The admirals easily have some of the coolest devil fruits in the entire manga, and the reveals are often some of the most epic in the entire manga. I'm only counting the first usage of each fruit, not when we learn the name of it.
This was a great introduction to how powerful the admirals devil fruits were going to be, and I find this scene to be epic in scale.
While Borsalino's entrance on a cannonball was epic, I think him casually destroying a mangrove is epic and a perfect establishment on how dangerous his powers are. It also is hilarious, that the admiral that exhibited such slow behaviors has the power of light. This also introduced the idea to any first time reader that the admirals tend to have logias a general rule of thumb.
Now this was a sick introduction. At this point, most people expected the unintroduced admiral Akainu to have a logia devil fruit and expected it to get revealed in the Marineford War. And, unlike Kuzan's, which was him helping an elderly old man, and Borsalino's which was pretty much him flexing, Sakazuki's was used in combat against actual strong people, and it was really impressive and cool. It was a great introduction to one of the most offensively hyped devil fruits.
Not a fan of this reveal. Sengoku's devil fruit is such a cool and interesting concept, to have him immediately fail to kill pre time skip Luffy afterwards after using it for the first time was disappointing. Though, it was surprising to see that Sengoku's epithet was literal lol.
This was surprising to me, this random old blind man just killed these guys. It really was such a mystery, you had no idea who this guy was, or what his ability was. Really was a good start to Issho's character arc.
Ever since Aramaki's first appearance all the way back in Levely, people have been theorizing that his devil fruit is plant related. Some people presumed he'd be a zoan, rejecting the idea of a forest or nature based logia because it seemed too weak. Not counting the scene where he flies in 1052, Oda completely debunked the idea that a forest logia is weak by having Aramaki defeat King and Queen. This was a pretty cool introduction to Aramaki's abilities, and I love the details of plant life blossoming in the bottom panel of the first page.
What is your favorite first usage of the Admirals devil fruits?
some tags to get a discussion going:
@MarineHQ @SakazOuki @haxxor @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @Extravlad @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Blackbeard @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @ZenZu @silverfire @scoobie3 @Owl Ki @ConquistadoR @Seth @Elder Lee Hung @Blother Fertitta @RayanOO @MarineHQ @silverfire @Franosuke

What is your favorite first usage of the Admirals devil fruits?
some tags to get a discussion going:
@MarineHQ @SakazOuki @haxxor @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @Extravlad @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Blackbeard @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @ZenZu @silverfire @scoobie3 @Owl Ki @ConquistadoR @Seth @Elder Lee Hung @Blother Fertitta @RayanOO @MarineHQ @silverfire @Franosuke