Questions & Mysteries Which character do you hate the most and why?

Whitebeard/Rayleigh. Cant pick between the two. Lbeard was a fake friend and a faker father. He clamed to loved all his "sons" but was willing to sacrifice them for his favorite. He didnt put a finger on doffy, kuma, or moria when they gang-banged oars to death, but was furious at akainu for killing the golden boy.

Thedarktwink is a fraud. Didn't have time to teach luffy any advanced applications of haki despite oda showing us all you need is a few days practice for luffy to learn. 6 days for advanced CoA, half a day for advanced CoO, and 2 attacks for Advanced CoC. And he was willing to fight prepubescent marco but wouldn't go help oden or ace. Fuck him.