Future Events Who else will come to Wano ?

- Imo, I still think the Chapter 666 cover story person (the one talking to Crocus) will show up eventually, even if its post-War.

- I can see Sword allies (Koby) showing up, even with an unorthodox teamup like Hancock due to their admiration for Luffy.

- The BMPs will eventually show up for the battles (i hope)

- I HOPE other Rocks pirates show up but I have a big feeling Oda is extending that plotline past Kaido/BM with Blackbeard and Shanks

Really thats it, I dont expect Weevil to be smart enough to show up at Wano. Mihawk will either keep roaming or go meet Shanks. Buggy will flock to BB imo. CP-0 is covert so I dont see them actually participating in THIS war specifically, only when the Tenryuubito are in danger. Same with Vegapunk's SSG and their weapons, it'll be saved for later, as will the SHF. The resr of the marines are dealing with BB and ex-shichibukai