General & Others What do you want to change in One Piece?

Mine is that:
1. We need more bishonens like Cavendish, no more ugly men like Saint Charloss, Pound, or Spandam.
2. We need more women getting into brutal fights with anyone, be it men, other women or monsters.
3. No more good male characters going easy on women.
4. Devil Fruits needs to let someone swim.
5. Change Sanji into someone who's not above beating men and women alike.
6. Kill Spandam or Saint Charloss.


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Give Helmeppo more screen time
I would legit have arcs more related to SHs.
No stussy bullshit, egghead should have been franky and Robin and Chopper.
Wano should have been Zori and somebody else.
Wci sanjino.
And so on.
Fuck guest characters like Kinemon and Carrot.
Remove them and plot stays the same yet better.
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Give Helmeppo more screen time
Give Helmeppo and Gaimon yaoi chapters too.
Take out Haki. That shit was a mess.
Use sea stones or whatever to deal with logia.
Or something well established. This haki shit made pre timeskip events stupid.
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And give SHs proper development instead of bringing shit ton of pointless characters every arc
Honestly it's too late. I still read and some shit is cool. Obviously I can only speak for myself and understand that the decline is mostly related to the length of the series.

But Wano was one huge declaration: it's the Luffy show. I deeply and sincerely believe Oda was in the middle of writing some particular shit in Wano, maybe a Scabbard or a Number or something, and just cleared his table like, "fuck this shit. ROOFI"

He just bit off so much more than he can chew. Years of building subplots and references and fringe characters, and now he's sprinting to finish. There are things post Wano that can't help but look like a shit show.
Mine is that:
1. We need more bishonens like Cavendish, no more ugly men like Saint Charloss, Pound, or Spandam.
2. We need more women getting into brutal fights with anyone, be it men, other women or monsters.
3. No more good male characters going easy on women.
4. Devil Fruits needs to let someone swim.
5. Change Sanji into someone who's not above beating men and women alike.
6. Kill Spandam or Saint Charloss.
Characters and plot focus: We need more straw hat interactions and more adventure.
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Take out Haki. That shit was a mess.
Use sea stones or whatever to deal with logia.
Or something well established. This haki shit made pre timeskip events stupid.
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And give SHs proper development instead of bringing shit ton of pointless characters every arc
Haki is the solution for logias.
The huge problem for me is Luffy getting dumber and dumber after all transforming or being possessed by Nika

Where is the Luffy that one-shot Bellamy?

I think the key to having a main character who doesn't care about the plot was in writing it as a liability. Throughout Egghead it's more like it just doesn't matter anymore. His role in this arc is just terrible


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Get rid of the Nika Nika no mi retcon and get Luffy back into the story. I'm getting real tired of this fucking clown show that is Nika's fight, drawbacks and stupid laughs and shit.
Who the fuck told Oda that was good for his story?
he did say he did it knowing that fans would be disgusted with it