Hello everyone, welcome to my second thread.
This thread's focus is to analyze the translation issues that occurred with Viz, when it comes to the issue of stating Whitebeard = Roger. I am not referring to the panel of the subjective statement made from Buggy on Whitebeard being the only man who can go toe to toe with Roger, which is a statement based on the short 3-day clash. But instead I am referring to what is considered the "conclusive evidence" by many fans in dictating Whitebeard as the equal of Roger, the narrator's statement after Whitebeard's passing.
This is the VIZ translation of it, from chapter 577:
These are the other translations that were done at that time:
Aohige_AP (@Arlong park): "Died at the age of 72. He was the man who clashed with the Pirate King in this ocean long ago....!!"
cnet128 (@manga helpers): "His age was 72. The man who had once competed with the Pirate King himself upon this very ocean........."
Another translation used in the colored version:
None of the translations other than the Viz talk about any sort of "equalship" with the Pirate King. Instead it's simply about him being somebody who was competing/roaming the seas when the Pirate King was still alive. Emphasizing on how long he's been competing on the seas for.
This is also why I don't recall there ever being a huge Whitebeard = Roger arguments back then, because it was only the Viz translation that used the word "equal", when it doesn't exist in the raw. In fact if anyone wants, they're more than welcomed to pull up the raw and point to where Oda refers to them being equals in powerlevel.
So, Oda/Narrator never said Whitebeard = Roger.
Viz also earlier made a translation mistake with the Buggy statement regarding Whitebeard, when they said that only Whitebeard fought Roger and lived to tell. When the statement was about the 3-day clash they had, where they both were fighting equally.
1st translation, Viz:
2nd translation:
3rd translation:
1st translation: Not possible since Sengoku, Shiki, Garp, fought Roger and lived.
2nd translation: Referring to a single fight that happened between Roger & Whitebeard, that buggy saw, which we know is a 3 day fight. A 3 day fight isn't really conclusive enough to determine who's superior, as people inferior to them were able to go on 5 days+ and 10 days + . Keep in mind that Buggy was young at the time, and WB/Roger prior to the 3 day fight hadn't seen each other in years. But let's also take into the account that Roger's sickness at that point had advanced pretty heavily.
3rd translation: samething as #2.
Buggy's statement is really the only thing one can used to claim Roger = Whitebeard or the 3 day fight, which is also what Buggy's statement is based off of. But if we are to use this measure then Kaido = Big Mom, as both fought each other for 2-3 days as well with neither being superior to the other.
This thread's focus is to analyze the translation issues that occurred with Viz, when it comes to the issue of stating Whitebeard = Roger. I am not referring to the panel of the subjective statement made from Buggy on Whitebeard being the only man who can go toe to toe with Roger, which is a statement based on the short 3-day clash. But instead I am referring to what is considered the "conclusive evidence" by many fans in dictating Whitebeard as the equal of Roger, the narrator's statement after Whitebeard's passing.
This is the VIZ translation of it, from chapter 577:

These are the other translations that were done at that time:
Aohige_AP (@Arlong park): "Died at the age of 72. He was the man who clashed with the Pirate King in this ocean long ago....!!"
cnet128 (@manga helpers): "His age was 72. The man who had once competed with the Pirate King himself upon this very ocean........."
Another translation used in the colored version:

None of the translations other than the Viz talk about any sort of "equalship" with the Pirate King. Instead it's simply about him being somebody who was competing/roaming the seas when the Pirate King was still alive. Emphasizing on how long he's been competing on the seas for.
This is also why I don't recall there ever being a huge Whitebeard = Roger arguments back then, because it was only the Viz translation that used the word "equal", when it doesn't exist in the raw. In fact if anyone wants, they're more than welcomed to pull up the raw and point to where Oda refers to them being equals in powerlevel.
So, Oda/Narrator never said Whitebeard = Roger.
Viz also earlier made a translation mistake with the Buggy statement regarding Whitebeard, when they said that only Whitebeard fought Roger and lived to tell. When the statement was about the 3-day clash they had, where they both were fighting equally.
1st translation, Viz:

2nd translation:

3rd translation:

1st translation: Not possible since Sengoku, Shiki, Garp, fought Roger and lived.
2nd translation: Referring to a single fight that happened between Roger & Whitebeard, that buggy saw, which we know is a 3 day fight. A 3 day fight isn't really conclusive enough to determine who's superior, as people inferior to them were able to go on 5 days+ and 10 days + . Keep in mind that Buggy was young at the time, and WB/Roger prior to the 3 day fight hadn't seen each other in years. But let's also take into the account that Roger's sickness at that point had advanced pretty heavily.
3rd translation: samething as #2.
Buggy's statement is really the only thing one can used to claim Roger = Whitebeard or the 3 day fight, which is also what Buggy's statement is based off of. But if we are to use this measure then Kaido = Big Mom, as both fought each other for 2-3 days as well with neither being superior to the other.