Questions & Mysteries When will we get Asura

The most iconic ability in all of One Piece doesnt simply get forgotten. How does one forget a god mode? :finally:
It has been clearly saved for Wano, for the strongest enemy in existence.
It has been saved so that the birth of a new Sword God ends up being that much more impactful.
I'm pretty sure that you'll say that he has been saving Asura for Mihawk if Zoro somehow not ends up using it for Kaido, lol. Though I think he'll use it in this fight.
Up until now, Zoro has had no reason to use Asura. Some try to claim it was needed against Pica's largest golem and if he had it he would have used it. Yet, Zoro defeated Pica without it which proves he didn't need to use it. He did it without being injured or causing someone to die.

I think Zoro will use it against hybrid Kaido. Oda is making Kaido out to be his opponent. He doesn't need anybody help to injury Kaido. Zoro will only grow stronger as he master enma to a higher level.
oda could have easily had him use it
When? Against Pica? He needes it against Pica?
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So will you think that Oda has scrapped off Asura if Zoro doesn't use it in this fight? Hypothetically speaking.
This arc. If Zoro doeant use it this arc then i believe Oda has scrapped it since i do no believe that this arc can end without Zoro going all out

I mean its possible that Zoro doesnt go all out this arc but thats just bad writing so i will rather believe Ashura is scrapped than believing Oda is that bad a writer
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its only on the level of DJ And the first 2 gears, it's not that special.
Does this mean base Zoro is weakwr than DJ and G2? Is that what you mean?

Like right now base Luffy can go extreme Diff with base Zoro?
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Don't you guys see Zoro unleashing a new power up as well?
But thats been Zoro post time skip. He just upgrades pre time skip moves. Maybe when he fights Mihawk he will have something entirely new

For now we have to exhaust all of Zoro’s pre time skip moves. And remember Ashura is a mode and he had two attacks in that mode pre time skip. So him gaining for example 5 new attacks from just Ashura mode could be a very significant power up
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I can make a bet that we wont see asura anymore.... aits design and logic sucks... Zoro will have some new PU I guess but that wont be asura
@SanjiIsStrongerThanZolo What do you wanna bet? Something SEVERE? Permanent Ban?
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Zoro Worshipper
When? Against Pica? He needes it against Pica?
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This arc. If Zoro doeant use it this arc then i believe Oda has scrapped it since i do no believe that this arc can end without Zoro going all out

I mean its possible that Zoro doesnt go all out this arc but thats just bad writing so i will rather believe Ashura is scrapped than believing Oda is that bad a writer
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Does this mean base Zoro is weakwr than DJ and G2? Is that what you mean?

Like right now base Luffy can go extreme Diff with base Zoro?
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But thats been Zoro post time skip. He just upgrades pre time skip moves. Maybe when he fights Mihawk he will have something entirely new

For now we have to exhaust all of Zoro’s pre time skip moves. And remember Ashura is a mode and he had two attacks in that mode pre time skip. So him gaining for example 5 new attacks from just Ashura mode could be a very significant power up
I think it is feasible that Zoro already developed a new power up during the TS, just like Luffy did.

Then again we know that things are very dependant on how the author wants to pull them together. If a new power up makes Zoro too stronk perhaps Oda wants to postpone.
I think it is feasible that Zoro already developed a new power up during the TS, just like Luffy did.

Then again we know that things are very dependant on how the author wants to pull them together. If a new power up makes Zoro too stronk perhaps Oda wants to postpone.
But Ashura is a mode. Its a mode with only two attacks so far. Surely Oda can exploit a whole entire mode more. Like unless Ashura is completely scrapped, it should be reintroducwd with many more interesting attacks
Oh, not necessarily a new mode. Could be anything in my opinion, really.
Well then it cant be too ridiculous. I mean Ashura is ridiculous enough as is

The most interesting new things i can see Oda do are whatever is up with Zoro’s eye and whatever is up with Zoro “stealing” Kin’emon’s fire style. If this is a way for Oda to actually introduce that Zoro learned the humandrill style fighting stealing ability then that is potentially an entire endgame ability right there

Like there’s something people forget about Zoro’s comments in Punk hazard, he gets impressed by Kin’emon but what he actually says is “Im interested in how Samurai fight”. Zoro is interested in the fighting styles of Samurai as a whole.

So if Oda wants to introduce the fighing style copying thing, he can have Zoro actually copy ALL THE SCABBARD’S fighting styles. And if Oda wants to Wank Zoro even more, maybe he can copy every fighting style he has seen even pre time skip before he trained with Mihawk.

Zoro could walk up to Mihawk fuckin Stacked with fighting styles on top of fighting styles


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
@Cinera I still think King and Queen have been made for Zoro and Sanji. As it is turning out we are close to the end of act 3, which is tragedy if I'm not mistaken, so probably the fight will soon end and not in a good way for the allaiance. Then there will be the 3rd Luffy vs Kaido match but at that point I can see Zoro and Sanji have their fights and maybe go help Luffy at the end. Anyway let's not sell out King as clearly weaker compared to Zoro so soon.
Sorry, everything I've seen so far suggests that Kaido is Zoro's main fight.

Based on what we know, a healthy Santoryu Zoro will comfortably beat King if they fight. If Zoro adapts to Enma more, King may be unable to even push him to high difficulty.

I dont think Asura will be used against Mihawk.

So will you think that Oda has scrapped off Asura if Zoro doesn't use it in this fight? Hypothetically speaking.
If Zoro doesn't use it in all of Wano (there might be more rounds to the Kaido fight), then yeah, I'll conclude Asura is gone.
@Cinera Zoro doing good vs Kaido on one hand suggests he is already above the level of King, sure, but on the other hand it is evident King is the typical Zoro opponent: right hand man of the villain, swordsman, serious attitude. For me King and Queen are just Mr. 1 and 2 all over again, also there is Luffy (and co this time) most likely fighting Kaido 3 times like Luffy with Croco. So I still have the impression Zoro will have a fight or something with King. It can also be that he will both fight King and then go help with Kaido. Let's say I need King to have its fight (and that has not to be Zoro of course) to shake off this sensation.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭

These are two things that are very different from Zoro maim fights for 1000 chapters now.
  • Who was Zoro's main fight in Thriller Bark?
  • Zoro didn't defeat in 1 vs 1 his main fight in Baratie.
  • Many of Zoro's opponents haven't been swordsmen:
    • Punk Hazard: Monet
    • Dressrosa: Pica

I see it as a repeat of Baratie abilities (Oni Giri, Tiger Hunt, Sanzen Sekai) and perhaps something new that isnt Asura.
Related to Kitetsu swords. :catblush:
Give it up:
  • Zoro is keeping Wado Ichimonji until he becomes WSS
  • Zoro will forge Enma into a Kokuto and keep it till EOS.
  • Zoro will trade Sandai for Nidai.