correct, that same Kaido then also:
-proceeds to never do so again, hell not even an attempt to dodge zoro.
-“never” implies Zoro attacks are worth a damn in the first place.(pre asura)
-Which was followed up with all rooftop agreeing they aren’t doing anything significant to the Yonko
But let legoin tell it an “KaIDo LIfE IN SoMe rANdoM fORm Of jEopaRDy…..
Worried pretty strong, considering when Zoro actually hits Kaido for the first time. She’s shocked he can cut Kaido at all….. Using the words “actually” in disbelief.
Already spoke to how irrelevant the attacks was to Kaido himself above. He doesn’t even speak on it, attack legit came an went.
Yes, a noticeably smaller one then luffy!! The actual thread topic!!!! Nobody saying zoro was irrelevant lmao. But it’s clearly both Yonko care significantly more about Luffy, then anything zoro did.
that was an god awful comeback, shit made me giggle at least