Which fictional characters you can relate to the most ?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I'm sorry to hear about that. Do you have any siblings at least? Or a partner?
No need to be sorry. As I said, I've gotten so used to it that I'm indifferent. It's just reality. I have siblings but haven't talk to them in a while. I genuinely don't feel the need to. Sounds kinda edgy but I don't know how else to say it lol
No need to be sorry. As I said, I've gotten so used to it that I'm indifferent. It's just reality. I have siblings but haven't talk to them in a while. I genuinely don't feel the need to. Sounds kinda edgy but I don't know how else to say it lol
In my opinion it's alrighty to want to rest and chill more about that, Luffy doesn't really know a lot about his crew's past either, does he?,
I most relate to-

Maka Alburn from Soul Eater- Reliable, kinda nerdy, compassionate and willing to fight for the ones she cares about

Dorothy Gale, book version, not the film version of Wizard of Oz- In the book version she is Kind, strong willed, determined and honest

Lola Bunny- Cuz I'm a bit crazy
Guts or Joyboy. Can’t decide.
😒 😒 😒 👎 👎 👎 Joyboy is a disgusting Mary Sue character who represents the stupid fantasy of everyone's beloved supreme leader from an unrealistic utopian world.
🌟 🌟 🌟 ⚔️ ⚔️ ⚔️ Guts is a legendary warrior who fights against the unimaginable to bring happiness and peace to himself and his world of grisliness and gloominess.
The best of them is clear. The answer of who is most relatable depends on your personality and real-life story.