Questions & Mysteries Which Character Gets Slandered Harder?

Which Character Is More Slandered?

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Fujitora has a pretty good rep. No Ls, fought Zoro, came out just fine. Fought Sabo, came out with maybe a few bruises but they're not a problem lol. Fought the main character, who was in what was at the time his 2nd strongest form, still came out just fine. And he's not really evil like the other marines and government officials. Now let's see Aramaki's.. "achievements"
-Got slammed into the ground by Yamato and started sweating and got a headache ( needs a bottle of Excedrin and Tylenol from one base form hit from Yamato )
-Got burnt to a crisp by Momo, who only just discovered to use Bolo Breath, and he had to grow an entirely new body to survive the attack.
-Got scared of the guy who is kind of mentally a child, said he'd get serious and started tryharding
-Ran when big daddy Shanks came even though he said he was willing to fight through Luffy's yonko level crew and their strong allies all alone, though this may have been an error on Oda's part and it was just a way to hype Shanks and show some of his new abilities for the movie.
-Everything I said previously about Aramaki happened because he decided to go to Wano alone and got really cocky and thought he could beat the Yonko who literally mid diffed ( after he went into Gear 5 atleast ) the Yonko that he was scared of.
Oh, and also, he had to hit King and Queen behind their backs and drain them of their bodily fluids so they were dry and couldn't move well, compared to the admirals who could actually fight commanders in a 1v1 or even a 2v1 and come out with minor injuries ( i.e Akainu getting sneak attacked by Marco and Vista and only getting 2 minor slices on his side ).
Aramaki isn't looking too good right now, man. I REALLY wanna like him, but rn he's kind of just Akainu but weaker and with less fire in his belly, y'know?
I think it’s safe to say that Fujitora and Ryokugyu are the most slandered characters in One Piece history, perhaps in the history of manga in general, but which character is more hated on by low quality trolls?

For me personally, Ryokugyu hatred massively eclipsed Fujitora hatred, probably because Ryokugyu objectively shat on Kaido in terms of feats.

Shanks: Injured, bloodied, and panting after taking attacks from literal civilians in Film Red

One Piece fans:

Ryokugyu: Expresses mild annoyance after completely tanking an off guard AdCoC strike to the face from Yamato with zero injury

One Piece fans:

But what do you guys think? Share your thoughts :)

@EmperorKinyagi @ShishioIsBack @HA001 @The White Crane @Wuuuke @God Buggy @Gehrman @SakazOuki @Warchief Sanji D Goat @kurwa @Chrono
Nah that's sanji. The most underrated, downplayed character in one piece. One of the most hated simply for being the character oda made him to be.