I mean we already know , oda doesn't kill anyone. Barely 4 character each arc who are barely relevent.
And dying by drowning is also another worst take of all. King pushed Bigmam and her whole ship down the waterfall and not even a single soul died. And if someone as big as bigmam can come across the shore , why can't kidd and killer?
This post for Kidd fans on how he might return and come back as well. With new power ups.
His Comeback :
- Getting Destroyed
- Where exactly bro will be spawned.
Kidd Power ups and How will be saved
- My ideas are giants from different faction will save him.
- Elbaf saw Bigmam as enemy for a very long amount of time and Kidd was succesful taking her down by any means. It would be humanly impossible if giants are peaceful race living peacefully , Some faction might support Shanks and other faction would support them taking over world something ideas and carry hatred towards Bigmam.
Now coming to power ups.
- There ain't many ways to go about it given he has already awakened.
- we have to mend or use kidd fruit in a way that will help kidd getting Stronger.
- Second being Weapon
And dying by drowning is also another worst take of all. King pushed Bigmam and her whole ship down the waterfall and not even a single soul died. And if someone as big as bigmam can come across the shore , why can't kidd and killer?
This post for Kidd fans on how he might return and come back as well. With new power ups.
His Comeback :
- Getting Destroyed
- even Strawhat Pirates were totally destroyed during Sabaody. And Luffy as a captain went down against Kaidou after chapter 1010. " Both kidd and luffy are drowning "
- Fake Strawhats is what we got before their arrival in sabaody. We get Fake Kidd pirates arrival in jail or G4 base of marines.
- Luffy went on to do training with Rayleigh. Kidd might get one in background too.
- this will be a stretch but , We know there are a lot of island submerged inside water but for some reason many havn't seen it yet. Why?
- Calm Belt - they are highly dangerous zone and acting as barrier for Grandline/New world.
- They home one of the largest Sea kings known to mankind and would attack any ship at sight.
- They have no currents , Or wind , It's impossible for no self propelled ship to travel across.
- Elbaf Falls under Calm belt too. Why?
- You can see the quotations of " Isn't the fish bigger than normal ".
- Also Vegapunk ancient submerged kingdom had this panel.
- There's no high possibility no one bothered to search for it among huge sea kings gaurding it all the times.
Kidd Power ups and How will be saved
- My ideas are giants from different faction will save him.
- Elbaf saw Bigmam as enemy for a very long amount of time and Kidd was succesful taking her down by any means. It would be humanly impossible if giants are peaceful race living peacefully , Some faction might support Shanks and other faction would support them taking over world something ideas and carry hatred towards Bigmam.
Now coming to power ups.
- There ain't many ways to go about it given he has already awakened.
- First Power up - Advanced Conqueror Coating.
- Second Power up - New Weapon.
- it really ain't a stretch to say a guy with Confirmed Conqueror getting AdCoC. And Kidd has no improvement in Haki department at all. Law fruit is one of the OP one in the verse. Kidd fruit isn't. - we have to mend or use kidd fruit in a way that will help kidd getting Stronger.
- Second being Weapon
- Now hear me out , Many won't like this idea but , We have seen Kaidou using Kanabo , It ain't a Graded weapon but still strong enough to deal with some of them equally.
- My idea for kidd getting A new weapon , isn't a Sword/Spear/Club. But a "Hammer". To be exact Mjolnir.
- I know , I know people have already made the idea of Ussop being Thor Parallel in Elbaf if anything Ragnarok or Norse Related take place but again... look at the history of it.
- Mjolnir was stolen by Giants and they asked Freya hand for marriage. We all know where this is going , One faction of Giants might have stolen it and asked other group , if they wanted this , they need to Marry of Loki to Lola or some other kind of request which actually never happened. Leaving Mjolnir with them for an extended amount of time and with them only to this date.
- Mjolnir a Weapon so strong , that Iron gloves were made " Járngreipr " so that Thor handle the force of the weapon. Normal Mortal or giant holding it would destroy them given how strong the weapon is. Consider it a Cursed weapon like Enma which kills it's user.
- gloves are gone and lost in the history and nobody knows of it whereabouts. But coincidently "Kidd". With one hand missing but can still use that hand with DF conjugated powers. He can create metal which will work the way he wants. He would face no consequences of holding it as he isn't holding it himself. But metal are with magnetism. The idea of no one could pick Thor hammer , Hammer coming to User when they want. Fits so perfectly with kidd powers.
- Kidd can just mark the weapon and can summon it straight to his hands whenever he want.
- Now coming electricity or thunder powers. Kidd is literally the user of Magnetism. If you know enough science you would know how easy it is to create Electricity from "AC" Generator.
- kidd somehow feels to be best match for a weapon like this and channel powers like a god of thunder in actuality.
Now imagine a character with , AdCoC , A very strong Hammer , Lightening powers , Magnetism.
How is this character by any means weak. We don't want evidence on how kidd is a physical monster as well , he can totally use the hammer with extreme force.
- nerfs , to stop him being overpowered.
- He cannot use AdCoC with Hammer unless he touches his real hand to lift it. The drawback is too big as the weapon is cursed or whatever you wanna call it one piece terms.
- it cannot held by both the hands simultaneously, Maybe for 1-2 attacks.
- Making lightening type attacks would completely disable all his other magnetism on objects.
- Using Lightening + Hakified Hammer blast + AdCoC could be his final attack or something.
- Also following ragnarok from Mythology, thor fought " jorm- " " the world serpent ".
- and closest being Currently I can see Resemnling that is " Jupiter " , the worm like design. And how huge he will be.
- aaccording to Mythology, both of them nearly killed each other , actually they did kill each other. After thor smashing the world serpent completely , the poison from the world serpent mouth killed thor. But we know it's one piece again, kidd will be saved.
No need to play agenda war in thread , how weak or strong. , Luffy , Zoro , Law are and will be canonically above kidd always. But the gap might shorten which is very big at the moment.
I just entertained an idea which came to my mind.
do comment your thoughts... and I don't want trolls below , of you got an idea do share it below , if you think he ain't coming back , cool , get off my thread.