General & Others Which of these 5 things has the most significant impact for the Admirals?

Most unexpected but welcome development for the Admirals?

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Sakazuki is worth 5 billion because of the position he occupies, and not because of the strength he represents.
In the very panel itself, it is stated that Big Mom could have been an Admiral and even a Fleet Admiral if she had joined the Marines. This proves that the FA position was within her reach, just as it was for Sakazuki.

Now, if Akainu has a theoretical bounty of 5 billion due to his position, the same would apply to Big Mom if she held that rank. This means her bounty in the Marines would be 5 billion, regardless of any other factors.

Marking a bunch of retards doesn't change the fact that Kaidou is stronger than Akainu and his bounty is lower, cry about it.

If Big Mom, at her peak as a pirate, had a bounty of 4.38 billion, then if someone had become FA before her in the Marines and she had taken the position of Admiral, her bounty would have been reduced to around 3 billion solely because of the position. This clearly shows that these bounties do not purely reflect strength but rather a mix of position.

If her bounty as a pirate was higher than it would have been as an Admiral, this proves that bounties tied to Marine ranks are not a reliable indicator for measuring power levels.
"Big Mom said she could have been PK so she Is PK level" type of take.
Yeah, that doesn't fit the agenda, does It lol.

And about what, It's the agenda driven takes I suppose. That's why people replay to them.
The difference is clear:

Big Mom stated that if she had the giants on her side, she could defeat Shanks, Kaidou, and even Whitebeard, becoming the Pirate King (PK). This means that even at her peak, she acknowledged that she needed more military power to achieve that title. PK is not just about individual strength but also about absolute dominance over the seas.

On the other hand, Carmel stated that Big Mom could easily become an Admiral and even a Fleet Admiral. Here, there are no conditions or "ifs," just a certainty that if Big Mom had joined the Marines, she would have reached the top.

Look, you need to improve, it's rare to find a Navy fan who knows how to read on this forum or at least interpret lines correctly.
I've been here for over a year and haven't found a decent one.
The difference is clear:

Big Mom stated that if she had the giants on her side, she could defeat Shanks, Kaidou, and even Whitebeard, becoming the Pirate King (PK). This means that even at her peak, she acknowledged that she needed more military power to achieve that title. PK is not just about individual strength but also about absolute dominance over the seas.

On the other hand, Carmel stated that Big Mom could easily become an Admiral and even a Fleet Admiral. Here, there are no conditions or "ifs," just a certainty that if Big Mom had joined the Marines, she would have reached the top.

Look, you need to improve, it's rare to find a Navy fan who knows how to read on this forum or at least interpret lines correctly.
I've been here for over a year and haven't found a decent one.

Firstly because even mother Carmel said she "could be".

Secondly, BM said that even well before Loki:

So what Is the chatch, BM said she was going to become the ruler of the sea so It's true, no? She was PK level.
Or somehow what Mother Carmel said has to be true, but what BM herself said, only that, can be false?

Third, I could say Loki and the Giants served the purposed of surpassing the other crews too, not just for 1vs1 against the other top tiers, but After the second point this Is even unnecessary.
2. Kizaru's unexpected but welcome character development at the end of Egghead arc.

The funny part is that Akainu didn't even bark at Kizaru like he did with Fujitora and was like, "Sorry bro, my bad." And Kizaru was like, "Bruv, don't even let me start on that shit." Lmao.
This part is not really unexpected imo. Akainu has been shitted by several characters in the past.
Shanks in Marineford, Lucci in a movie, then Gorosei who verbally raped Akainu. Kizaru yelling on Akainu's face is just another shitty day for the poor Fleet Admiral.

Admiral fans who do anything more with this bounty than making fun of clowns who took this shit seriously are stooping to the levels of clowns and liars.
Might as well tag them, Lee?
@Tyki_Mikk @Sentinel the duo that pushed "Akainu God Tier because he has Fleet Admiral special bounty" :ihaha:

Kuzan boxing like Garp was the one that floored me more than all the rest personally. If you would have told me an Admiral achieved the black blade in their spare time 5 years ago, I would have called it a big reach but it was never impossible. If you would have told me a fruitless Admiral would reach the level of prime Garp, I would have checked you into a mental asylum but that’s exactly what Oda did. For me this was really the one I was not at all prepared for.
Way to hyperbole things :josad:
Prime Garp washes old Garp. Garp admitted several times how his old self is not the same anymore compared to his prime self. Prime Garp mid diffs Kuzan.

Anyway, the biggest W for Yonko Commanders is King. @TheAncientCenturion @nik87 @Fleet Leader Fenaker
If you would have told me a Yonko Commander would surpass his Yonko Captain's strongest stats, I would have checked you into a mental asylum but that's exactly what Oda did.
Like we know Katakuri's most wanked stat is his CoO but Big Mom is never about CoO. Marco's strongest stat is regen but Whitebeard didn't even have regen. Yet Kaido's durability got wanked several times (his unkillable narrative in debut, Boundman did 0 damage) only to find out later that King has even better durability.
gb “blackblade” by far.
those threads are the biggest ones I’ve seen so far mainly because it’s just mihawk vs gb in disguise.

kizaru feeding luffy would’ve been on top for me if every luffy fan in existence didn’t leave this fourm and kaido fans caught the stray bullet in the ass instead 💀

garp vs kuzan is lowkey what I expected to happen between a prime high tier and an old legend
Ray vs bb
Kizaru vs ray
Gabban vs luffy
all these fights would have ended the same way kuzan vs garp did imo.
With kizaru bb and luffy eventually winning but the old legend still putting in work

5b bounty is actually surprising i feel like ppl would’ve been more in awe if it didn’t come from buggy’s organization and it was just straight up a 5b poster instead of stars.

fuji is well fuji

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
For characterisation, Kizaru’s outburst and I'd say all his flashback scenes, the subtle sadness in his face around the time he killed Vegapunk and also Kizaruber being made canon by word of Goda.

But all in all I'm extremely happy about all of these, especially after years of endless Admiral slander and purposely downplaying their strength, importance/relevancy and reputations.

Oda loves the Admirals, he literally based them on his fucking favourite actors and has built them up for literal decades now. Around 20 years if a bit less at worst!

This is cathartic beyond words and by some miracle, i don't know how especially for her, but I really hope he does Smoker and Tashigi justice too, pun intended ofc, along with Drake, Bogard, Helmeppo but also the fanmade Admirals he unexpectedly made canon as VAs, Gion and Chaton ofc.

I really cannot wait for more Admiral development and thus screentime, especially Akainu who needs it most of all.
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Akainu’s bounty.

I’m only saying that because it even caught admiral fans off guard like @Elder Lee Hung
I really can't help but think egotistically when people don't expect the obvious.

Akainus portrayal is so obvious, Oda puts things for a specific character to serve a very specific purpose.

Like him facing off all the WB commanders on his own, other people would say "oh since akainu did it Aokiji and Kizaru are the same" but Oda specifically chose to portray Akainu this way. He is the one who goes on to fight WB and do more damage then any other Admiral. Then he goes on to defeat Aokiji to become Fleet Admiral.

Then we get the statements about Akainu having the most offensive df, as well as ending the story in a year if he was the MC, Are people going to try to apply this statement to sengoku at MF or something to say he'd end the story in a year just because he was FA? but Oda specifically chose to say this about Akainu

Just like we know how Garling is strong, Oda still chooses to specifically answer a question in sbs/interview about Garling's strength, just to make a generic statement and call him strong.

Akainu scarring Luffy also makes them fated enemies, much like Mihawk scarring Zoro and BB scarring Shanks. Akainu is going to fight the main character/Joyboy.

Him being 5 bil when you take his position and his other portrayal in the series is not surprising at all. He says himself he is Fleet Admiral in the time where there is most turmoil, How many distinctions does oda have to make just for people to understand? :Rofl:
“bounties don’t directly equal power”

Academic success doesn’t directly equal intelligence, but if someone walked in with multiple physics PHDs and celebrated research work, you would assume they’re immensely intelligent.

It’s the same thing with with the Sakazuki bounty, it’s so fucking high that you can’t actually counter argue against it there is no discussion @Elder Lee Hung
“bounties don’t directly equal power”

Academic success doesn’t directly equal intelligence, but if someone walked in with multiple physics PHDs and celebrated research work, you would assume they’re immensely intelligent.

It’s the same thing with with the Sakazuki bounty, it’s so fucking high that you can’t actually counter argue against it there is no discussion @Elder Lee Hung
Kind of a weird comparison since Sakazuki is the leader of the entire navy so that's naturally going to be a big part of his bounty
Not trying to downplay him though I just wanted to point that out
I think it was the fact that Kizaru fed luffy.

Akainu doesn't have special bounty but the bounty of an FA. And if we scale akainu by bounty then kidd = admirals also need to be accepted.

Kuzan being boxer was cool but he only matched nameless punches of old garp.

Fuji's blade doesn't do much for me unless he shows better feats.

GB BB think only matters if he forged it.