Future Events Why Chapter 1085 Suggests Blackbeard Will Be The Final Villain (Devil’s Advocate Thread)

That's a lie because Teach already had Hancock neck on his hand and was threating to break her. He could just do it and then he would 1v1 Rayleigh.

And just like Rayleigh said he wasn't sure he would beat Teach we also had Teach not sure he would beat Rayleigh. That's why he chose the safe option of just getting Koby.
As I said before this is just pathetic running from the argument and lying by editing the entire post LOL,

Teach couldn't kill Hancock when Rayleigh can stop him from doing it.

Did Kizaru kill fodder PreTS Zolo?

Rayleigh stopped Kizaru with a kick before Kizaru kills fodder PreTS Zolo.

Rayleigh directly used sword vs Teach, because he wanted to stop Teach before killing Hancock just like Kizaru, only difference directly sword for Teach and only kick vs Kizaru because Teach > Kizaru.

So, when Rayleigh stops Teach from killing Hancock, its 2 v 1.

The difference is PreTS Zolo was a fodder and was already KOed and couldn't help Rayleigh vs Kizaru, while Hancock wasn't KOed, Teach himself said she would turn them to stone if he free her so Hancock would help Rayleigh vs Teach.



Teach would beat Rayleigh but he would lose his stone men, because if he uses Quake DF he would shatter his own men. Rayleigh told Teach, they will give his stone men back if he leaves, Teach accepted it. It was a deal in exchange for his men. Again, you lie lmao.

The point is, ''Haki master'' Rayleigh, admitted he is ''pretty certain'' he couldn't beat Teach,

that only proves Rayleigh sensed Teach's Haki level, and Teach's Haki level was around Rayleigh's Haki level, if there was big Haki level difference Rayleigh would beat Teach without giving his stone men, and Teach couldn't kidnap Koby before leaving.


As I said before this is just pathetic running from the argument and lying by editing the entire post LOL,

Teach couldn't kill Hancock when Rayleigh can stop him from doing it.

Did Kizaru kill fodder PreTS Zolo?

Rayleigh stopped Kizaru with a kick before Kizaru kills fodder PreTS Zolo.

Rayleigh directly used sword vs Teach, because he wanted to stop Teach before killing Hancock just like Kizaru, only difference directly sword for Teach and only kick vs Kizaru because Teach > Kizaru.

So, when Rayleigh stops Teach from killing Hancock, its 2 v 1.

The difference is PreTS Zolo was a fodder and was already KOed and couldn't help Rayleigh vs Kizaru, while Hancock wasn't KOed, Teach himself said she would turn them to stone if he free her so Hancock would help Rayleigh vs Teach.



Teach would beat Rayleigh but he would lose his stone men, because if he uses Quake DF he would shatter his own men. Rayleigh told Teach, they will give his stone men back if he leaves, Teach accepted it. It was a deal in exchange for his men. Again, you lie lmao.

The point is, ''Haki master'' Rayleigh, admitted he is ''pretty certain'' he couldn't beat Teach,

that only proves Rayleigh sensed Teach's Haki level, and Teach's Haki level was around Rayleigh's Haki level, if there was big Haki level difference Rayleigh would beat Teach without giving his stone men, and Teach couldn't kidnap Koby before leaving.
WTF Did I edited?

Rayleigh couldn't stop him. He had Hancock on her neck. A snap is all that he needed to kill her. And then would be 1v1 with Rayleigh.

Kizaru didn't saw Rayleigh coming. This is completely different. Why Rayleigh didn't the same at Kizaru situation? Because he wouldn't avoid Teach from killer Hancock. That's why he chose to threat Teach instead of fighting like he did with Kizaru. Plus with Kizaru threats wouldn't work.

He used the kick to save Zoro. He couldn't save Hancock so he knew he would have to fight Teach if he decided to kill her.

Dude put that thing on your head. Rayleigh would just do anything if Teach killed Hancock. If he doesn't he wouldn't attack Teach.

He accepted the deal because he wasn't sure about beating Rayleigh. Otherwise he wouldn't freak out like he did when he saw Rayleigh. Rayleigh is no idiot he knows about Teach's abilities, having 2 DF one being Gura DF that he knows pretty well from the time Roger and WB pirates used to face each other. Is not only about haki is about DF too.
WTF Did I edited?

Rayleigh couldn't stop him. He had Hancock on her neck. A snap is all that he needed to kill her. And then would be 1v1 with Rayleigh.

Kizaru didn't saw Rayleigh coming. This is completely different. Why Rayleigh didn't the same at Kizaru situation? Because he wouldn't avoid Teach from killer Hancock. That's why he chose to threat Teach instead of fighting like he did with Kizaru. Plus with Kizaru threats wouldn't work.

He used the kick to save Zoro. He couldn't save Hancock so he knew he would have to fight Teach if he decided to kill her.

Dude put that thing on your head. Rayleigh would just do anything if Teach killed Hancock. If he doesn't he wouldn't attack Teach.

He accepted the deal because he wasn't sure about beating Rayleigh. Otherwise he wouldn't freak out like he did when he saw Rayleigh. Rayleigh is no idiot he knows about Teach's abilities, having 2 DF one being Gura DF that he knows pretty well from the time Roger and WB pirates used to face each other. Is not only about haki is about DF too.
You edited my post and only answered some part.

How do you know Teach is going to kill Hancock before Rayleigh can save him? Who told you Teach can break Hancock's neck before Rayleigh can attack Teach? Hancock is a Haki user and she can resist to not die that easily.

Kizaru saw Rayleigh after the kick, and he used his light DF power to follow Zolo, and Rayleigh still stopped him with his sword.

You are saying Teach is faster than Kizaru's light teleportation so Rayleigh stops Kizaru with a sword but can't stop Teach from killing Hancock?

This how stupid your arguments is as long as you keep being butthurt about Teach :gokulaugh:

The point is you clown said Teach can't beat Haki master and Rayleigh said Teach would beat him, why don't you take the L instead you are still being a butthurt clown.


You edited my post and only answered some part.

How do you know Teach is going to kill Hancock before Rayleigh can save him? Who told you Teach can break Hancock's neck before Rayleigh can attack Teach? Hancock is a Haki user and she can resist to not die that easily.

Kizaru saw Rayleigh after the kick, and he used his light DF power to follow Zolo, and Rayleigh still stopped him with his sword.

You are saying Teach is faster than Kizaru's light teleportation so Rayleigh stops Kizaru with a sword but can't stop Teach from killing Hancock?

This how stupid your arguments is as long as you keep being butthurt about Teach :gokulaugh:

The point is you clown said Teach can't beat Haki master and Rayleigh said Teach would beat him, why don't you take the L instead you are still being a butthurt clown.
Again what did I edited?

Teach didn't believed in Hancock words. He would kill her and lost his men. When Rayleigh came up he got afraid of him and chose the only option it was available which is taking Rayleigh's agreetment.
Again what did I edited?

Teach didn't believed in Hancock words. He would kill her and lost his men. When Rayleigh came up he got afraid of him and chose the only option it was available which is taking Rayleigh's agreetment.
Again you run from argument by editing foderrera, of course Teach didn't believe Hancock, thats not the point. When Rayleigh came they were going to fight 2 v 1 anyways even if Teach decide to kill Hancock, so there was no risk in trying Rayleigh's offer.

You see this right?

This is Rayleigh stopping Kizaru's light teleportation.

If Teach tried to kill Hancock, Rayleigh already showed his sword directly (unlike vs Kizaru he used kick first) because Rayleigh was ready to attack Teach and stop him before killing Hancock.

That would make a 2 v 1 with Rayleigh and Hancock at the same time. Thats the difference.



Again you run from argument by editing foderrera, of course Teach didn't believe Hancock, thats not the point. When Rayleigh came they were going to fight 2 v 1 anyways even if Teach decide to kill Hancock, so there was no risk in trying Rayleigh's offer.

You see this right?

This is Rayleigh stopping Kizaru's light teleportation.

If Teach tried to kill Hancock, Rayleigh already showed his sword directly (unlike vs Kizaru he used kick first) because Rayleigh was ready to attack Teach and stop him before killing Hancock.

That would make a 2 v 1 with Rayleigh and Hancock at the same time. Thats the difference.

Again Kizaru was no aware of Teach but Teach got aware of Rayleigh. Kizaru didn't had Zoro's neck on his hand that's why Rayleigh had space to save him. He didn't had this space to save Hancock.
Again Kizaru was no aware of Teach but Teach got aware of Rayleigh. Kizaru didn't had Zoro's neck on his hand that's why Rayleigh had space to save him. He didn't had this space to save Hancock.
Again you lie, I am talking about the second move of Kizaru since you desperately make an excuse for it and don't accept it.

In the second move, Kizaru used light teleportation:

This one.

Not this one since you cry about it:

Kizaru knew Rayleigh was there, and what Kizaru did?

Kizaru tried to attack Zolo again when he knew Rayleigh was there, Rayleigh moved faster than Kizaru and stopped him.

You think Teach could move faster than Kizaru and kill Hancock before Rayleigh could stop him?

He couldn't, 1 flying slash or jumping move that Rayleigh used with his sword vs Kizaru would release Hancock from Teach, Teach couldn't kill Hancock without fighting them in 2 v 1.

So, easily debunked clown.
For those of you who have played Final Fantasy 7, I have always likened the World Government to Shinra, and Blackbeard to Sephiroth. While it's true that the World Government embodies the many evils of the the World, they still uphold a sense of wanting to keep balance, while staying at the top of the World.

Although it's not apparent to what it is yet, Blackbeard has an end goal, and if you've seen my thoughts on the matter before, you know it is that I believe that Blackbeard wants to be King of the World. In order for him to do that, he needs to tear everything down. Not just the World Government, but also anyone who could threaten him in accomplishing this dream. He has to Conquer the World, and the best way for him to do that, would to turn the World into a pit of fire. He has to destroy anyone, and everyone who stands in his way. Whether it be the WG, the Revos, other Pirates, Countries that can oppose him, the whole nine yards.

In my mind, One Piece plays out like the countless amounts of RPG's that have been released over the years. The villains end goal, is World dominance, and in order to accomplish that, they effectively have to destroy everything, in order to build anew, and rule. Whitebeard already alluded that the War to come, is going to turn the entire World upside down. There is only one candidate I can see that could threaten the existence of the World, and that is Blackbeard.


Again you lie, I am talking about the second move of Kizaru since you desperately make an excuse for it and don't accept it.

In the second move, Kizaru used light teleportation:

This one.

Not this one since you cry about it:

Kizaru knew Rayleigh was there, and what Kizaru did?

Kizaru tried to attack Zolo again when he knew Rayleigh was there, Rayleigh moved faster than Kizaru and stopped him.

You think Teach could move faster than Kizaru and kill Hancock before Rayleigh could stop him?

He couldn't, 1 flying slash or jumping move that Rayleigh used with his sword vs Kizaru would release Hancock from Teach, Teach couldn't kill Hancock without fighting them in 2 v 1.

So, easily debunked clown.
Second move is not relevant just the first.

Rayleigh already saved Zoro and was between him and Kizaru. He could react. Hancock situation there is no space for Rayleigh to react that far away. You are an idiot to insist in this argument.
Second move is not relevant just the first.

Rayleigh already saved Zoro and was between him and Kizaru. He could react. Hancock situation there is no space for Rayleigh to react that far away. You are an idiot to insist in this argument.
You are the retarded shit that you think Rayleigh can't jump the space like he jumped on Kizaru's light teleportation or can't even use a flying slash :gokulaugh:

We see how fast Shanks moving in a much longer distance vs Kid than Rayleigh vs Teach distance, and this lying butthurt troll here claims Rayleigh, who kept up with Kizaru's speed, can't reach in time vs Teach before Teach kills Hancock, you are really stupid.


You are the retarded shit that you think Rayleigh can't jump the space like he jumped on Kizaru's light teleportation or can't even use a flying slash :gokulaugh:

We see how fast Shanks moving in a much longer distance vs Kid than Rayleigh vs Teach distance, and this lying butthurt troll here claims Rayleigh, who kept up with Kizaru's speed, can't reach in time vs Teach before Teach kills Hancock, you are really stupid.
So you are now defending that Rayleigh could just save Hancock and beat Teach? I don't get it.

My point is that Rayleigh wouldn't be able to save Hancock and would have a 1v1 with Teach but you are saying that Rayleigh would save Hancock from Teach and they both would defeat him. And somehow this makes Teach looks good in your head...