Versus Battle Who is a better antagonist? Madara or Blackbeard?

R1:Who is a better antag?/R2:Who is a better character?/R3:Who is more iconic?/R4:Who u like more?

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Lazy is the way
Madara is when Naruto started to really become bonkers

Everything was lame af :
- the Edo bullshit
- the revival bullshit
- the OP bullshit being able to take on the 5 Kages and power inflation
- the mastermind bullshit
- the hashirama cell mage bullshit
- the Zetsu bullshit
- the 10 tail bullshit
- no build up as final antagonist
- no relationship with the Mc or major characters before
- lame ass motivation
- Indra / Ashura bullshit
- Obito / Madara relationship was below average
- and that end with Zetsu treason …….

Madara is quite cool on paper but he is soooo lame
Teach clears him so bad


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Madara is when Naruto started to really become bonkers

Everything was lame af :
- the Edo bullshit
- the revival bullshit
- the OP bullshit being able to take on the 5 Kages and power inflation
- the mastermind bullshit
- the hashirama cell mage bullshit
- the Zetsu bullshit
- the 10 tail bullshit
- no build up as final antagonist
- no relationship with the Mc or major characters before
- lame ass motivation
- Indra / Ashura bullshit
- Obito / Madara relationship was below average

Madara is quite cool on paper but he is soooo lame
Teach clears him so bad
Rare Rayan W:cheers:
Not saying Madara is bad
But BB is play his role better
Getting tired of a cool looking edgy design and force badass antagonist
BB is the opposite of that + powerful too which makes him special among all antagonist and i hope Oda doesn't change his character till the end
Madara is just an Aizen of Naruto. He is the villain in manga history with the biggest ever asspulls. Everything so conveniently works in his favor. In the end, there is nothing special about Madara in Narutoverse. He is just Obito without Rin as a motivation.

Blackbeard, for a change, is a refreshing villain, who is consistent with his character. Of course, there are a few hiccups in his characterization in the recent arc, but that doesn't change the fact that he is the most consistent and well-written than Madara. He is an overpowered villain and crafty yet with many flaws, unlike the cardboard villain troupe in other mangas.
Madara is iconic he is the main villain striked fear into the hearts of all only Hashirama was his superior

BB is trash he is not even better than the admirals
R1: Who is a better antagonist?

Madara, since he has a fleshed out backstory that directly ties to the main characters and the overall theme of the story. Had a great introduction that showcased his strength to the alliance and doesn't run away from conflict unlike BB. How Madara was defeated was really lame though lmao.

In regards to BB, he hasn't appeared the entire post time skip until Egghead arc. And when he is mentioned, like in Revo or Law vs BB, they were offscreened. Then he goes to Amazon Lilly to capture devil fruits because his crew is so pathetically weak, but ends up getting scared of Rayleigh so he instead kidnaps Koby. Make that make sense to me because that plot makes zero sense.

Imagine Madara running away when he saw Eight Gates or Naruto, etc. The things Oda gets away with it. If that happened in Naruto, people will complain nonstop about it.

R2: Who is a better character?

Madara since his actions throughout the story is consistent with the overall theme and main characters. With BB we don't know his motives, we don't know his backstory, his plotlines keep getting offscreened and he keeps running away from conflict.

R3: Who is more iconic?

Easily Madara. BB hasn't done anything that comes close to this:

R4: Who do you like more?

Madara for the reasons I listed above.
Madara is fuckin trash character,a whiny bitch in his feelings fuckin up the good stuff they built. He's not even a villain,hes just sad. His infinite tsukuyomi plan is the dumbest most beta shit ive ever read in my life. Hes a villain for angsty teenagers.
Bb is ruthless,cunning, realistically selfish and villainous,funny and adds value snd interest in the plot.
BB wins everything except the iconic part,due to madaras 10/10 design and 10/10 hands which i must admit,were two of kishimotos greatest creative moments