [???]
[Salvador] has been used on [???]
[Newsboy Cap] has been used on [???]
[Contract] has been used on [???]
[Triumph] has been used on [???], [???] and [???]
[Shrine Maiden] has been activated
[Soul Perception] has been used on [???]
[Scimitar] has been activated
[Trophy] has been used on [???]
[Tag Team] has been used on [???]
[Love Detective] has been used on [???] and [???]
[Scimitar] has been used on [???]
[Newsboy Cap] has been used on [???]
[Sakanade] has been activated
[The Vassal Mirror] has been used on [???]
[The Nun's Portrait] has been used on [???]
[The Ultimate Contract] has been activated
[Powerlift] has been used on [???]
[Janitor] has been used on [???]
[Former Offerings to a God] has been used on [???]

[Wangsheng Funeral Parlor] has been activated!
@SoulKiller [???] has been superkilled!
@Kobe has subbed in for @Flower
@Pot Goblin has subbed in for @Ryu Kishi

Day 4 has started! You have ~48 hours to discuss and decide on a lynch! Actions and votes lock after ~47 hours! You may vote for an early end, preferable before the 24 hour mark. More WU's inc.

Also I once again wanna apologize for my slacky hosting. This been a damn rough one lol. As an apology I will reward you with insights into the fully unlocked Total Isekai Store! Maybe it will create new drives for you to aim for something.


I don't see anything on that page. I clicked the links on the first page. I don't see anything for this phase about being blocked.
The Waves have been unsucceeded once again. A global repercussions has been issued:
Players are not allowed to use their roles unless it is against the Waves of Calamity. Consider the roles disabled until the Waves have been pushed back. The punishment will run for two cycles, but people that participate in defeating a wave will unlock their role earlier.
Meh I'm sticking to Traditional to many mechanics, I can't keep up. Gotta spam limited abilities on wave every cycle.

I don't remember asking for help, what are you talking about?

Soul Killer was super poisoned why would scum by an item when they have the ability to poison? Ekko was obviously poisoned by town smh.

Scum are probably buying items that occupy waves. MUUGEN was rich for two cycles but then he died broke. Yes I can tell how much he had once he died thanks to my passive. MUUGEN and Ekko are unlikely mates here and no one bought a heal for poison, its stupid to be able to use another item to cure poison. You actually believe Ekko? I suggest yall track the top earners. That list is there for a reason. Flower claimed to be poison but I'm the only who bought poison. Rotkins didn't help Flower but he was quick to help Ekko. Rot is not scum hunting something is rotten here and if you don't see it then cool.
Flower is scummy, I think she might be mafia. Wait did Kobe replace Flower?
I ment here as a example

I can generate money per cycle, Ekko if I remember correctly was first one poisoned
Flower claimed to be poisoned first, not like I trust her anyway. If you helped just because he asked then meh, see yall next DP if i'm alive. Not even sure if I care about the wave at this point, I say we leave it alone, scum should be role block too.


✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 π•š 𝕖 𝕀 ✧ ✯
Flower claimed to be poisoned first, not like I trust her anyway. If you helped just because he asked then meh, see yall next DP if i'm alive. Not even sure if I care about the wave at this point, I say we leave it alone, scum should be role block too.
do you have 3 people who you suspect the most?


What could have been...
Anyway, with Nessos being chop chop we should focus on other stuff.

I missed last phase cause death but i saw kekko being mentioned. What about always mind?
AM scum

ekko is one of people mentioned by blue (one of him, nessos and dest have killed someone this game)

d0 i'm pretty sure, let's say he wasn't a fan of muugen and last dp out of nowhere he's been saying muugen's been playing good this game, idk this whole interaction was weird to me

he could be 2nd wagon, idk

nessos should go first though
its not out of nowhere. his day 1 play was good. I'll own up to letting him go day 0. the reasoning he provided checked out that he said he liked ekko as a person not as a read

both muugen and rion kept telling me to go read back every time i asked them something lol

guess what they both flipped



What could have been...
Assault in the midst of the Apocalypse!

[Chairman] has been activated
[Nuclear Football] has been used on [???]

@Underworld Broker [Bonehilda] has been superkilled.


explain this gameplay @Underworld Broker

can someone check if this WU is real


What could have been...
okay so i thought biden was soul or blue

they r the only players i noticed that say "DP" for "day phase"

everyone else says day 1, day 2, or something else

soul and blue say DP1, DP2

unless there is some1 else that i missed

soul also calls dest as X. blue doesnt. so soul was likely biden. he's the one that ive been questioning for not following the biden list since he did scum read dest but his list said one scum in rott charlie dest muugen

@Adam 🍎 u sure that ability that killed broki is a biden ability? i think soul was biden

@Charlie @Rottkins @Destroya shud be cleared unless godfather from muugen's flip if we r to belive biden's list.
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