Oh yeah absolutely, those completely wild pleasant surprise discoveries are the best!
Ah yeah? Same here honestly but nice, thank you! Hopefully you'll enjoy them!
Yeah the ads are really getting obnoxious and frustrating. Do you know the entire Lego Movie was posted as an ad before too!?
Oooh Manele? Nice name! Not heard of it sadly, but I will check it out! Ahahaha, I can imagine! Must be tiring to hear them so often! You're welcome to post some anyway and I'll give them a try!
Yeah, it kinda feels like a hangover or energy crash or something? Kinda like gloomy weather the next day after a wonderful warm day of sunshine or something? That feeling is so awful, I get exactly what you mean. I guess it's kinda like falling out of love with someone or something but much more rapidly ofc? I guess that's the perils of dopamine and addiction as usual? Those euphoric highs?
Oh yeah? That must have been an interesting experience and OH DAMN LOL, PTSD hahaha! That is such a relatable mood! When I tried to use older devices/technology I get wound up and like playing older games or using older software, it can really be a pain in the ass. I can understand that feeling of PTSD so much haha.
Same here, I have 0 patience at all. I love the idea of being a teacher but it's impossible due to my lack of patience. I have no experience of communism nor knowledge of it so I can't really judge it but I imagine it was created with the right or good intentions or so and it's just how it's interpreted/executed/handled and thus not manipulated/abused and thus corrupted or so like many other systems and things in life? I have been curious about it but I cannot stand politics, sociology and so on, I find life complicated and overwhelming as it is so I try to stay deliberately ignorant about it unless it's a need to know basis haha.
Oh yes! Completely agree! Such a fun, sassy, groovy, energetic and thrilling song!
Indeed, an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Right now I am listening to one of those unexpected songs that ended up being a banger lol. You might not understand anything but if you want to give it a try there you go:
I gave them a try, I licked the majority and thank to god, it's not the feeling of liking it for one day a lot and then hating it for 1 entire week lmao.
Hopefully I didn't get to see that add, but I did see some posts, ss and even clips of the add. I even had some friends who decided to watch it entirely lol.
They are trying to make me love it slowly and the worst part is that they are really accomplishing it. I will post a few songs later that I personally like, if you wish for it, I can drop a @.
I honestly don't know why it happens, but I really really hate it. And you can't rlly do anything to prevent it because the song is stuck in your head. It's like freakin' glued and if you don't listen to it's like an empty hole that you need to fill by listening to the song. I remember how much I enjoyed being at 11:30-12pm just lying down on bed while just listening to the same song over and over just to wake up in 6-7 hours to be like "I don't even like this anymore."
It's some real PTSD, but oh man the real PTSD is the one that I have from listening for 45 minutes to an instrumental type of manele when I was on a trip by car with my parents. I seriously thought about jumping off the car just to stop listening it. It might look like an exaggeration but the trauma is real.
I never thought about being a Teacher because I will probably not be a good one. But I can force myself to teach some ppl important stuff or things that I like. It's kinda hard tho.
My knowledge is rather small but I do know the basics. And as you said, some of them started out with good intentions and ended up being either a bad idea, or they just got corrupted. Sadly, there is still people who just applied a communist ideology to abuse it as much as they can. I can understand the first type of ppl, but I can't stand the second type. And I also don't rlly like politics, actually, I don't rlly like history in general. It's just boring overall. I sometimes think that ignorance is a good thing. As always, it has his pros and contras, but the contras sometimes aren't worth the pros.
Also, sorry if it's personal but am I the only one listening to some music while I'm showering or taking a bath? Here I look like a weirdo when I start singing and listening my favorite songs while enjoying some relaxation and hot water lol.
Edit: Sorry for the late response but I was kinda busy.
Me and my gf are "addicts" to movie soundtracks, so while in home office we play this kind of videos, and we try to guess from which movie certain soundtrack is lol, it's kinda funny.
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