Controversial Who's more BADASS Sasuke or Zoro?

Who’s more BADASS

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Bump, Sasuke has the worst anime fandom and the most popular hatedom.of all the shonen rivals and shonen characters period, Zoro gets better fanart including hentai and better fan animations where in some he beats up Sasuke to prove Sasuke is a Scourge of creation.

And I'm Sasuke fan, but nothing Kishi showed me he instinctively wanted Sasuke to be an enjoyable character and well written character based on how enjoyable he is. Zoro is probably Oda senseis favorite character next to Luffy and Ussop.


Sasuke's characterization throughout Naruto could best be described as "psychologically thrilling". You'd have people way back in early 2010s making wild theories about what Sasuke is going to try to pull half the time. Severe psychological trauma and how someone such Sasuke would act in certain situations throughout the series (especially the Kage Summit and his Naruto/Sakura encounters) while carrying the burden of such trauma made his role unpredictable throughout.


I remember posting in this thread like it was a month ago, how tf has it been a year.
Time flies by fast these days and this section is kind of (exaggeration, but whatever) of slow. It's kind of obvious that threads that are even a year old will still get replies here and there, such as this one.

@Konstantis Tbf that Danzo fight was one of the best in the series. Danzo hallucinating and realizing the very last Sharingan on his arm was already deactivated beforehand was arguably the most cathartic moment in the series by far.
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